Stefani wants Diane to go the award show to take Vance down and do some "Hollywoo hob-nobbing," and ask BoJack why Vance is going to star on his new showa fact that shocks Diane. She storms off to their room, where BoJack is hoarded up with all the alcohol. After complaining about how many women are left, Hollyhock sarcastically apologizes that he has to interact with the women he was shitty towards. Her parents didnt name her until she was four years old, and she was apparently named after the Cheers character of the same name. Diane decides to take the high road and go on the news and rat them out, which Mr. Peanutbutter reluctantly tells her may not be a good idea. On the car ride home, she and Mr. Peanutbutter agree that they've always decided they didn't want kids, and to get an abortion. Right when Jessica Biel is about to burn Mr. Peanutbutter, BoJack hits a pipe, and water is released into the room. In this flashback, she was barefoot, although her teen self is depicted similarly in her imagination through crude sketches in Good Damage this time wearing black sneakers and white socks. Watch BoJack Horseman | Netflix Official Site She finally admits it wasn't and apologizes when BoJack eventually confronts her. Diane is then seen on the news arguing with Cardigan and Tom, as BoJack tries to divert attention to himself. Diane then angrily admits she doesn't want Mr. Peanutbutter to be governor because she thinks he would be bad at it. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's divorce is finalized. This in return angers Mr. Peanutbutter, who besides the fact painted faces on the furniture and filled the room with fake books, says he does stuff like that so that she won't get bored of him and leave like his past wives have. He then shows her the boxes of hate mail and death threats she's been receiving, and the thought of someone wanting to hurt his wife upsets him. I Am In Pain, All The Time. And now you know me." If we weren't already paying attention to Diane's expressive fidgeting then here it is unavoidable. At one point, BoJack and Diane consider tying the bed sheets together to escape out the window. Diane explains to Mr. Peanutbutter that it's hard for her to talk about her feelings because she didn't have the support growing up as he did. She tries to give BoJack advice when he accidentally insults Hollyhock when trying to warn her about a boy she was dating, but he ends up ignoring her and coming up with his own plan. She's sad because she thinks things will go back to normal the next daythey'll fight because she's mean, and she doesn't know why she is. The Way You Do. BoJack returns home and misses Hollyhock, so he goes to every woman he slept with, and asks them if he got them pregnant. Diane is bewildered that he hasn't changed at all. The two make a stop in Chicago. The final half of the season brings closure to the open relationship Peanutbutter (Paul F. Tompkins) has with his fiancee, Pickles. While in Ojai, they discover that Cuddly's taken up a peaceful, Buddhist-esque lifestyle. Princess Carolyn convinces her that Ivy Tran can do the same thing and even mentions she would love for her daughter Ruthie to grow up in a world with books like that. However, her brothers make her plan the funeral, and BoJack ends up bonding with themas he always wanted brothers. BoJack has an agent named Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris), a pink tabby cat with a careerist streak, and a slacker house guest named Todd (Aaron Paul), who started sleeping on BoJack's couch. 12. After they stop arguing, Diane says, as a metaphor, their marriage is like a magic eye poster, which Mr Peanutbutter says he loves, because it's messy, and at first glance, it doesn't seem to make any sense, and it's hard to figure out but sometimes, if you squint at it just right, everything lines up, and it's the most perfect, beautiful, amazing thing.". Todd Episode! Later that night Sonny reveals to Diane he read her book and chastises her for getting things about Chicago wrong, while also asking about the characters, like how Ivy said Moose wasnt her best friend anymore but Moose said she was still his, and if you can still be best friends with someone if youre disappointed in them - which describes Diane and BoJacks relationship. She writes a gritty and realistic book that depicts BoJack truthfully, much to his upset. Diane escapes through the bathroom window, and after Guy throws her suitcase out the window she walks back to the hotel. This gives Diane a sense of realization, and she gets called in for her abortion. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter is throwing a campaign fundraiser at his house. After the mystery is solved, Diane and BoJack are still curious about the role Cuddlywhiskers played in the fiasco, and elect to figure out where he is, to which BoJack inadvertently reveals that he's in Ojai, California. Diane Nguyen to BoJack Horseman, The Stopped Show. Princess Carolyn says they can spin it, which Diane strongly disagrees with. In Hooray! I already have one!. and our At the end of the show Diane catches up to Princess Carolyn outside, insisting she doesnt want to write a middle grade fiction series, because if she doesnt write her book of essays it means all the trauma and abuse she endured was for nothing, she got nothing out of it and could have been happy this whole time. Princess Carolyn and Todd join them, and the former congratulate them on a great party. This would eventually end in their divorce, since the fact that Mr. Peanutbutter pressured Diane to approach BoJack, involving another one of Mr. Peanutbutter's mistakes. Meanwhile, another gun violence outbreak has occurred, only this time the shooter was a female. BoJack confesses his involvement with Sarah Lynn's death, devastating his friends. RELATED: 10 Shows To Watch For Fans Of BoJack Horseman. He comforts Diane by telling her the ways he appreciates her in a letter from "Leo," and that she is too good for her family, and she shouldn't waste her time trying to impress them just for closure. An angry and hurt BoJack orders Diane to rewrite the book, to which Diane spitefully decides to leak the first few chapters of the book through BuzzFeed, with the help of Wayne, her ex-boyfriend. Diane tries to carry him to their room, as the drugs make her think it's a good idea, but they both end up falling over and Diane breaks her left wrist. Jessica Biel said something very similar to this to Diane two episodes prior, referring to a memory involving the poster during their marriage. She angrily kicks a cardboard cutout of BoJack, sending a Philbert float into the air. That 'Bojack Horseman' Season 6 whiteboard scene, explained - Mashable Diane finds BoJack near the red carpet. She answers the door, is excited to see BoJack, saying she knew he'd come back. At some point in her twenties, she relocated to Los Angeles, California. She's culpable for BoJack's advances on Penny. She wore a long-sleeved blue shirt with yellow, red, blue, and white stripes going across the middle, light blue jean shorts, and a black tattoo choker necklace. Diane calls Guy and tells him about how she got made grilled cheese sandwiches all the time when she first moved to LA and was broke, jobless and had no friends, because they distracted her from how miserable she was, and the thing she loves most is that they can be made anywhere. This pushes Diane over the limit and decides she won't stop talking about Hank until justice is served. Sex Diane is the only main character other than BoJack Horseman to have two episodes centered around her in one single season: Even though she's a ghostwriter, her name is on the books she wrote, specifically. Diane angrily tells him he didn't trust that she knew something, and he says he just wanted to double-check anyway. Some guests begin confessing their regrets. Diane ends up writing what BoJack did to Penny based on his dialogue on the tape into the episode, with Philbert finding and kissing a teenage girl on the submarine, and leaving her to die while escaping the submarine. She, deep down, is against Mr. Peanutbutter running for Governor, but she still shows support because she knows he won't get enough backers to get the current governor, Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz, recalled, which he doesn't. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter ends up being cast as Fritz. BoJack shows up but Diane still avoids him, while both Katrina and Jessica Biel, Mr. Peanutbutter's ex-wives, are also in attendance. He agrees, and she asks for no more surprise parties. Diane reassured him that everyone belongs in Los Angeles, it has no barriers for entry. The government decides to pick the latter and ban all guns in California, upsetting Diane as she feels that they hate women more than it loves guns. Shortly after the meeting with Stefani, she starts to assemble a bed frame, albeit incorrectly. Diane tries to find her roots in Vietnam. Sonny tells her Ivy Tran will be good for girls with low self-esteem and asks when the next one will come out. BoJack says he just wanted to talk to her. He stands behind her as she types and likes what he sees. She later becomes even more overwhelmed after another failed attempt to write and breaks down when she reveals to Guy she stopped taking her meds, saying shes terrible and wants to die. BoJack panics and says that he doesn't know how to do that, and gets out his opioids. But in these BoJack Horseman quotes, Diane points out that someone can get a happy ending, and then afterward learn that not everything is going to remain that way forever. Sebastian tells her they have to build a hospital, and if she can't handle it she should go home. Mr. Peanutbutter says he doesn't want to be governor because he's a terrible leader and he just wanted people to like him. The two got in a huge argument on whether Tony Curtis was dead, as BoJack's girlfriend Wanda had asked, thus ending the party early after Diane freaked outas she angrily insisted he's dead. This means most people look for happy endings at the end of movies, books, and television. BoJack would confirm on his Twitter that she was born on March 19, 1980. She retreats to BoJack's house while having difficulties with her marriage to Mr. Peanutbutter instead of staying and resolving the issues. Marcy then shows them a photo album of photos and addresses of all of the women BoJack has been with. She goes on to say it started when she was having difficulty starting her book which then snowballed into her boyfriend saying she should take antidepressants. She pulls out a tape recorder and tells Diane to listen, it's the recording of BoJack telling Heather, the Manatee Fair writer, about what he almost did to Penny in New Mexico from Start Spreading The News. The two reveal they were bought by Toys Galore, which is a subsidiary of Whitewale, a large conglomerate, and theyre closing their main Chicago factory so that they can relocate overseas for cheaper labor just before the holidays. She is still having a hard time writing about her abusive upbringing, and the idea that everyones trauma makes them who they are, which she refers to as "good damage." Diane tells her that she'll write a piece while she's in Vietnam. However, after arriving home and reading a letter from BoJack, who was in rehab at the time, saying he wished he hadnt dwelled on his sadness for so long convinces Diane to move to Chicago. In Yesterdayland, she rolls her eyes at BoJack and Wanda, saying the first woman BoJack got with that's his age is a stunted twenty-year-old, as Wanda just woke up from a thirty-year coma. Shortly before, she has dinner with Mr. Peanutbutter, who she has remained on good terms with, although she is annoyed by him and the waitress, Pickles, an excitable, young female pug, hitting it off. She calls herself a pit good things fall into. Since Season 1 of the Netflix series, BoJack and Diane have been best friends, but a case could be made that these two are toxic for each other. Her hair has also gotten a bit longer, the bangs on the left side are a little shorter, and the shaved undercut has grown out. BoJack explains that the funeral was huge. Diane refuses to be a part of the plan and leaves. 11.23.20. An early episode of BoJack Horseman Season 5 introduces Vance Waggoner, voiced by Bobby Cannavale, who is a Frankenstein monster of cruel men, someone who spouts sexist and anti-Semitic language at a police officer, violently assaults a woman, and leaves his daughter a threatening voicemail. She runs into Mr. Peanutbutter who compliments her haircut but leaves her to talk to Erica. Diane tells BoJack that she thought he was dead for hours. Mr. Peanutbutter refuses, saying publishing the article will embarrass them, and she always has to air her dirty laundry when someone disagrees with her. BoJack has proved throughout the series that, although he is capable of trying to be a better person, he is generally a toxic influence on the people around him. In The Shot, Diane is seen in war-torn Cordovia with Sebastian St. Clair, writing about him and interacting with the refugees, including a little boy named Kinko, despite Sebastian warning her not to get attached to any of them. Netflix. In June 2020, in response to other white voice actors stepping away from voicing poc roles, such as Kristen Bell (Molly Tillerman in Central Park), Jenny Slate (Missy Foreman-Greenwald in Big Mouth), and Mike OHenry (Cleveland Brown in Family Guy). She eventually confides in Princess Carolyn growing up she always thought all the abuse and neglect she endured would mean something, and that one day she could get something out of her trauma through art and inspire girls like her. Diane tries to work from her apartment, but its crappiness prevents her from doing so. 2K views, 27 likes, 7 loves, 18 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dbstvstlucia: DBS MORNING SHOW & OBITUARIES 25TH APRIL 2023 APRIL 2023 No. In the final episodes of Season 2, BoJack Horseman skips town to live in New Mexico, where he makes an advance on an underage girl. Diane, on her way to work, shows her dislike of fracking, stating that if Mr. Peanutbutter is for fracking, she will be super upset. She explains the leak was a calculated move and points out that many people love BoJack from reading the chapters and the unreleased book is gaining lots of attention. BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One This is all editorial, of course, but I don't think there'd be a Bojack Horseman with out Diane. Family These BoJack Horseman quotes are spoken by BoJack during the show's sixth season. Last appearance It took him a long time to understand this fact about himself. He tells her she can put this in the book, and that he doesn't care what anyone thinks anymore. She starts to rant on how she felt bad for BoJack when Sarah Lynn died, but at the same time wondered about his involvement in it. They argue, and end up having "angry sex" again despite being divorced. Species BoJack says that Dr. Indira said they didn't need her and that they both are equally screwed up, they're the same. However, Mr. Peanutbutter doesn't actually know how to ski, so Katrina sends him to ski school. Diane apologizes, although BoJack says it's his fault, and she offers to watch another episode of Horsin' Around with her. But it quickly turns into them sleeping together. I Dont Want To Live. He doesn't know if he even can. Behind the scenes Dr. Indira tells Diane to tell BoJack that she needs some space. BoJack is able to convince her that she was right to leave her family and she should stop trying to get them to change. BoJack then kisses Diane unexpectedly. In It's You, after it is announced BoJack is nominated for an Oscar, he throws a wild party. My Whole Life. Diane reveals that after she got his voicemail essentially making her feel like his attempted suicide was her fault, and after the news of his survival, she was angry, and she stopped trusting her happiness and became depressed out of guilt, telling BoJack he has always made her feel like shes had to be his savior, and initially didnt go with Guy, who she refers to as her boyfriend at the time, to Houston. Mr. Peanutbutter agrees to all of this. The next day, Mr. Peanutbutter has been tied to a makeshift cross and is about to be burned by Jessica. BoJack agrees. BoJack tells her someone got mad at him and told him he ruins everything and that's just what he is, but actually hearing that out loud made him realize how stupid it sounds, even though he believed it for a long time and thought he couldnt change. Pinky expresses his satisfaction with Diane's work while imploring BoJack to let the book go to print since Pinky's publishing company is in dire straits having waited on BoJack's memoir's success. The brothers dubbed the tape the "Cry-anne" video, and they apparently still watch it every day. Bojack's actions should not be defended. Courtney then takes Diane to her shooting range, where Diane gets more comfortable with guns. She admits that their caring nature is idiotic and stubborn, but she still expresses it multiple times. She left the tinfoil on to make it "popcorn style." Diane asks if the content on GirlCroosh should be more forgiving, but Stefani blows off the idea. She never completely unpacked her boxes after moving into her. Hank replies "Sweetheart, everyone knows who I am. Diane gets herself together and meets one of her clients, teen pop star Sextina Aquafina, at Restaurant Elephant. Throughout her childhood, Diane found comfort once a week watching Horsin' Around. "You were born broken. This idealism also causes her to be somewhat hypocritical and self-destructive. Diane asks if he believes that Hank is innocent, to which BoJack denies. Diane questions to Sextina how that will even be possible because she isn't even pregnant, but Princess Carolyn is already planning it out, saying they'll fake it and pre-record it, and put a "live" icon at the bottom of the screen to trick people.

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