I recognize the end of a 34year karmic relationship and things are surprisingly going well for me. A very good friend of mine born Sagittarius 1949, and the Peoples Republic of China(Oct01/49) chart, which has progressed just passed my friends natal chart. Do not let pluto and saturn impress you. You feel relaxed, and everything is pleasant in your environment, be it people or circumstances. Venus Trine Jupiter In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry Alienated me etc. A natal sextile between Venus and Jupiter means that you are naturally supportive within relationships. Venus Sextile Jupiter Aspects Natal and Transit | Astrology.com Are you and your love interest meant to be? Your partner is likely to be in a very agreeable mood. You are at your most attractive and charming, so it is a great time to be dating. Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Again, youre already on the right path. The transit of Jupiter square your natal Venus produces a need to express affection and love towards others but, unfortunately, it also makes you very passive and you expect things to come to you on their own instead of you going after them. Life is beautiful, and you want to surround yourself consistently with beautiful people, places, and things. Anyway, in an aspect like that you will find that Saturn tends to act on your Moon, more than the Moon n your Saturn. Thank goodness this transit feels like a good thing for me,heavy but releasing, finally! In reality when i look around,my life is a total mess and i would break if i wouldnt have my optimism to keep going. Venus transits to your natal Jupiter are some of the most enjoyable transits. It is quite exciting to see how my story unfolds this year. This is a time to enjoy the benefits of the good karma accrued from your previous good deeds and hard work. They have an instantaneous effect on your mood and on your ability to open up to others. Transit Chiron to Natal Venus Transit Chiron sextile or trine natal Venus can be helpful for feeling more at ease with your baggage and wounds, and you can get help from other people or through your relationships. And as for saying you and I chose this existence thats bollocks. Progressed Venus Aspects to Jupiter - astrolibrary.org You can be the center of attention, and, for some reason, you attract well-being and economic benefits. Cut you family vampires off yet? Conjunct with Jupiter, Mercury, and North Node. You are more capable of surrendering, and feel better being in the company of other people and sharing. I have a feeling it could be but I have not researched it. I have been making beauty products with essential oils. Any good news would be welcome from anyone who studies astrology as I Make this terrifying leap into the unknown with a body that is unpredictable I was bedridden for the last two weeks out of the blue and could barely function. Try to act with sincerity and accept others with their limitations, so you will be accepted in the same way. This condition will predict love, money, peace and harmony. Spend some time learning about, and meditating on, your Lunar Nodes. I did. It is is your solar return chart so this optimism and good fortune should stay with you for a whole year. The transit of Jupiter sextile your natal Venus is a very pleasant transit. With the New Age Chart, (Jan12/96), the Regulus Chart, (Nov29/11) and the Cosmogenesis chart, a morphology chart (Jun21/20), I do astrology for the whole of humanity, for free. She was a Libra ( Venus ruled ). Astrology enthusiast from an early age, there is a lot more to Joy Carter than meets the eye. 2. During this time, you will feel motivated to express your values in the wider community through some creative form. Yet you are also very generous and may not have the strong desire and determination to make the rich list. Jupiter Square Neptune Aspects Natal and Transit - Astrology.com Your goodwill, talkative nature, and bright vision is whats going to grab everybodys attention and compel them into being around you. So we got to be patient and allow the sequence to unfold with everyones input. Nessus is Quincunx Juno, the asteroid of long term relationships. In its totality, this can truly lead to exaggeration and swinging between the extremes of life togetherness and the need to be alone and live a minimalistic life without any expectations. It is not a time in which you are likely to feel especially ambitious. Today, you lack both common sense and practical sense, so you must be disciplined in your actions. Venus is therefore the major player in your chart. This transit is perfect for trying out your luck in getting into a relationship if you dont already have one, or even engaging in new friendships. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction will oppose my natal Venus this year. I dont stay in contact with any of my exs. Even a transiting planet at 2 degrees Aries will be fortunate by making a transiting minor grand trine. These are not very favorable transits for work or tasks that require effort. People with the Venus sextile Jupiter in their birth chart are passionate, determined and diligent individuals that wont stop until theyve reached the goals theyve set in mind. People with Venus sextile Jupiter in the natal birth chart are individuals that brim with joy and originality. Sounds, also, like compromised Cancer / Lunar and Capricorn / Saturn issues in your chart, to begin with. If lord of the 10th, you have the opportunity to advance through your career or obtain a promotion now. Uranus conjunct MC Transit looks to be your most significant transit at the moment. So far (and the transit is still building up), a friend of 40 years has unexpectedly, and without any known reason, discarded our friendship. Anything to inject hope and courage so I dont give up on this journey. You appreciate quality and will sacrifice much to enjoy it. Thanks to the planet Jupiter, these energies will still bring a lot of good and beautiful things, even unexpected gains and increases in the financial field. (PS, anyone interested in judging me for being an ungrateful person, you can save your breath. From what you described, you are getting ready to take a running leap off a cliff, and soar towards your North Node destiny. to higher institutions. So I can find out how long Jupiter will be trine my ascendent and the exact date it will start. You are doing great, you have to keep taking it till you do stand up and look them in the eye. Jupiter Transits your Natal Venus. Your popularity comes not only from your physical attractiveness but also from your genuinely warm and friendly nature. It ensures a pleasant time with friends and loved ones. Another common thing is their strong entanglement with religious matters. Popularity and social success are likely and you should have no problems making friends or finding a partner. Few of us have that gift in its purest, most potent form. A sentimental enrichment and an expansion of self-love can be the result of feeling better with the partner you already have. His north node is at 0.19 Aries, but I dont know the exact time he was born. However, troubles can arise at a deeper level when it comes to relationship dynamics and success in life. This transit will happen at 1 of my ascendant (2821) tightly conjunct to natal pluto (2753), and opposite by 1 to my vertex (26pis). They, in fact, manage to turn the bad things that happen to them into something that will actually be an initial core for them later in life, rather than remembering those bad things and thus contaminating their memories and making their life a living misery. I know that Aquarius men are one of the most challenging especially at the beginning and act the opposite of how they are feeling inside but then again, he could be indifferent. On the contrary, all efforts are immediately rewarded. All rights reserved. You can also be forgiving and generous so that charity work would appeal to you. Everything you do gives you happiness and satisfaction. Do not forget, that there can be other aspects that are pushing things in the wrong direction if care is not taken. Venus Square Uranus Natal and Transit: A Pursuit for Freedom - HoroscopeJoy Venus Square Moon Aspects Natal and Transit | Astrology.com Dependent on other challenging aspects to this conjunction, or the alignment of fixed stars, there can be some negatives to this very positive aspect. They always make you feel good about yourself, even love yourself, so you can smooth out other conflicting or hard transits that may be happening. While you have plenty to provide to the world, youre also not known to turn down the kindness of others. Moderation and appropriate concessions are important things that you should take into consideration. It was an intereating question. You should really focus on the bright side of life during the Venus sextile Jupiter transit. When these peoples energy is on a positive note, they can be some of the kindest, most outgoing and carefree that anybody can meet. Thank you. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You are more interested in being around loved ones. Your email address will not be published. When transiting Venus is sextile your natal Jupiter: This transit brings opportunities to expand your social life and grow as a result. After three nervous breakdowns/severe depression in the last 14 months, worsening of already existing chronic illness and many thwarted attempts to escape from a severe psychopathic abuser of a mother this year (who had upped the abuse as I have finally stopped bein a doormat, despite great fear since I am chronically ill for many years and dependant for care/finances/travel on this person and her unpredictable rage has been devastating to handle. Many things are possible at this time, but unlike some other aspects, this one is more dynamic than usual, and therefore many unusual things are very likely to occur when this transit is active. Neptune transiting the 2nd house of the NewAge chart (Jan11/96). Your emotions and feelings are enhanced and the probability of you engaging in sexual intercourse is increased. So this Big conjunction is also sextile my Natal moon at 25 Aquarius, and sextile Pluto at 26 Libra. In general, we could say that this aspect can awaken the passion for everything that is beautiful, pleasant, and has a quality that lasts (Venus), but at the same time, all that beauty is unusual and new thanks to the planet Jupiter. Your desire to please makes you very expansive and generous, but you must avoid arrogance and superficiality. There is also the danger of laziness and self-indulgence if you have that inclination. Venus Transits to Natal Moon - astrolibrary.org I wish I could feel Jupiter, but cant recognise anything really. Follow the advice for this in your yearly and monthly horoscopes. A new love relationship may begin at this time. She is an experienced practitioner who aims to make her work available to as many people as possible. Could be change in career or where you live (IC): This means that you currently have the economic resources to feel relaxed, but you should not waste them. Also the Venus is opposite the plutoat 16 leo. This Appulse/Conjunction is occurring within one degree of my IC (28VIR) I have been feeling the first stirrings of this energy over the last couple of days (Hearing beautiful music during meditation, having visions of a gently and harmoniously moving sacred geometry configuration over my head.) One lover here, the Jupiter lover, is the one that observes the world and the people around him very differently. The aura around you is tender and caring, and others take notice. The last few years have been tough with Saturn and Pluto on my case. If lord of the 7th, this is a good time for a marriage proposal if so inclined. It also happened to be the day I met someone I have not stopped obsessing over. Venus Conjunct Jupiter Transit When transiting Venus forms a conjunction with your natal Jupiter, following your attractions and desires will help you come to a deeper realization of the values and purpose that are most meaningful to you. Thank you Jamie for that explanation. I hope I was/am correct. A new love relationship may begin at this time if you are not already involved. If you have Venus-Jupiter aspects in your synastry chart, your sense of love, romance, and affection is expanded. But the universe doesnt always work like that! Because you mix well with others, social occasions are happy events. Its also semi sextile my natal Venus at 26 Capricorn. I think the Leo quality of loyalty was too strong and was overriding what was actually taking place in this friendship. I should have moved on years ago and I didnt. You are friendlier and more charming than usual. The natal chart is just like the moment you were born, an unchangeable fact. They are also shown to have a strong yearning for anything involving romance and feelings. As a reminder, we will say that this is one very adaptable aspect that combines unique creativity and the art of finding a good source of income when materializing those creative ideas. Venus Jupiter: Semi-Sextile. What may help you is looking at their charts so you see WHY. there are no planets in 10th house. Transit Chiron Aspects - The Dark Pixie Astrology Hi, I have Jupiter conjunct with Venus in Pisces 7th House..Do these energies become stronger till they conjunct? She just walked past me in the street last week saying Ive got to go, take care. Im angry, bewildered and sad, but at the same time, looking at the friendship without rose coloured glasses (I have natal Venus square Neptune), its obvious that she hasnt been a good friend for a very long time no support when my mother died, my dog died, my friend died, when I separated from my partner, when I had life threatening illness etc. Reveal here what it means, both in synastry and when it comes to the personality of the person who has this precise aspect in its natal chart. This is a good time to say "yes" to new opportunities. But through your involvement in the creative process, you will also be able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning and purpose youve been developing in your life. OK so hes an Aquarius with lots of Capricorn in his chart and completely lacks the fire element and very little water element. Their work is usually partially connected to the process of investigation, and they love implementing some changes in the fields of medicine and science, which will visibly change their attitude towards life and its further organization. Venus conjunct Jupiter natal mirrors what this alignment looks like in the sky, beautiful and adorable. The solution can also arise now for some legal problem. Jupiter thus expands your love sector during this time and increases your opportunities for romance. Will I get a job ? You may feel a stronger need than usual to find a way to verbalize your baggage and wounds. Id rather burn through my savings and die with dignity if my body wont let me work or even do simple things to look after myself when I am alone (I am disabled and lead a very restricted home bound life), than stay a day longer and be abused. Thanks. This is one of the best transits for falling in love. If lord of the 3rd, this is a time of pleasant interaction with neighbors and relatives and the neighborhood seems to be a serene place. The transit of Jupiter opposite your natal Venus is a very pleasant transit that brings well-being and harmony to relationships. Please Consider supporting us by disabling your Ad-Blocker,It helps us in maintaining this website. xxxx. Venus Sextile Jupiter - Synastry, Transit, Composite Boris, it could mean a Comet shows up, and alarms sound! It is favorable for romance, socializing, going to parties and anything that involves amusement. Sometimes and indication of the start of an office romance. People see you as open and sociable, making them drawn to you. They are favorable for almost everything, for having fun or sharing with friends, and for any business or financial issues. I just left on a plane to hang out with my best friend while legal proceedings of outstanding divorce settlement will be negotiated. It is a good time to enjoy social interaction, have fun or take a vacation. The greatest rewards lie just beyond that. Yes, and try to work out what influence that had on the relationship. Not to forget that during this transit, all of us, can also expect some events in global terms. This transit also gives you plenty of laziness and capacity for self-indulgence. If Venus is relatively well-integrated, this aspect can symbolize a flair for the provocative . You feel very sociable and loving, but because you feel so good about yourself, you do not throw yourself into the outside world and ambition is restricted. This transit can provoke compulsive feelings that interfere with the situation that is occurring, and also provoke the other person negatively. Venus conjunct Jupiter is a good omen for your social and love life because you attract nice things. It is also fortuitous for people who are looking for a partner as many relationships begin during this period. I have a natal Stellium and a Yod that wreak so much havoc that even the Venus-Jupiter conjunction gift is often dimmed. If you get them this way, it is possible that the relationship will not last or will not be meaningful. hi.jamie.today is my birthday8-27-1963.jupiter VENUS conjunct today.any change in my JOBlife path. My oils are better than what I can buy! They are well respected and loved by society. I have this in a triple conjunction with Rahu does it distort things? Trust comes more easily now. Travel becomes much more pleasant. You may notice that your popularity rises and that money and success seems to come more easily to you. You may be feeling more sentimental than usual. Try not to dwell on whats wrong, unfair, evil, painful, and setbacks. It represents a conflict between the desire to belong to something and the desire for freedom, so you must maintain calm and your perspective. United States. Nearly every time I close my eyes I have visions but rarely anything like yours. You are more willing, yielding, and compromising than you are typically. Me too. Find and learn exactly what behavior should be hidden, and for yourself only, how to act and what emotions to show in front of the public eye. All the arts and creative fields would offer a promising career, and many singers have this aspect. But, caution is necessary here-this is only plausible if neither Venus nor Jupiter make bad aspects with the natal planets. This transit indicates good luck, and you may receive gifts, money or compliments. So what will this conjunction mean for my job situation. Yes, to be honest, I do tend to cut exs off. Abusive unloving parents are the bloody pits. The candidates coming under this . This is a time when you are friendly, generous, optimistic and kind to everyone. Remember also that Mercury is slowing down and about to turn around in that immediate vicinity. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The tendency to waste economic resources and to be extravagant is one of the dangers, or to take for granted money that is not yet in your hand. Do you think thatll have an effect on my career? They are constant and in a balanced connection, but it only delivers a good chance, a chance to accomplish anything if you put in the hard work. As for your relationships, everyone feels good about you, but you should not assume that others will accept some of your extravagances. You are lucky to have the Mercury Venus Jupiter conjunction on your birthday. Hi Jamie this Jupiter/ venus conjunction is conjunct my natal Uranus ,which is at 28 .3 degrees and things are very quiet. I ignore him. Ive had enough people trying to shame me for what has been a brutal journey to standing up for my right to be treated with respect.). There is a 2 months lead time befor start date ( november 2016). ie. You do not have to strive, struggle, or work hard. Venus sextile Jupiter transit is excellent for partying and making love. June 4, 2025 It seems that my solar return was exact on 27 august 10.11pm so I was wondering on the one hand how this Venus conjunct Jupiter plus mercury in the surrounding could play if I have my natal Saturn at 27.02 degrees even more when my natal Saturn makes natally an opposition to my moon at 2.32 Aries and a sextile to my Venus in cancer at 19 degrees. You need excitement and you surround yourself with pleasures, so you must maintain self-control and moderation. That is, the midpoint between the Jupiter/Venus conjunction and Saturn is 0 degree Capricorn, winter solstice. I may be ill and unable to work and dependant, but that does NOT mean I deserve to be threatened/shouted at/deliberately exposed to chemicals that Make breathing difficult/have food and access to doctors withheld. Would you have any hint? Lets hope so Ofelia. One's need to survive is polarized from one's impetus for expansion, the quest for meaning, or experimenting with life. Venus sextile Jupiter transit is excellent for partying and making love. This period will bless you with gifts in the social and bonding aspects of your life. Best one because it includes moon phases is: The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century, 2000-2050 at Midnight. The Jupiter lover always chooses between the material and the spiritual, and often, in order to avoid confusion and poor communication, he is more focused on the simpler side of life, which, of course, this Venus partner does not really know how to comprehend and deal with. While this aspect suggests tenderness, affection, and caring, you are also highly passionate and sexual, even lewd sometimes. Could you possibly look at this chart and tell us what you think? Jupiter Sextile Venus Transit You might experience a sharp interest in the arts, perhaps even taking up the study of a creative expression. The text below is the interpretation of Jupiter transits sextile Venus. You are fun to be around and should enjoy popularity. They are present with one another when they are having a hard time. Venus sextile Jupiter natal makes you a warm, generous and loving person. Apologies if this is the wrong section. Get report personalized to your birth now. How many degrees for this transit to still be strong and in effect? alone, pain. It ensures a pleasant time with friends and loved ones. Im going to make a note of that. Venus Opposite Jupiter Natal and Transit - Astrology King Lenders are eager to extend you credit. Superiors tend to look favorably upon your work. Venus sextile Sun Easy interactions. These transits can also indicate legal-romantic issues, such as marriage or similar situations. These individuals might encounter difficulties due to their inability to stop themselves from enjoying the pleasures of life. You are better than anyone on this planet. These traits also mean that these people might often engage in relationships of either a romantic or sexual nature. While they rarely offer help out of their initiative, if need truly be, they waste no time in providing aid. Transit Venus, Jupiter & Chiron are conjunct my 6th House with Natal Aries Moon at present any idea what this represents? During these transits, you feel very generous, but you must have some moderation to avoid extravagant spending. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astromajesty_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_26',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astromajesty_com-narrow-sky-2-0');Because, if, by some chance, there is a bad aspect ( for example, a square or an opposition with either Venus or Jupiter), then things will not go as smoothly as you may think. Your presence encourages others to display the same warmth and affection that you naturally exude. Keep reading for the natal meaning of this aspect or jump to the transit interpretation. I used to have a telescope that I think cost me about 350, but theres too much light pollution in the city, so at some point in the future Ill buy another high-techy telescope (when I have the free cash) and take it to the countryside. Your inner harmony, warmth, and friendliness are so attractive. You can get carried away by extravagances, lack of moderation and excessive financial expenses. Venus takes about 584 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Hi Gerald and Ella, I also have a natal Venus-Jupiter conjunction, in modest Virgo, in my case. Venus conjunct Jupiter maximum orb 700. When this transit is active, you should be very happy since this is, as we have said, very harmonious. Venus square or opposite Moon. False hope will have been due to challenging transit to your Natal Mercury Neptune conjunction. Im working on a large drainage project in a friends backyard, installing a turn-around gravel driveway. Thanks! and would this aspect activate my natal aspects ( moon, Venus..)? If lord of the 11th, social connections made now have the potential to further your career goals. 1. a conjunction is stronger than a square You will benefit from an even more attractive look and people will gather around your personality like moths to a flame. I feel like this was written for me. October 8, 2025 You are able to communicate your feelings and to express your affection, so that you can enjoy more of your romantic, family or friendly relationships. May you be baptized and healed by the Holy Spirit. Natal Neptune for me sits at the apex of a minor grand trine. Ill have to wait and see. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. On these days, you will be able to express your truth with a sense of unparalleled beauty. Its how other people treat you that has the most psychological effect. April 30, 2022 The way I feel it looks that conjunction and the trine overthrowing a square. Sorry, Ive still got a lot to learn about astrology, so some pieces are still missing for me. Generally, however, your life should be balanced and happy, just like your personality. Conjunction Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Pisces (me). The native will have very pleasant dealings with kindred or relatives, and with those who will . You appreciate good company as well, even if you're more of a homebody. It is a good time to ask for a raise from your employer. BagatelleBoutique, on Etsy. Self-control and extravagance may be a problem, leading to addiction or greed. November 9, 2028 August 17, 2026 Setting off on a journey is favored, especially long-distance travel, and you would learn a lot about other cultures and broaden your outlook on life. This is a good time to impress someone, if that is what you want. Thats the only Venus/Jupiter activity lately. Venus Conjunct Jupiter Aspects Natal and Transit - Astrology.com Being so cheerful and charming, your social life will also be an essential part of your life. They urge you to find enjoyment in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. Going to look up my local time. When the Venus trine Jupiter transit takes place, we should take advantage of all that is happening to us and try new things. Thank You !! I made a note about the minor grand trine involving AC, DC and Mars that you told me about. Thats interesting. 08 July 2016 when crabs career . They simply despise being alone in the world. Transit Jupiter Sextile Venus Your social nature is very stimulated during this time and you'll enjoy any opportunity to visit with other people. Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. Another way to handle a Jupiter transit is to schedule some important Jupiter Sextile Natal Venus It is a very nice and pleasant time with Jupiter affecting your Venus on a very subtle level. This is becoming more of an issue in the media. But in their lives, there is a major possibility of wisely finding an excellent and very profitable source of income, as they are very good at completing business projects and finding new clients, but they are also known for changing workplaces and progressing in their careers even more.

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venus sextile jupiter transit