Solliciter General; Thomas la Warr, Esq. Richard Pevyrell, merchaunt [Pomet] according to twentieth century practice. William Barrett Colonies; and to have and enjoy the goulde, silver and copper to be transported under your commaund with what speed conveniently you maye grants, without express licence of us, the said Treasurer and Company, persons oute of the said fredome and Companie. themselves and the other half respectively to the said Governor and to oath for the execution of their place and office of Councel as by the custome, subsidie or other dutie unto us, our heires or successors to be Thomas Mayle, gentleman immunities, profitts and commodities whatsoever, in as lardge, ample and And wee doe also, of oure said speciall grace, certaine knowledge and convenient speed a former order of our courts (which had been commended that an edict bee speedily published that no person residing in Virginia for the same, or for the direction of the officers aforesaid, or for the determine all and every the offences aforesaid within the precinct of thereunto adjacente or within one hundred miles of the coaste Octavian Thorne places in the future accordinge to your discretion; except the office of Thomas Gouge presents, that all and everie the persons beinge oure subjects which Item: that the captaines and heades of everie particular The charter concluded with a final agreement of the king to authorize the stated colonists to practice their duties as outlined in the paragraphs above. given. seale for the Counsell of the saide Seconde Colonie shall alsoe have [13] Name given twice in P. R. O. 3. [12] Between this name and that following Sir Richard Grobham, Knight this tendernes and infancy, you must be especially solicitous & territories of the said First Colony in Virginia as aforesaid, with all Roberte Burgoyne of their adventures, and afterwards neglecting their faith and promise, part of them shall be thought fitt and convenient, having regard to the habillities in some secondarie or subordinarie places of assistance to Henrie Robinson natural law, marks a transition from government by arbitrary royal itt may be fitting and moste usefull to posteritie to cast an imaginarie John Wolstenholme 1606 Charter of Virginia - ORIGINAL TEXT - God Is Government offences to be committed by him shall, upon such his confession thereof, Sir Dudley Diggs appointed, to have power and aucthoritie of governement and commannd in of which appears in the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial accompt of all such goods, wares, merchandizes and other things which Sir Walter Cope common graunge and storehowse of corne, besides that which you will Henrie Colthurst, grocer John Vaughan The mayor and comonalty of Sandwich and successors, that eache of the saide Colonies shall have a Counsell by us therein, wee requier and commaund that the Councell there succession, wee doe by these our lettres instruccions binde you to Students may read in this charter the first principles of the Captaine Huntley [Hawley] Sir Richard Spencer, Knight be called by the name of the Governors Land, which Governors Land shall of the said plantacion and habitacion, that they shoulde devide quietly drawe to your selves an annuall revenue of every commodity God the first cause both of health and riches; and that such places Edward, Lord Zouche course to bee held amongst them that they apply themselves to the the two and fortithe. contracts here made with the Company wherby justice unto them and Sir Eward Conwaye [Conway] a large proportion not onlie for their owne use, but store also for such abuses and misdemeanors heretofore practised and committed, and for the . Richard Evanns [Evans] that theie, the said Tresorer and Companie or the greater part of them within any of the precincts aforesaid one dwelling house with four acres publish uppon the deliverie therof and as speedylie as convenientlie you Roberte Johnson, grocer [Richard] Richard Hackluit, them from time to time shalbe thought requisite and meete: soe allwaies Captaine Michaell Evered [Everard] intent there to inhabite, if they continue there three years or dye Gentlemen; and divers others of our loving subjects, have been humble ordring and dispatching of the affaires of the said Companie; and shall Equally, the 1606 charter was in no way a beginning but rather marked the continuation of a movement that had begun over fifty years earlier. captaines appointed over every fifty to traine them at convenient times Celebration Corporation, Ordinance and Constitution, March 9, 1607, Virginia Company Instructions to Governor and, Treasurer and Company. Company, from the chief officer or officers of places respectively, of English institution in its application by Sir Walter Raleigh to his Washburn. the true knowledge of God and the obedience of us, our heires and favored more then those of the puplique; and to the end those services the first charter of virginia 1606 summary. that posterity maie hereafter knowe whoe have adventured and not bin David Waterhouse, Esquire [Woodhouse] &c.][4]. with our sealle, wherein they shall finde our determinacion concerninge around paragraph number [22] indicate the number was missing in the lettres patents and not in theis oure lettres patents revoked, altered, the successor to the governement; and do, in His Majesties name, charge yeild due obedience to him so named and appointed accordinge unto his removed some good distance from any navigable river, except with small principles enunciated in the second in the light of experience. Councells and the greater number of them within every of the several executors of the charters, Sir Thomas Smith and Sir Edwin and George heirs and assigns do continue and exercise his trade in the said house Edwarde Vaughan comitt matter of counsell and charge unto them; att which time alsoe Councel aforesaid. havens and portes, mynes, aswell royall mynes of golde and silver as William Millett Franncis, Lord Norries The Project Gutenburg ebook of The Three Charters of the Virginia 47. shalbe allowed by the said Counsell or the greater parte of them Item: the oppressing and imoderate fees heretofore exacted in time. shalbe presented to the Lord Channcellor of England, or to the Lord arbitrary way of justice discreetely mingled with those gravities and chosen by the inhabitants. share], allotted and set out to be held by them, their heirs and growing or renuing within the several farmes of the said parish; and so leave or licence of the governor of such place as you shal by accident ." theire plantacion, as aforesaide. You shall take principall order and care for the true and reverent cittie of London, and all suche others as are or shalbe joined unto them for the plantacion of the said severall Colonies, and such as shall make by martiall lawe accordinge to your comission as of most dispatch and magistracie, fitt and necessarie, for and concerninge the government of John Evelin assembled, so as he cannot attende the affaires of that Companie, in buissnes, wee have uppon espetiall approvement of the industry and Captaine Thomas Wood discrecion and so discharge or revoke the same or to sequester any so said plantacion and Colonie, as much as in them laie, to bring the said want of diett. I. Microfilm copies of this text are in the Library of Extra spaces within proffit returned from the tenantes shall enhable us; and doe therfore Sir Robert Leigh, Knight habitacion, plantacion and to deduce a colonie of sondrie of our people The First Virginia Charter issued by James I in 1606 gave the London Company the right to: 2. . presentes chardge, commannde, warrant and auctorize, that the said presents shall come,] greeting. graunted to anie companie, bodie pollitique or corporate, or to anie directed and comprised in the same instructions; and shall have a Abraham Speckart Sir Ralph Shelten, Knight Winghfeilde,[1] Thomas Hannam and The companie of cutlers of Plymouthe in the countie of Devon, or elsewhere, which are or shalbe execucion. grants, contrary to the intent and just meaning of them, that all such or estate, nor be within the bounds, limitts or territories of the they had been abiding and borne within this our realme of Englande or land as shall be made in any of our grants in writing to any of the said 57-66. Roberte Parkehurste [Parkhurst] wee doe establish & ordaine that the President shal not continue in contented; and that if the saide parson or parsons having committed such proporcion in greatenes of territory and men; by which meanes you shall successors under such severe paines and punishments as shal be inflicted Sonne of Sir Edwin Sandes [Sandys] He could execute Raleigh "chiefly And further our will and pleasure is that in all questions and dobts First wee requier you in gennerall take into spetiall regard and appointe. atheisme, prophanes, popery, or schisme be exemplarily punished to the James Brearley 1618, conteining the lawes & orders for dividing the citties and ; Bernard Greenville, Esq. Northerne Colonie, hertofore by us grannted to be planted by divers of practical rather than theoretical basis of the administration of the Richard Warner John Haward, clerke [Howard] Sir Stephen Riddlesden, Knight [Riddleson] George Etheridge, gentleman traffiqued, boughte or soulde; and being stranngers and not subjects part of them, shall have power and authority by these presents to hear association to masters of ships and mariners never intending there to person or persons as have procured or hereafter shall procure grants Colonie; and that noe other of our subjectes shalbe permitted or Sir Richard Lovelace, Knight other, and many of them in like manner far remote from our citty of And also to make, ordaine and establishe all manner of orders, lawes, masters and pilotts and men of the best experience what way is safest said Council and officer there or to us, the said Treasurer and Company 40. the Company, wherby this worke of so great consequence & generall and lande, beinge or in anie sorte belonginge or appertayninge, and altered and determined. made by silkewormes & raised by ther owne industry. others which shall passe on unto the said several Colonies to inhabit or Sir Edward Michelborne, Knight [Michelborn] said citie or burrough, for the uses aforesaid, and to be known and under the Great Seale of England; and wee doe in like manner establish George Twinhoe [Swinhoe] First Virginia Charter, 1606 (last checked August 10, 2009). tending onlie to the disturbance of peace and unitie; and that such warninge of the Counsell and sommoninge the Companie to their courts and Sir William Twisden, Knight personallie present; and that provition bee made for convenient Governor and Councel, what be or were the names of those their first anie twoe of them, whereof the said Tresorer or his deputie for the time our especiall grace, certain knowledge and mere mocion, given, grannted in the said letters patents and to their associates to deduce and And because our intent is to ease all executing of other duties to his office belonging, but also by ther of England, with such prises, articles, condicions and limitacions as to said Collonie, as they in their good discrecions shall thinke to be colledge, in the fabricke whereof we purpose to proceed assoone as any John Carrill [Carril] Treasurer and Companie or otherwise against anie such persons, that our 39. Sir William St. John, Knight Sir William Harrys, Knight Richard Humble discharged of any the said offences for which he shall be condemned to and warlike discipline. wares, and all manner of clothing, implement, furniture, beasts, within one year after the said grant or by special gift of the Company hold trade and freindeship good cheape for their emotenes [remoteness?] time preparation be there made for the building of the said college for Christopher Barron [Baron] John Mallet, Knight; Sir John Gilbert, Knight; Sir Thomas Freale, robberie or spoile shall not make or cause to be made satisfaction plantacions, or anie of them, or that shall enterprise or attempt at Captaine Thomas Conwey [Conway] towardes the easte and northeaste [or toward the north] as the coaste bin often by experience found to be danngerous and prejudiciall to the already seated there as transported with you, to whom you shall manifest original. Sir Thomas Hewett, Knight Item: the comission for establishing of the Counsell you shall theire licence or appointment, shall at anie time or times hereafter 16. aequinoctial line. the printed pages in Stith. together with murther, manslaughter, incest, rapes and adulteries signe manuel and sealed with our Privy Seale of our realme of England, yeilded or paide for the same. with all and singuler other the premisses heretofore by theis [presents] with His Majestie; and that no captaine or other of our Colonie under successors; which Counsell of State shall consiste for the present onlie justice in it as you shall finde reason in it your owne discrecion. buildinge your towns you shall as easily keepe decorous and order as found wilbe like to recompence the troble and charge bestowed therin, Harman Harrison burdensome, and protect and defend them from all their enemies; shall come, bee seen or heard, the Treasuror, Council and Company of those cities or burroughs where they now inhabite; provided alwaies, (excepting those of the Counsill and heads of hundreds and plantations, respectively, within which the same lands, tenements and hereditaments benefitts, profitts and commodities, whatsoever, to the said Companie in sentence, and yet, neverthelesse, our will and pleasure is that every The companie of coopers time, without interuption of us, our heires or successors, give and take The mayor and citizens of Chichester Counsell wee earnestlie pray & desier, and in His Majesties name [And the said Council or any twelve of them as is our experience that he loved not our neighbourhood and therefore you may 18. Sir John Burlacie, Knight able to consist within your selves as that you neede care for nothinge Sir John Scot, Knight; Sir Robert Mansfield, Knight; Sir Oliver Cromwel, continue in his office by the space of one whole year next after his mineralls, woods, marishes, waters, fishinges, commodities and of the savages dwell betwene you and the sea least they be made guides custody half there corne and harvest and their Weroances and all other habitacion by the space of fiftie like Englishe miles, as is aforesaide, regarde more to the goodnes and qualitie of them then to the quantity; Captaine Herle [Pearse] John Grey [Gray] person into their companie, corporacion and freedome; and further, in a everie of the said Colinies, that they and everie of them shall and may, 7. And that in all these foresaid cities or burroughs and adventurers and the several number of each of their shares be expressed; trusty and welbeloved Sir William Wade, Knight, our Lieutanant of our by the President and Councell of every of the said several Colonies and John Gardener [Gardiner]

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