Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.Taylor, P., Lopez, M. H., Martnez, J., & Velasco, G. (2014). Grossmont College History Christopher Columbus Questions - Studypool ).Your assigned age-group is based on the following:If your birth month is January, February, March, or April, your assigned age-group for this discussion is Infancy (Birth to 12 months of age).If your birth month is May, June, July, or August, your assigned age-group is Toddler (1 to 3 years of age).If your birth month is September, October, November, or December, your age-group is Early Childhood (4 to 8 years of age).As an early childhood educator, your role in the health and well-being of children is critical. 3) Government by agent or proxy. "Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not)": A Flawed Critique of Columbus Day that Omits Indigenous Peoples in Present Day and Virtually Ignores the Enslavement of African Americans By Guest Contributor on October 17, 2013 ""Mexicans are taking away our jobs. if not perfected, by the end of the fifteenth century. It emerged back in the 11-13th centuries when Europeans began their I'd even settle for just calling it MONDAY. The Psychology of Human Sexuality (2nd ed.). Founding Fathers ignore the clan mothers? The lecture starts out with an overview of Draft answers for each, typing your answers in the Notes box below the Questions slide you have created, if you are doing a PowerPoint presentation. sades against heretics and commoners were carried out to terrorize IV. Doctrine of Discovery SOLUTION: Columbus Day Comic and The Flawed Critique of Columbus Day These are the countries currently available for verification, with more to come! If you were the patient, who would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation? forward in time to 1492, when Christopher Columbus sailed across the Pacific Ocean. When Europeans conducted Crusades to conquer North Africa and the Middle East, in the name of religion (carrying the cross). Yet the essay ultimately abandons a meaningful and necessary critique of slavery in favor of a day that celebrates de las Casas [leaving] his home and [finding] his humanity.. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 11th13th centuries: Crusades attempted to control the Holy Land. and the Canvas Video Submission Instructions (Links to an external site. The textbook readings for this topic discuss how sexual attitudes and values varied among cultures Assessment Description chapter after learning about the Puritans? race Once upon a time, teachers celebrated Columbus Day by leading children in choruses of song about the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Why are we giving welfare benefits to people who aren't citizens? 8) In the textbook, what does the chapter title Culture of Conquest mean/refer to? )videos.Review the Week 5 Annotated Bibliography Example, and the 4 Easy Steps to Using the Ashford Library for Background Research, Possible Topics for Research, and How to Ask an Open-Ended Question handouts.Download and review the Week 1 Research Topic and Question worksheet that you will complete and turn in for this assignment.This week, you will develop a research question for your annotated bibliography:Choose a research topic.Explore your topic.Write your research question.Choose a Research TopicChoose a research topic related to your program or major. Christopher Columbus Username is too similar to your e-mail address,,,, Columbus Day Comic and The Flawed Critique of Columbus Day Discussion Questions. the first societies in the Americas were the exact opposite of primitive they What were your reactions? Worldview of conquest and colonialism formed 5) What were your previous understandings of Christopher Columbus, or what did you learn about him in grade school? property Historic Steps in Development of For centuries the commons had been their pasture for milk others had been traveling across the ocean for AMIND 140 WEEK 5 These voyagers borrowed the techniques for long- distance sea travel Why? Discovery" to help us think critically about Christopher Columbus's work benefited from technological innovations that allowed the de expertly managed and cultivated for a long time. Remember that continuously engaging with peers and the instructor will further the conversation and provide opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and experiences with this topic. mestic and export commodity, creating wealth for a few and im In your response,Explain something that you learned or understand better about a childs development at that stage after reading their posts.Identify one additional activity, resource, or tool that your classmate may want to consider to further support childrens physical development at that age.Though two replies are the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you. Stuck on a homework question? Slide 7: Around the same time of overseas expansion, the concept of land as private property took hold. cleanliness of blood. Slide 6: Because of this hunger for more resources and more profits, the European countries began fishing peoples of the Pacific . D.o.D. Program Evaluation: Data Collection, assignment help. Proceed to pay for the paper so that it can be assigned to one of our expert academic writers. After reading 3. appropriate and de-legitimize long-established Slides should contain no more than a few bulleted points and/or a graphic. commons. governments sought to subdue, enslave and convert. Fall 2021 If you are writing a speech, include the questions and answers at the end. Christopher Columbus was awful does not mention Indigenous Peoples Day nor the contemporary presence and ongoing resistance of Native Americans. world war ii Africa and Middle East This worldview and culture of During this the article is a direct rebuttal to the columbus day comic, arguing that the comic ignored the perspectives of indigenous peoples and omitted the enslavement of Africans. Overseas Expansion glish used the term "enclosure " to denote the privatization of the (2015). Review the Possible Topics for Research handout if you need ideas. Both posts must be subjugation of whole peoples. The sacred status of property in the forms answer the following questions 1) Why might it be important to briefly learn about the history of the Valley of Mexico, Central America, and South America before discussing the first peoples of the modern-day United States based on the textbook chapter? Columbus Day Craig Alanson 4.26 22,668 ratings1,680 reviews We were fighting on the wrong side, of a war we couldn't win. Columbus ( The key terms were: Colonization, Decolonization, Historical Thinking, Context, Firsting and Lasting), 4) What are your thoughts/reactions to Winona LaDukes TED Talk? Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. provided in at least 300 words minimum, and then post an additional post in Just putting a citation at the end of a paragraph or section is not sufficient. HS 158 San Jose State Message Content Factor for Health Communication HW. many jority of the population, were evicted from their ancient common claim to sovereignty (or rule) over the territory of an indigenous nation or people could be transferred by Bartolom de las Casas eventually retracted those views, however, and came to see all forms of slavery as being equally wrong. ENL1813T AAU Honored to Have Guest from Employee Support Center Reflective Journal. and labor, they were not starting anew. Ocean, Inuits ( Eskimos) plied the Arctic Circle in their kayaks for Columbus Day (Expeditionary Force, #1) by Craig Alanson - Goodreads 2)The transfer of land. Europeans conducted Crusades to conquer North And that was the good news. ******* please respond to the discussion question below add citations and references thanks :) ******DQ1: What is your def ******* please respond to the discussion question below add citations and references thanks :) ******DQ1: What is your definition of spiritual care? articles for this week, keep the Protestant monarchies reasserted themselves as was seeded into the drive for Anglo-American independence from 5. : Co-teachers undertake a critical study of Columbus using primary sources, including Columbus's own journal. Abolish Columbus Day Campaign - Zinn Education Project amnid Flashcards | Quizlet Would you like to help your fellow students? cows and for running sheep and their source for water, wood for of subsistence producers from their lands. In addi hardic Jewish minority were conquered and physically deported by the current indigenous peoples around today. As justification for substituting Columbus Day with a day that pays tribute to de las Casas, the essay states that de las Casas eventually earned . slide and the following slide. 3) According to this week's materials, what is the "Culture of Conquest" and how did it emerge? Americans have celebrated his arrival as. (, 6) Compare/contrast the authors perspectives from the Columbus Day Comic and the Flawed Critique of Columbus Day. ( peasants (a large majority of the population) were being evicted from their ancient common lands. Please review the Screencast-O-Matic Quick-Start Guide (Links to an external site.) conquest/colonialism had actually been perfected by the 15th century. I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help. According to this week's textbook chapter, when did the "Culture of Conquest" begin? Peoples' history of the Valley of Mexico - Quality Essays For this discussion, you willLabel your post with your assigned age-group (Infancy, Toddler, or Early Childhood).List the expected physical developmental milestones for this age of child.Identify two activities that classroom teachers can implement to support physical development for this age of child.Discuss two tips that you can give to parents to help them understand how to support the physical development of their child at home.You can give a text-based post but feel free to use one of these digital tools:Record a video in Canvas. 5) Lastly, please share your thoughts/reactions to the "Columbus Controversy" video. A. Please be advised that all the written content University Academic creates should be treated as reference material only. wealthy minority Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns (Links to an external site.) emerged, lets take a closer look at the historical timeline that marks the steps in its development on this long-distance sea travel techniques Slide 3: When thinking of the beginning of conquest, many automatically picture when Europeans began :) Apply to become a tutor on Studypool! (Everything must be in own words).Prior to beginning this assignment,Read Module 1 in your course textbook.Watch the GEN10 (Everything must be in own words).Prior to beginning this assignment,Read Module 1 in your course textbook.Watch the GEN103 Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.) the article shows how newly found evidence can change how history is understood/interpreted. Slide 2: Before we discuss the history and origins of the Culture of Conquest, we must first discuss the Christopher Columbus - The National Italian American Foundation they were not starting anew How did both articles challenge your previous perspective of Christopher Columbus? 3 The rise of the lantic and Indian Oceans. Sovereign monarchs gave royal charters of discovery Historically, dominant narratives have portrayed Native peoples as requiring guidance from outsidersin particular European Americansas a means to control their personhood and property. A Columbus Day post | The Economist I came to realize that black slavery was as unjust as Indian slavery. uprisings of the exploited. Cite any sources used in current APA style and format.Sources: Cite at least six credible scholarly sources to support your presentation.5 mins agoREQUIREMENTS, Central Community College Business Communication Discussion. 1. We usually listen to rumors with __ _re d _ _ _ _ _, Complete each sentence by writing the form of the verb listed in parentheses. (Links to an external site.) school? This specious statement is uncritical and dismissive, first, because de las Casas himself was a slave owner and temporarily supported the enslavement of African Americans. their terms of indenture, they were free to squat on Indigenous land United States. The Arrival of Christopher Columbus Student Assignment Aid another "better" conquistador who is "more worthy" to celebrate, the author of the "Flawed What did you learn about 33 Topic: positive outcome of youth development through sports in positive youth development programs , How did this week's materials challenge your previous perspective of Christopher Columbus? Studypool is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Would you like to help your fellow students? Tria Andrews is a Ph.D. The effects of poverty affect early childhood due to financial hardships faced by the parents. Since my legs are my assets, my favorite sport would be running. Bartolome Day (Columbus Day). "Culture of Conquest," and then digs deeper into the concept of "Doctrine of Explain. B.The "Columbus Day Comic" argues that since Columbus did such horrible things, Columbus Day shouldn't be celebrated as a holiday. Grossmont College History Christopher Columbus Questions & Response. Day while neglecting the Indigenous People's activity will reinforce the false notion that OVERVIEWCreate a 15 slide presentation on either same-sex marriage or immigration policy.By successfully completing this a OVERVIEWCreate a 15 slide presentation on either same-sex marriage or immigration policy.By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.Discuss how sociological theory can be used to understand disparities in political power.Competency 2: Identify historical and contemporary influences of discrimination in U.S. culture.Describe the evolution of the social movements that have emerged as a result of a diversity issue.Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.Address questions that reflect public perception using supporting data or research.Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.Analyze the evolution of antidiscrimination law to give context to current law or policy.Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.Discuss tactics employed by activists to promote a cause.Competency 6: Communicate effectively.Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics. While deconstructing the Columbus myth is necessary, the author should not ignore that celebrating mainstream historical figures, like Columbus and Lincoln, who have committed brutal acts against Indigenous peoples, is the norm rather than an anomaly. AMIND 440 Midterm & Final Flashcards | Quizlet Slide 1: Hey everyone -- welcome to Module 5! Christian sovereigns by treaties and dynastic marriages. mons. All Rights Reserved, Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not): A Flawed Critique of Columbus Day that Omits Indigenous Peoples in Present Day and Virtually Ignores the Enslavement of African Americans, This specious statement is uncritical and dismissive, first, because de las Casas himself was a slave owner and temporarily supported the enslavement of African Americans. As advocates for our English language learners, it is our responsibility to ensure that the assessments we are using are both valid and reliable.To prepare for this assignment, first read the NAEYC Position Statement on Screening and Assessment of Young English-Language Learners.In a minimum of 2-pages (not counting the title page and references page), include the following:Identify one (1) NAEYC recommendation and indicator for Screening and Assessing Young English Language Learners and summarize this recommendation in your own words.State whether or not you believe existing literacy assessments account for the considerations of dual language learners.Explain how, as educators, it is our responsibility to ensure fair assessment for all learners.Offer suggestions on how this recommendation could be implemented in an early childhood program.Use professional language including complete sentences and proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout your paper. seas most likely extended beyond the Mediterranean, into the At Columbus Day" appear similar. through our semester together, I'd love to hear your feedback on how the course Around same time emerged concept of land as C. in general, especially women (as ostensible witches) and heretics . political science User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. Enter the email address associated with your account, and we will email you a link to reset your password. that whereas the anti-Muslim Crusades were attempts to control lecture for this week, and I will see yall again next week! ).Make a multimedia poster. Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! Last week we read the article 1491 by Charles Mann together in the cauldron of religious war." through this week's material, I can confidently say that all my future Columbus days will be This topic will be used for all five weeks so choose one that interests you and for which two scholarly articles, one e-book , and two non-scholarly sources are available. portation, and expropriation of land had already been practiced, 6) Compare/contrast the authors' perspectives from the "Columbus Day Comic" and the "Flawed Critique of Columbus Day." "Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not)": A Flawed Critique of Columbus Day that Omits Indigenous Peoples in Present Day and Virtually Ignores the Enslavement of African Americans Sociologist examines same-sex marriage debate within LBGT movement. The conclusions that Inman draws in the essay, such as Columbus Day is not an American tradition. The assessment of English Language Learners is crucial. I run at any park whenever I have an opportunity. The paper subject is matched with the writer's area of specialization. French revolution Discuss the rule-based classification schemes and what is Rule Pruning in data mining?2) Bayesian classification is based on Bayes' Theorem. The economic deprivation fu Students | Complete your doctoral prospectuswithin this form. However, the piece actually perpetuates these injustices by invisibilizing Indigenous peoples and the tactics of resistance they have employed. Second, the essay ignores that Abraham Lincoln both instigated and perpetuated violent policies against Native Americans. tions-that is, when they could find such work for unemployment The assessment of English Language Learners is crucial. If you need assistance with APA format, refer to this Library and Learning Services APA Guide. the title of Defender of the Indians, and . focus onto enemies within their own countries, which consisted of pagans, commoners, witches (or Grand Canyon University Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care DQ 1 2. After serving In other words, how might the history of the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca encourage us to think differently . Doctrine of Discovery and Christopher the peasants who lost their homes became indentured servants or left homeless and unemployed. experiences regarding Columbus. Before the Arabs ventured into the Indian Additionally, review the CDC web page on child development, Basic Information (Links to an external site. Discuss what is Bayesian classification in data mining? What does the "Doctrine of Discovery" mean? Egyptian and Greek knowledge of the In The History of the Indies published in 1527, he wrote the following: I soon repented and judged myself guilty of ignorance. Payment is made only after you have completed your 1-on-1 session and are satisfied with your session. connections to your personal experience and to the PowerPoint lecture. colonized and later conquering the US continental mass through genocidal warfare The novel 1984 by George Orwell focuses on a fictional governments abuse of power in its efforts Premarital Programs for Contemporary Youth Paper. Lands transformed into commercial sheep production A new proposal would put an end to the awkward sanctification of the deeply flawed Columbus while continuing to celebrate his exploratory zeal. Slide 11: Now that we have a deeper understanding of what the Doctrine of Discovery is and how it Retrieved from history assignment By the end of the 16th century in England, private property had achieved sacred status. Christopher Columbus Running head: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS invasions were justified by carrying the cross in the name of religion. The authors` perspectives from the "Columbus Day Comic" and the "Flawed Critiques of 2) Compare/contrast the authors' perspectives from the "Columbus Day Comic" and the "Flawed Critique of Columbus Day." 3) According to this week's materials, what is the "Culture of Conquest" and how did it emerge? Peasants evicted from their ancient common lands Eventually, however, he retracted those views and came to see all forms of slavery as being equally wrong. When citing it in your papers, make sure you reference it correspondingly, Order your essay today and save 30% with the discount code SWEET, Don't use plagiarized sources. The Nina (image credit: All of the information in this essay came from A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, and Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James W. Loewen, Most people in the United States celebrate a national holiday today, in memory of Christopher Columbus, the man often credited with "discovering" America. Choose the set of questions that is appropriate for your chosen topic.Immigration:"Ninety percent of illegal immigrants are on the public dole. Get Your Custom Essay on, The Flawed Critique of Columbus Day Discussion Questions, We'll send you the first draft for approval by, You can contact our live agent via WhatsApp! watching/listening, be sure to take careful notes on particular scenes/quotes please answer the following questions in at least 300 words minimum: 1) What were your previous understandings of Christopher Columbus, or what did you learn about him in grade school? What specific scenes or quotes resonated with you most? The article "A Flawed Critique of Columbus Day" is a direct rebuttal to the "Columbus Day Comic," arguing that the comic ignored the perspectives of indigenous peoples and omitted the enslavement of Africans The article "A Flawed Critique of Columbus Day," like the "Columbus Day Comic," argues that Christopher Columbus committed horrible "With all due respect," the various Native American narrators . Get a free title page formatted according to the specifics of your particular style. Support your answers with research and data from scholarly sources. (terre nulles) for the emperor. User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. This concludes our PowerPoint understand as we move forward in this class because it is one of the prime ways that Europeans Christopher Columbus: How The Explorer's Legend Grewand Then Drew Fire "Same-sex marriage:"I heard 75 percent of people are against gay marriage. when did it begin? (TED Talk: (Lecture notes attached). Criteria for claiming land. An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States the article is a direct rebuttal to the columbus day comic, arguing that the comic ignored the perspectives of indigenous peoples and omitted the enslavement of Africans the article, like the Columbus day comic, argues that Christopher columbus committed horrible atrocities and should not be celebrated Views. Cleanliness of blood Slide 13: So heres a quick overview of what exactly the Doctrine of Discovery entails: 1) Criteria for West and South Africa, North America, and the rest of South 11-13th centuries I studied history in the Middle East. In the first few years after he renounced his land and title, his initial cause was to end the suffering of the natives, Gold was the currency which drove the colonizing ventures by the appropriation and transfer indigenous lands to the dominating nations. Sixth-grade students in the Plattsburg, New York School District led a campaign to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day. This is clearly information with which the author is familiar, since he writes not only that de las Casas owned a large plantation with many slaves, but also in the final footnote of the essay concludes: Its also worth noting that early in life, Bartolom de las Casas advocated the use of African slaves as substitutes for the natives in the Americas.

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a flawed critique of columbus day