Maddening Gaze: As a swift action, you can look in a certain direction. This +3 leather armor is made from very light and delicate leather, increasing max dexterity bonus by 1 and decreasing arcane spell failure chance by 10%. Whenever the wielder of this +5 incinerating disruption greatclub lands a hit on an undead enemy, the enemy suffers from holy flame for 3 rounds. This ring grants its wearer a +4 deflection bonus to AC. Whenever the wielder of this +5 holy evil outsider bane longsword lands a killing blow, all allies in a 30 feet area around the wielder gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks for 3 rounds. This +3 scalemail allows the wearer 3 times a day to raise a deceased ally for 2d3 rounds. This +4 caustic punching dagger grants its wielder a +10 competence bonus on Trickery skill checks. Whenever the wielder of this +3 keen light pick attacks any enemy with DR, the DR is decreased by 1 until the end of the combat. These glasses allow their wearer to use the Maddening Gaze ability three times per day. Players can only smelt and string the symbol after completing Observatory Whenever the wielder successfully disarms a trap, they get a +4 bonus on damage rolls for 5 minutes. Whenever an enemy confirms a critical hit against the wearer of this +1 padded armor, they must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 16) or become unable to attack with a weapon for one round. This +1 dwarven urgrosh grants its wielder a +1 bonus on attack rolls against magical beasts. These boots increase the wearer's movement speed by 10. Whenever the wielder of this +4 corrosive burst scythe lands a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy suffers a condition which causes them to take damage while making their own attacks. Option 1 Bugged. Whenever the wearer of this belt lands a killing blow, they gain a +5 morale bonus on their next attack roll. Additionally, once per day this hat can make any spell quickened. These boots grant the wearer a +3 competence bonus to CMD and a +3 competence bonus to CMB. This +4 shock elven curve blade deals additional 2d6 slashing damage against blinded enemies. It also stuns flying enemies for 1 round on a critical hit. This +5 haramaki increases the DC of saving throws against all necromancy school spells the wearer casts by 2. Whenever a creature hits them with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d6 piercing damage. Act 3, Crusade (east of Heart of Mystery). The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 units of ammunition per day. All critical hits against this creature deal additional 3d6 piercing damage. Act 1, Market Square, NW outside Desna Temple. This ring grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on all Perception and Trickery skill checks. This +3 mithral full plate grants the wearer additional Spell Resistance 23. This cloak grants its wearer a +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws. Summons a pet owlcat. This cloak of resistance +1 also grants its wearer a +3 competence bonus to Stealth skill checks. Whenever the wielder of this +3 bane construct heavy pick is engaged in melee by 2 or more enemies, his attacks with this weapon deal additional 1d6 precision damage. In addition, this amulet grants its wearer DR 5/-. Whenever this +1 flail confirms a critical hit, it deals additional 1d6 positive energy damage. This belt grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. However, whenever the wearer of this amulet is hit by a dragon in melee, they become petrified for 1 round. This headband grants its wearer +6 enhancement bonuses to Charisma and Intelligence ability scores. Once per day you may use this ability to make all potions used by your party empowered and maximized, as though using the Empower Spell and Maximize Spell feats, for 1 minute. This +5 breastplate grants its wearer a +3 armor bonus on saving throws against blindness. This power makes the weapon good-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. Worn by a powerful Aeon, they grant 3 additional uses of Enforcing Gaze per day. On a critical hit it creates fire sparks that stick to allies' weapons, granting them flaming enchantment for 1d3 round, as well as granting the wielder and allies fire resistance 20 for the same duration. Airship event during Chapter 4 (any captain); Choice: Search the ruins for any signs of treasure; Followed by DC 39 check (Religion works but Trickery or Intimidate should as well); Events before the choice: harpies, hurricane, Dragon cultists. For 1d4 rounds, all subsequent hits against that target deal 1d3 positive energy damage. While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds. Like most bonuses, an armor bonus does not stack with armor bonuses from different sources, such as bonuses from wearing armor or from Mage Armor spell. This cloak of resistance +2 additionally grants the wearer a +2 bonus on saving throws against compulsion and disease effects. These boots allow their wearer to add half their rank in Perception skill to damage on their first attack with a ranged weapon every round. This +2 tower shield grants its wielder negative energy resistance 10 and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. Whenever this +3 flaming mithral battleaxe confirms a critical hit, the resulting sparks have a chance to ignite enemies around with a sacred fire. They also grant a +2 insight bonus to attack and damage for 1 round, whenever the wearer hits a flanked enemy with a ranged weapon. Act 5, Gravestone Rock (Let Finnean pass on). Option 1 +2 enhancement bonus to constitution. This +3 Freezing weapon is sheathed in a terrible, icy cold that deals an extra 2d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. In addition, this armor grants its wearer immunity to fire and acid. Option 1 These glasses allow their wearer to use the Maddening Gaze ability three times per day. In addition, Aivu gets additional DR N/- where N is equal to Azata's mythic rank. This cursed scroll is inscribed in bloody runes on orc skin. 3 His unholy symbol is a yellow flame surrounded by the head of a bull. This effect stacks up to 3 times and persists for 1d4 rounds. This +3 light shield emanates a cursed aura: whenever an ally adjacent to this shield's wielder is attacked, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 21) against this curse or suffer a -3 attack penalty on the next attack roll. Whenever the wearer makes a sneak attack, it deals additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. When it hits Small or lesser creature with 100 or less Hit Points, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 26) or be instantly killed. I will keep the spoils to a minimum, however, things need to be spoiled for the proper actions to be taken. Whenever the wearer of this robe casts a spell that forces the target to make a Fortitude saving throw, the DC of that save is increased by 2. Drezen (NE, near secret entrance to open final gate, in hidden pile of rubble). This +3 brilliant energy dueling sword grants its wielder a +2 luck bonus to CMD and a +2 luck bonus to CMB. Scroll of Resourceful Rage - You gain an additional Rage per day permanently. They grant the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength ability score. Act 5, Traveling Skeletal Salesman (protection). These bracers grant their wearer a +1 morale bonus on damage rolls against demons. I assume they correspond to the order Ive listed the options, but not entirely sure. If the wearer of these bracers has the ability to cast spells spontaneously, it grants them the ability to cast the following spells: jolting portent, call lightning, lightning bolt, chains of light, call lightning storm, chain lightning, stormbolts. Thee times per day, the wearer of this mask can take a quick action to gain energy resistance 20 for 3 rounds against one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Whenever the wielder of this +5 nullifying double axe lands a critical hit, the enemy must must pass a Will saving throw (DC 30) or become unable to cast spells for 2 rounds. This effect is renewed each time someone dies. While wielding this +5 thundering burst spear, all creatures summoned by the wielder deal additional 1d6 sonic damage. Each of the star's seven rays is made from a metal of a distinct color, but the craftsmanship is superb to the point where you cannot see any seams between the metals. In addition, this greatclub grants its wielder a +12 competence bonus on Lore (Religion) skill checks. Curse of Undead: All living enemies in 30-feet area must pass a Will saving throw (DC 24) or start slowly turning into the undead. Whenever this +3 thundering dwarven waraxe is wielded by a dwarf, it grants the wielder a +2 inherent bonus to AC and a +1 inherent bonus on attack rolls. Owlcat's Feral Instincts provide +2 morale bonus on Perception and Lore (Nature) checks. 50% damage is redirected to Aivu. This +5 shock dagger grants its wielder a +5 competence bonus on Use Magic Device skill checks and a +4 competence bonus on touch attack rolls. Some rifts appear in the base game when you have a completed playthrough of Inevitable Excess and have beaten Inevitable Darkness on certain difficulties. You can perform another action, even casting another spell, in the same round as you cast a quickened spell. Act 4, Lower City, Bad Luck Tavern (Mielarah Loot). 86 - 95: owner is affected with the effect of confusion spell for 1d4 rounds in the beginning of the next combat. This +4 agile light pick grants the wielder a +5 competence bonus on all Athletics skill checks. All enemies in a 30 feet cone, except the target, have to pass a Will saving throw (DC 16) or be affected with the Voices of Hollow effect for 1d4 rounds. This +3 holy longsword counts neutral enemies as evil. Whenever the wearer of these gloves announces a Quarry, targeted enemy suffers a -2 penalty to AC and becomes sickened for 3 rounds. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 10 units of holy ammunition. This bonus can stack up to +5. Some quests are time-limited and some are only available based on the Empower Spell: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those rolls. Each time this +2 thundering greataxe lands a hit on an enemy, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20), or the next attack against this enemy deals an additional 5 slashing damage. Whenever this +5 spear lands a hit, its target has to succeed on a Fortitude saving throw (DC 27), or become poisoned with a poison that deals 1d3 damage to Constitution, Strength and Dexterity per round, and affected by acid that deals 2d12 damage per round. Option 2 +3, +2 morale bonus to dexterity. This lockpicker's kit grants its owner a +1 bonus on all Trickery skill checks. If the wearer of this robe has a ki pool, the robe increases it by 2. Whenever this effect occurs, the wielder must pass an Athletics check (DC 37) or the axe will be stuck, making melee attacks unavailable for the next round. Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. It also grants its wearer DR 5/- against the attacks of the undead. Whenever the wielder of this +3 holy quarterstaff confirms a critical hit, all allies in 15 feet radius get a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls for 1 round. This +3 chainshirt barding grants its wearer a +2 bonus to Dexterity ability score, and immunity to ability score damage for the first 3 rounds of combat. Bane Living: A bane weapon excels against certain foes. This cloth grants its wearer a +4 insight bonus on saving throws against hexes and Necromancy school spells. Azata shares a bond with her dragon. This +1 cold iron estoc deals an additional 1d3 positive energy damage on a hit. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower. Whenever the wearer of these gloves casts a cantrip or a 1st level spell, that spell deals 1 additional point of damage per die rolled. These gloves grant their wearer a +1 bonus to CMD against disarm attempts. This shortbow deals 1d4 damage instead of 1d6. Whenever the wielder of this +5 vicious warhammer confirms a critical hit, the enemy loses all of its DR, if it had any, for 1 minute.

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