The Morrigan is a Triple Goddessor perhaps three dark goddesses in one. I think that as he was the lord of the underworld he was feared, although Thanos was the God of death. The Dii Consentes are sometimes seen as the Roman equivalent of the Greek Olympians. I do not believe that i am right or wrong in any sense these are only my opinions on the list. He loved Persephone, and Persephone is starting to return that love for him now(or so many people believe). Adam and was created on par with him. The Roman Pantheon of Gods. It is also believed that no matter how many times he was challenged, he could never be entirely vanquished. Apep, the serpent god, the deification of evil and darkness; Kuk, uncreated god and the personification of the primordial darkness; Khonsu, god of the moon; Nut, goddess of the night also associated with rebirth; Greco-Roman . Not really taking this article seriously or anything though!). (This isnt a hate comment and I know that it said shouldnt take this seriously and Im not Im just blowing off steam). Varro grouped the gods broadly into three divisions of heaven, earth, and underworld: More common is a dualistic contrast between superi and inferi. Loviatar has certainly earned her status as a top evil god. Evil Egyptian Gods and Goddesses #1 - Set (Seth), God of Evil, Chaos, and Darkness #2 - Apophis (Apep), Serpent God of the Underworld #3 - Ammut, The Devourer of the Dead #4 - Shesmu, God of the Wine Press #5 - Sobek, The Crocodile God #6 - Sekhmet, The Powerful One (The Lion-Headed Goddess) #7 - The Demons of Duat Final Thoughts Hades isnt evil, in fact, Persephones abduction is nothing more than an arranged marriage and she didnt mind it as much as her mother did. TARTARUS (Tartaros) The primeval god of the dark, stormy pit which lay beneath the foundations of the earth and beneath even the realm of Hades. It also became a near ubiquitous title or honour for various minor local deities, including the Lares Augusti of local communities, and obscure provincial deities such as the North African Marazgu Augustus. Her creation came forth when the sun god Ra was so fed up with humanity's evil ways and disobedience towards him that he ripped out his eye and threw it at mankind. Just the facts. Tolkien's evil Orcs. They didnt decide to be born to Zeus. Zeus, much like his father Cronus, had received a prophecy that if his wife, Metis, had a son then this son would kill Zeus. At 18. Feel some sympathy towards a guy who lost a lottery and has to rule the underworld. Some Roman literary sources accord the same title to Maia and other goddesses.[9]. This agreement is why the angels names were engraved on the amulets. The four brothers held down Uranus, the sky God, each holding down one corner. [2], From the middle Imperial period, the title Caelestis, "Heavenly" or "Celestial" is attached to several goddesses embodying aspects of a single, supreme Heavenly Goddess. He was possibly born out of the chaos and uncertainty that erupted with the end of the Old Kingdom. It is said that he caused unexplained darkness like solar eclipses, storms, and earthquakes, and was often depicted as a huge serpent with tightly compressed coils: to be all-powerful, with an army of demons at his disposal. Ok the explanation of Hades actions is very much under explained. Poseidon struggled with his jealousy of Zeus, he put himself into a battle of always doing everything better. He was known as the father of diseasesdue to spawning the nine sonsand was related to the Scandinavian giants, who could shoot arrows into people, causing them to contract illnesses. As revenge for the betrayal, Zeus had Prometheus tied to a mountain and each day a great eagle would peck out his liver. The Fallen Angel. Greek Goddess Of Childbirth And Pregnancy. When Metis became pregnant he decided he didnt want to wait to find out if the prophecy was true, so he just ate her. She could only be thwarted by an amulet inscribed with the names of three angelsSenoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelwhich was placed around a newborn babys neck. Every culture has its dark folklore, from evil gods like Egyptian Apophis to spiteful goddesses who devour newborns. Source of all the host of evils, From the middle Imperial era, the reigning Empress becomes Mater castrorum et senatus et patriae, the symbolic Mother of military camps, the senate, and the fatherland. For everything imaginable they had a god or goddess in charge. Antaeus was one of the giants that Poseidon fathered. Yeah, Hades isnt evil Poor guy, no one give him a break. He even has a method to his madness, albeit pretty straight forward. The Most Evil and Dangerous Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology 1. According to legend, Loviatar was the evilest daughter of her parents and had the blackest of hearts. Originally Sabine or pre-Roman, she was later equated with Juno. According to legend, Loviatar was the evilest daughter of her parents and had the blackest of hearts. The existence of Belobog and Chernobog is attributed to the symbolism of peace and chaos, evil and good, day and night, and Light and darkness. Great! The giant didnt complete his work in the allotted time and Loki returned to Odin and Thor having successfully negotiated the building of a city and given birth to an eight-legged stallion named Sleipnir to boot. Get on any of these gods and goddesses wrong side, and youre pretty much doomed. Manichaeism - One of the Most Popular Religions of the Ancient World. The Erinyes also known as the Furies were female deities of vengeance and chaos. [27] Varro, however, says that the altars to most of these gods were established at Rome by King Tatius as the result of a vow (votum).[28]. Metaphorically, Chalchiuhtotolins dreaded wings forever left a dark mark on Aztec history. For the people that said Hera was justified in her actions and shouldnt be on the list, I suggest you rethink your opinion. The Asgardians had run out of money to continue building Asgard, so Loki suggested hiring a giant to build it for them. Norse: Trickster god In other words, it was believed that the deadly plague demon could frighten away other wicked beings. In Greek mythology, Eileithyia (or Ilithyia) was the goddess of childbirth who held the cow and the peacock as sacred animals. This angered both Cronus and their mother Gaia. The meaning of the epithet indiges (singular) has no scholarly consensus, and noven may mean "nine" (novem) rather than "new". Turned her back upon the East-wind, [citation needed], Varro uses the name Dii Consentes for twelve deities whose gilded images stood in the forum. The evil god Whiro is often confused with a hero of the same name: Whiro the voyager. When Zeus took the heavens as his domain Poseidon thought it was unfair. His kingdom was named Tartarus and the entrance was guarded by the three headed dog Cerberus, a fearsome beast. Some anthropologists have also likened Apollo to the Vedic deity Rudra, who was similarly able to induce sickness with his arrows, as well as purge illnesses. He was depicted as a strong warrior and also terrifying for his love of bloodshed. Some are evil gods of the underworld, and some exist to torment humanity. Angered by Tnes actions, Whiro became the embodiment of darkness and evil. Chalchiuhtotolin, a much-feared god of disease in the Aztec pantheon. Lists of deities were kept by the College of Pontiffs to assure that the correct names were invoked for public prayers. This temper of his could cause natural disasters on earth and he was also in the habit of throwing lighting bolts at random at characters walking around below. She was the Goddess of deceit, deception, guile and fraud, not someone to bump into in the street. Asteria and Phoebe on the Pergamon Altar. as a witch, i work with her, and she has shown me great kindness so far. Juno - celestial Roman Goddess of love and marriage Born from Saturn and Opus, sister and wife to Jupiter, Juno is an important Roman Goddess embodying feminine powers. Heracles figured this out during a battle and lifted him off the ground and crushed him to death with a hug in order to win. Hera suspected Zeus was unfaithful with a nymph called Echo, she cursed Echo to only be able to speak the last words that were spoken to her. Thanks. Juno Caelestis was the Romanised form of the Carthaginian Tanit. The final son was considered the most dreadful, which is why his name does not appear in any reliable text. Hera being there is up for debate though, you see she actually is justified in the fact that her actions are caused by a spouse who just isnt loyal, but she isnt taking it out on said spouse This doesnt mean that shes evil though, it just makes her irrational. It is unknown whether Pazuzu did this because he felt sympathy for the expectant mothers or simply hated the demoness. Read on to learn about five evil gods with spine-chilling backstories that might just keep you up at night. . A renowned example of which is the Mazu Temple of Tianjin city. Roman Goddesses A-Z List of Roman Deities ADDucation's list of Roman goddesses includes the parents, consorts, siblings, groups and titles of Roman godesses. Following his death, Japan was besieged by epidemics and disasters. Each bit of flesh made him stronger so that eventually he would be powerful enough to break free of the netherworld, breach the surface, and devour everything. Apate 3. Wrestling Antaeus was an unfair match to any regular person. Loki is somewhat of an enigma in Norse mythology, as many sources sharply vary in their retelling of his story. Helios God of the Sun and also known as Sol. Shocking, I know, I thought Dionysis was the only cool one. [8] See also Magna Mater (Great Mother) following. Since the dawn of man, there has always been evil. His problems didnt stop with Zeus, they extended to all the gods. Zeus eventually discovered her location and negotiated her release, but only for half of the year, hence the seasons of the earth. They were described as having black bodies with bat wings and snakes for hair. Decades later, Sugawara was even deified as the Shinto god of learning. It is not really the womens faults as Zeus could have made the women think that he truly loves them and that he doesnt love Hera. She could only be thwarted by an amulet inscribed with the names of three angelsSenoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelwhich was placed around a newborn babys neck. As scholars also know from a cuneiform tablet in the Louvre, which preserves the ritual against Lamashtu, she was also bribed away with offerings of small feminine objects, such as combs and fibulae. The goddesses was furthermore mentioned in the classic Chinese fantasy saga Investiture of the Gods. She is known widely in witchcraft circles and still worshiped by practitioners to this day. An ominous lineage if ever there was one. Even in invocations, which generally required precise naming, the Romans sometimes spoke of gods as groups or collectives rather than naming them as individuals. The Morrigan is part of the Tuatha de Dannan. Previously an Ugaritic deity and associated with Nergal (see above), Resheph is believed to have been introduced to the Egyptian pantheon during the New Kingdom era of the Egyptian Empire. One day she went missing and in her grief her mother Demeter caused famine across the land. As such Semele was burnt up by the sight of Zeus. For most modern folks, though, Christian and Non-Christian alike, the White Rider is a dreaded symbol of the End of Times. However, the brothers and their siblings were unhappyas there was not enough space for them allso Tne wished to separate their parents by forcing Rangi upward. Also, Hades rules the underworld, not Tartarus. Fittingly, her name is. Dazaifu Tenmangu, the most famous Shinto shrine venerating Sugawara no Michizane. So add mass genocide to his list of crimes. Athena Final Thoughts The Most Evil and Dangerous Gods and Goddesses in Greek Mythology 1. They had Mars, the god of war, Neptune, the god of the sea, Bacchus, the god of wine, and many more. Uranus had imprisoned some other brothers of Cronus, the 100-handed giants and the 1-eyed giants. He was also often unfaithful to his wife Hera and had a number of children by these mistresses. She was the Queen of the gods and supposed to be concerned with the family and childbirth. Quiritis, goddess of motherhood. Yes Hades ruled the underworld, Tartarus was the deeper depths in which the worst of souls dwelt. Why would you punish someone for something they didnt even do just because you are jealous and have the power to. Despite his popularity, Poseidon, olympic god of the sea was generally bad tempered and known to be pretty vengeful. A catastrophe in which many will perish too. The son of two giants, he essentially tricked his way into becoming a deity. Davies, "The Training Grounds of the Roman Cavalry,", Tatius is said by Varro to have dedicated altars to ", Marko Marini, "Roman Archaeology in Vergil's Arcadia (Vergil, de Grummond, N. T., and Simon, E., (Editors), List of Roman birth and childhood deities,, Two other deities whose names are not known, This page was last edited on 26 April 2023, at 07:47. The gods tried all manner of ways to persuade the peeved goddess to leave the cave. The overwhelming association with night time and witchcraft only containing evil and bad things earned Hecate her brand as evil not-so-accurate branding. They were locked in an eternal fight that could have kindled individualistic morality and a sense of righteousness within the Slavic people. Antaeus goaded people who were traveling in the country to wrestle him. Skillfully done with even-handed descriptions lacking any judgmental quality in depicting these beings. Deimos and Phobos were the sons of the Ares and Aphrodite. I agree with the Hades part. Weve narrowed that list down to the six craziest and most terrifying deities of all time. Gods were called Pater ("Father") to signify their preeminence and paternal care, and the filial respect owed to them. They live in Erebus and predate the olympic gods. Wikimedia CommonsLoki consumes a roasted heart (1911), Six Of The Craziest And Most Terrifying Gods Ever Described. The four brothers represented North, South, East and West. In one myth, he inflicted war on Babylon simply because he was bored. He chose Aphrodite and as a reward she caused Helen of Sparta to fall in love with him. The most extensive lists are provided by the Church Fathers who sought systematically to debunk Roman religion while drawing on the theological works of Varro, also surviving only in quoted or referenced fragments. She was the Goddess of Conflict, Strife, Discord and Contention. Athena would not hesitate to sacrifice someone in order for her mission to be furthered. Hers was just being fair, a husband just cant cheat on her!And Hades, well.he doesnt do all the things they said and also, he created winter. In many of the myths he is portrayed as being benevolent, wise and just however he also had a vengeful, vindictive side to him. Whether the portrayal is favorable or not, Loki is always identified as a trickster and shape-shifter. Her epithet was the beautiful maiden, but she was believed to have been a harlot and a vampire who, once she chose a lover, would never let him go, without ever giving him real satisfaction. Their evil attempts to wreak havoc were usually petty and always extreme. Do it fast enough and you could even be miraculously healed overnight. The imagery of Phobos was also used on the shields of both Heracles and Agamemnon. So there you have it. This dissension, and the separation of Earth and Sky, was perceived as the moment in which evil first entered the world. The. Informative work. One faces the past, and the other faces the future. Amulets like the one pictured above, depicting the lion-headed, bird-clawed Lamashtu, were worn by an expectant mother to defend herself against the demoness. The Titan God Prometheus had sided with Zeus in the Titanomachy and was seen as one of Zeus closest advisers. 2. There was the famed beauty Lo who Zeus was fond of, Hera turned her into a cow. This is just a brief example. The two brothers had particularly cruel personalities, truly revelling in the slaughter and destruction wrought by the often warring armies of Greece and the surrounding areas. As payment, the giant asked for the sun, the moon and the goddess Freya. Venti, (Latin, "winds") deities equivalent to the Greek Anemoi. Conversely, some modern and pre-modern Christian leaders regard the White Rider as the fiendish Antichrist. I have never seen anyone say that before! Consort: Angrboa (also Sigyn and Svailfari). Phoboter is unique because there is no true physical form that has been reported on him. When hes in nightmares hes constantly transforming into different creatures to scare his unfortunate victims. Tartarus is a separate place, with only an entrance in Hades kingdom. Hecate was a goddess that ruled mainly over spells and magic, essentially, witchcraft. She was despised by many of the other gods and they often wouldnt choose to interact much with her. Then, I read a comment here somewhere about Hades giving us winter, to which I have to say Wrong. In describing the lectisternium of the Twelve Great gods in 217 BC, the Augustan historian Livy places the deities in gender-balanced pairs:[13], Divine male-female complements such as these, as well as the anthropomorphic influence of Greek mythology, contributed to a tendency in Latin literature to represent the gods as "married" couples or (as in the case of Venus and Mars) lovers. By Lara ColrainBA Archaeology, BA Art HistoryLara is a published author, editor, poet, and archaeologist based in Hobart, Tasmania. Antaeus 14. Fun Fact: Considered parallel to the ancient Mesopotamian goddess, Tiamat. Hades 9. Ced Yong (author) from Asia on April 20, 2020: Thank you very much for your encouraging comment! The evil god was not worshipped; he was feared. As author Rick Riordan repeatedly highlights in his The Trials of Apollo series, the handsome Olympian could effortlessly dispense diseases with his divine arrows. (Also not a hate comment or anything, just that one part that slightly bothered me. The apple legit shows how vain the Olympians were, so why is Eris near the top and not Hera? i completely disagree with this list especially with the placement of Hades and Hera in the top three as i believe Heras reaction to Zeus sleeping with other women was perfectly rational given the circumstances, and hades is not shown to have done anything to deserve the title of being the evilest greek god and i feel that the reason this was done was because that he could be associated with the christian devil as he is in charge of hell just as hades is in charge of the underworld, but the similarities stop there, Hades was a good guy in greek mythology, you also have to consider the time period when majority of greek mythology was written. Instead, he was summoned by women to protect them from true evilLamashtu. He was also a jealous God, and when Aphrodite took the character Adonis as her lover, Ares transformed into a wild boar and gored him to death. Coming in at number #1 above all other evil gods is the Mesopotamian goddess-demoness Lamashtu, the most terrible of all the female demons. On coins, calendars, and other inscriptions, Mercury, Saturn, Silvanus, Fons, Serapis, Sabazius, Apollo, and the Genius are also found as Invictus. If thats not evil and twisted, im not sure what is. Syrinxs sisters turned her into a reed by a river to help protect her. He ate the children. Some analysts consider his role in the Exorcist as that of reflecting the goodness of God. Today, the most famous Shinto shrine associated with him is Dazaifu Tenmangu in Fukuoka Prefecture. Consumed by jealousy, Lilith turned into a snake and tempted Eve with the forbidden apple. Aphrodite (Venus): goddess of beauty and love Apollo (Apollo): god of prophesy, music and poetry and knowledge Ares (Mars): god of war Artemis (Diana): goddess of hunting, animals and. These were also placed in six male-female pairs. In the Metamorphoses of Apuleius,[3] the protagonist Lucius prays to the Hellenistic Egyptian goddess Isis as Regina Caeli, "Queen of Heaven", who is said to manifest also as Ceres, "the original nurturing parent"; Heavenly Venus (Venus Caelestis); the "sister of Phoebus", that is, Diana or Artemis as she is worshipped at Ephesus; or Proserpina as the triple goddess of the underworld. Cronus became the ruler of the gods with his sister-wife, Rhea, as his consort. Detail of Original Sin and Banishment from the Garden of Eden. This dissension, and the separation of Earth and Sky, was perceived as the moment in which evil first entered the world. Some texts claim that Lilith was the first wife of the. This is a bit brief and lacks a fair bit of depth. The Kalevala, a nineteenth-century work of poetry recognized as the national epic of Finland, references Loviatar: The blind daughter of Tuoni, Phobeter 17. and banished by Loviatar to become the scourge of humankind. Many fables surround this next evil god and her fantastical vocations. Pan lusted after a wood nymph named Syrinx who ran away from his advances. Originally a Heian Era scholar and officer, Sugawara was the victim of court politics and ultimately died in exile in AD 903. i do too ive been studying it for a couple of years. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. The most evil and dangerous greek gods and goddesses. The Roman deities most widely known today are those the Romans identified with Greek counterparts (see interpretatio graeca), integrating Greek myths, iconography, and sometimes religious practices into Roman culture, including Latin literature, Roman art, and religious life as it was experienced throughout the Empire. Apophis was an impressive evil god of ancient Egypt. Eris was the daughter of Zeus and Hera and the twin sister of Ares, the God of War. 4. No man could resist Aphrodite when she wore her magic girdle. Everyone agreed except for Whiro, who wanted to remain in darkness. The Olympians, being the egotists that they were, all thought the apple was for them. Regardless of whether he had a father or not doesnt really matter in the grand scheme of things, his brothers all come from Nyx. Tartarus was a primordial god who ruled the pits of Tartarus. [23][24] Of those listed, he writes, "several names have their roots in both languages, as trees that grow on a property line creep into both fields. Hades was not banished. Norse: Trickster god Parents: Frbauti and Laufey Consort: Angrboa (also Sigyn and Svailfari) Loki is somewhat of an enigma in Norse mythology, as many sources sharply vary in their retelling of his story. Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. Thank you for sticking up for these crazy gods . Pan 13. In contrast, others regard them as mere intangible manifestations of human fears. (Kalevala, Rune XLV, from the translation byJohn Martin Crawford). Poseidon isnt outright cruel, but he does have a pretty bad chip on his shoulder. Gods and Goddesses of Death Death deities are personifications of humankinds greatest fear. Her husband Zeus was always having affairs and while she did argue with Zeus about this, she more often took her anger out on the women or the children of these women. i did not mean to cause any argument, i was simply just expressing my opinion on why i disagree with the list. Not really. Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on April 08, 2020: Good compilation. Also known as the "Jeweled Fowl" or the "Jade Turkey," Chalchiuhtotolin was an Aztec god of diseases and plague, as well as a symbol of sorcery. In the Shin Megami Tensei series of video games, Nergal is typically shown as a barbaric demonic being, with a slew of twisted faces on his exposed chest. Greek. Zeus is actually evil as he stripped Poseidon and Hades off their powers for a pretty stupid reason. The Goddess of Dawn Bacchus The God of Wine Bellona The goddess of war Caelus The primal god of the sky and theology, iconography, and literature Ceres The Goddess of Agriculture Cupid The God of Love Cybele The goddess of the Earth, nature, mountains, and wild animals Diana The Goddess of Hunting Faunus The god of the forest, fields, and plains But what is, exactly, as its definition can be double-sided? Hermes is credited as Pans father. Hestia, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter and Hera survived. It is said that he caused unexplained darkness like solar eclipses, storms, and earthquakes, and was often depicted as a huge serpent with tightly compressed coils: Apophis was perhaps the only Egyptian god to be all-powerful, with an army of demons at his disposal. Poseidon is evil in the sense that he is an egotistical mess that takes the people around down with him. Parents: Frbauti and Laufey The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Feel free to comment below. She literally disowned Hephaestus because he came out crippled. The hope being that the opponents would flee the battlefield in fear. E. Stuart, who was a mentor during her archaeological studies. Nergal, as depicted in the Shin Megami Tensei video games. Some people believe that evil deities indeed existedand perhaps still do. Hades God of the Dead and Riches and King of the Underworld. Today, altars and shrines to the heavenly maiden continue to exist in various Chinese temples. Instead, he was summoned by women to protect them from true evilLamashtu. However, there are so many tales of Hera committing some jealous act of revenge. The Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses. Be it Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, Japanese, Aztec, Mayan, you name it. Not the best of combinations. Yea Hera being #1 is something I would not object to, and neither would others, Im sure. On the rare occasions tat he left Tartarus he would ride a chariot led by 4 black horses. Saturn, for instance, can be said to have another origin here, and so too Diana. As King of the Titans, Cronus wasnt much better of a ruler than his father. In the Imperial period, it expressed the invincibility of deities embraced officially, such as Jupiter, Mars, Hercules, and Sol. The Erinyes come from the blood that fell onto land after Uranus was castrated by his son, Cronus. Phobeter was part of the Oneiroi as the personification of dreaming. She was the patron god of Athens and did all she could to protect her Atheniens at the cost of their opponents. The Romans had gods for every imaginable thing. Yes! , with dark origins in Sumerian culture and Babylonian demonology. He was married to Persephone and commanded the Harpies, a troupe of flying monsters who punished mankind. When Zeus fought the titan Typhon, she refused to pick a side so that she could watch the battle play out. Chinese folkloric beliefs, therefore, stipulate that all, especially children, should worship Tian Hua Niang Niang when afflicted with pox diseases. I think, however mythical he is, he needs to be allowed to not be looked upon as an evil death god. [26] But the importance of the Sabines in the early cultural formation of Rome is evidenced, for instance, by the bride abduction of the Sabine women by Romulus's men, and in the Sabine ethnicity of Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome, to whom are attributed many of Rome's religious and legal institutions. It was said that Alexander the Great prayed to Phobos before a great battle. Poseidon 16. Apate was the daughter of Erebos, the God of Darkness, and Nyx, the Goddess of Night. She is the celestial feminine principle, just like Jupiter is the celestial masculine one. And you say that hes jealous of the other gods, which is something I disagree with as well Hades is literally the richest of the gods, and hes got a beautiful wife, to whom he is loyal enough not to cheat on (some devil figure, right).

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evil roman gods and goddesses