New Living Translation and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. The purpose for doing so is clear to the spiritual mind. I also heard it when it tried to attack dropping off its locust cargo. 142. Whoever they worship above God is on the forehead now says the seer Jazweeh. 149 Did curious George have a tail or no tail?? If you want to see more of these vile and evil changes thats been placed in our precious word of God, click here! Im very sure that its for His eventual honor and glory. United States Postal Service logo with the letter A or lambda?? Was Ed McMahon the spokes person for Publishers Clearing House or American Family Publishers?? Really? Where was the battery on the Energizer Bunnyit's back or side?? WebEvery bible has been changed supernaturally, even dusty bibles sitting on dusty shelves. This is the Name that, over time, came to be forbidden to speak by the Jews. M.E. 131. My god its LITERAL BEAST mRNA come on! Because it seems that the Bible has fallen victim to the infamous Mandela Effect and certain passages and words are not the way that many of us remember. H. Stay PUFF Marshmellow Man OR Stay PUFT Marshmallow Man?? It Lies Over is no longer in 2nd Thessalonians. 87. window.onload=function(){ Luke 22:20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new "COVENT" in my blood, which is shed for youOR Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new "TESTAMENT" in my blood, which is shed for you?? But no, not all of his prophecies. Therefore with these strange supernatural occurrences in the book along with other signs and wonders it looks like we are in pre tribulation times. 51. Contact with other people that see the supernatural bible changes is just a click away! Sally's Beauty Supply or Sally Beauty Supply. WebMandela Effect Book of Enoch - The End Salvation Forum More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Continue reading Now that the Bibles are All Corrupt as HELL. 180. (849), EYA YouTube Supernatural Bible Changes (771), Your Being Watched by the Elite by Your Own TV (592), Witches in Heaven may forgive your Trespasses in KJVB. Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy "CHILD" which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of GodOR The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy "thing" which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God?? What kind of van was the terrorist driving in Back to the Futurea minivan or VW bus?? It was the sound of our very breathe. H. Pantne Shampoo (with the accent over the E) OR just Pantene?? Right arm or forehead is what the bibles used to say (pretty sure). 132.Was the Gremlin with the white Mohawk called Spike or Stripe?? 82. Did Hannibal say "Hello Clarice" in Silence Of The Lambs?? OR "you're out of order your out of order this whole trial was out of order". Locust doesnt have legs and it cant fly. Did Jane Goodall work with Monkeys or Gorillas?? Again, in other words, the Lord God allows him to do it. G. Did Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry) say "Do YOU feel lucky, well do you punk!!" After all isnt he doing exactly what is needed to divide the sheep from the goats? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Apostle Paul never said this in the bible pre Mandela effect. Make no mistake these not sees fooled the immune system finally gaining the golden keys. Its the way people remembered him and the end of his life. NO we are not baptized into his death! 121. To get in contact with us, you can either use discord (the link for this you can see scrolling down the homepage) or the TSBC Forums that is being developed currently. This list was made by Evin Powers via this post: In 750 BC, the prophet Amos made some startling prophecies about the word of God disappearing. 7. Some may be contain truth, but quotingadhering to themas if they are in the Bible, or holy obligation, or THE Truth can have consequences. Yeah, those were SUPER common in my church. Forrest Gump"Life is like a box of chocolates" orLife WAS like a box of chocolates..?? Well they say evil has a counterfeit of all things good and True. For example- He dwelled on the loss of His money. Such harsh beliefs have resulted in untold damage to families, as well as the oppression of LGBTQ people. A. Smokey "The" Bearor just Smokey Bear?? Goes along with the other new words in scripture like operations, theatre, doctors, nurses, vex / vexed / vexations, sharp pointed things, veins, stroke, conspiracy, congealed blood do you see what I am painting with the new words? York Peppermint Pattie slogan "Taste The Sensation" OR Get The Sensation?? H. Hillshire Farms or Hillshire Farm?? God Made Man (Where would we be today if people werent curious, in spite of the cat's demise?). How is this happening? On left the Locust. But this isnt the only prophecy about whats happening! Winged abomination (already removed from bibles) & Locust from pit. Jo Ann's Fabrics OR Jo Ann Fabrics?? Lets do the work necessary.Research. I never attended the Warrington college of business but Ive ran several successful companies and while Im certainly no Bible Thumper and its been awhile since Ive cracked open my copy of the Good Book, my youth was spent memorizing certain passages from it. According to the flesh with fear and trembling is blatant blasphemy as fear and trembling was for working out your own salvation previously. Term Holy place in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance in that particular scripture is defined as a passage in a book.. 169. The convenient alliteration lion and lamb is easy to remember. Jiffy peanut butter or "Jiff " peanut butter?? American Gothic paintingwas the woman looking strait OR off to the side..?? 163. 127. if(nsec<=9) nsec="0"+nsec; End of days prophecy. The Doors Light My FireYou know that it would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I "WERE" to say to you OR if I "WAS" to say to you?? 21. Jesus said were judged by the way we treat the least among usthe sick, the hungry, the stranger. 194. He enjoys relaxing at home near Austin, Texas with his new bride and their furbaby horde, and when he's not editing, writing, or broadcasting, he can usually be found watching movies and vegging in his recliner. I could give numerous more examples of words being duplicated and misused and have done so in my videos. 147. So just who is supernaturally re-writing ALL the bibles. Chimps are also one of the beasts favorite experimental beasts. 176. After all why else would they put Cancer in the shots except for SUPER-FAST GROWTH by CELL EXPRESSION (cell growth) AND A CANCER WITH A DESIGN. The name as being on His thigh, come on, NEW. E. "YOU can dance if YOU want to but leave your friend behind because your friend doesn't dance and if YOU don't dance then you're no friend of mine" OR "WE can dance if We want to, WE can leave your friends behind Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine. How to Kill a Mockingbird OR To Kill a Mockingbird??. It is also blasphemy to call the sanctified action of water baptism that represents eternal life and to die to the flesh and rise unto life eternal as a baptism of death. A, Did the human skull have 6 small holes in the front of it!! All of the paper and online books have changed utterly and supernaturally. What is the real covenant with the many? He's a certified Geek that has absorbed a little bit of all sorts of things, especially the odd and just plain WTH kind of stuff. 1 Peter 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the "CORNER STONE" OR the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner?? So many things have changed but we remember the truth. Sunday changed everything, but not in the way many people think. See Sally Sinners comment below article for solutions. The immune system thinks its getting instructions and road maps from its own body. Righteous indignation when we see wisdom turned to folly. JESUS DIED THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE (life period) AND HAVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.. 192. 189. And now the word tumors is all over most every bible translation. 185. Carol is a writer for the website Was it Thomas the train or Thomas the Tank Engine?? But its happening now. The worst part is that as scriptures continue to change it is becoming increasingly The worst part is that as scriptures continue to change it is becoming increasingly difficult to know what the verse was originally especially if verses have turned into complete nonsense verses. We did not die for the whole world so all could be delivered from death but Jesus did so. Kindly read my Comment Policy and abide by it. What?, Its Time I Showed You The Strong Delusion Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead, Angels with Breasts and Girdles? It cant be both. Well, if youre like myself and apparently numerous others in this world, you remember a certain king of the jungle. Second, myself and others have found something really interesting about these changes. No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles. Thessalonia is turning into Thessalonica and other strange names. It is blasphemy to suggest that we share in Jesus death/sacrifice. They May Be Able to Change the Bible-But They Can't Change Jesus' Death and Resurrection - Happy Resurrection Day! I am somewhat baffled by those who say ya I see the changes whats the big deal, keep it quiet, what of it? or ya I see the changes, then in the next breath they are quoting corrupt hateful scripture. Or Ya I see the changes but KEEP IT SECRET or people wont read the bible and get saved. Promote a lie? }. By the way, Daniel 7:25 is the key verse that tells us whats happening to our bibles. Volkswagon OR Volkswagen. All, very much based on providing considerable empirical evidence, and backed by faith, tday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"); The Belt of Truth is vital as armor of God. if(nmin<=9) nmin="0"+nmin; Why, the author of confusion of course. I dont have the passages in front of me, but look up his statues.. nd then ask how the eff did we not know this?. She is not the only one who sees & drew the parasite demons. In fact, in Vacation Bible School we were even rewarded for our memorization. We are living in very scary times. The Rum Diaries OR The Rum Diarie?? 156. Do your intestines go back and forth horizontally OR more vertical and bunched-up?? But it is not out of the Bible, at least not as a direct quote. 73. How long will we be able to find the true word of the Lord if it really is changing right before our very eyes? But the thigh thing is sexual innuendo. The Mandela Effect is when our world or reality changes, and we remember another previous reality. Snow White "Mirror mirror on the wall" or Magic mirror on the wall..?? 162. 143. Any questions about fulfilled prophecy events mentioned below are covered on my site. Was the Roman Numeral 4 (four) like-this "IV" OR this "llll". Is South America under North Americe OR 1000 mile over to the east?? WebJoin the Remnant List! Most Christians will have no part in the revelation of Truth. 69. WebThrough supernatural means, our bible has changed. To cause mental distress. Wizard of Oz"I don't think we're in Kansas any more or "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore ..?? To dwell on something is negative and akin to depression. As opposed to the belt of Truth the book changed from. To All Pastors, Bible Teachers, and Believers Who are The Bride of ), 177. Scriptures tells us that the anti-christ cannot be revealed until the restrainer is removed. Apparently the Dark Lords name is Seth. Was the A-Team Van Black with a Red stripe OR Black & Gray with a Red stripe?? WebThe Mandela Effect biblical narrative is hijacked on you tube by those who say "sure the bible is changing" and they site only a few of the well knows scripture changes while promoting a book of vile lies they hide the worst of the changes never addressing or mentioning them. Genesis 28:14 And thy seed shall be as the "SANDS OF THE SEA"OR And thy seed shall be as the "DUST OF THE EARTH" and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the "FAMILIES" of the earth be blessed?? Crossman air pistol are Crosman air pistol. 58. The Locust on the face consummated. Heres the problem: the quotes were never spoken.Though people are adamant, all of those quotes aremisremembered. The Bernstein Bears or The Bernstain?? Forgives us our "trespass" or forgive us our "debts"..?? WebThis list of mandela effect Bible change examples that will blow your mind. Luke 5:24 24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy mat, and go into thine house. Mark 13:10 And the gospel must first be "preached" among all nationsOR 10 And the gospel must first be "published" among all nations?? Ford logo, with or without the curly Q..?? I had heard the name of God being mentioned in one place in the Bible. tmonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); Bible is Nearly Cooked, Supernatural KJV Bible Changes Log 2020-2021. James Bond (Moonraker) 1979 did Dolly have braces or no braces.?? Mandela Effect KJVB Changes. J. LassieDid Timmy ever Fall Down The Well And Lassie Went For Help?? Wear Out wasnt an Elizabethan term in the day the King James was translated. Continue reading Vital Scriptures Disappearing from all Bibles that Exist. Our costs are paid out of our own pockets. (IMO, these changes appear to be a Bible version the false prophet and/or anti-christ will be He made a beautiful habitat of gorgeous flowers, plants, and mountains, and hills. Click here for great Bible research tools. What is causing the Bible Changes and what is known as Theres a word that was replaced! In fact, no such movie exists, although there was a children's movie called Kazaam and some other coincidences that could help to explain how this movie became created (or The script below is what he already did on Earth with the shots. Everything from a Matrix-like event, a hole in the time-space continuum, a world-wide holodeck experience, or sliding between parallel realities. How many people in the JFK assassination car4 or 6..?? Isaiah 11:6 "The Lion shall lay with the Lamb"or "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb"..?? Was Eli Whitney inventor of the cotton gin African American?? Why does God allow it? Im not exaggerating here, if you head down this part of the rabbit hole just be warned, its rather deep. 68. var nday=d.getDay(),nmonth=d.getMonth(),ndate=d.getDate(),nyear=d.getYear(); K.This is your brain this is your brain on drugsOR this is your brain, this is drugs, this is your brain on drugs?? Verses that you think you know, ones you spent countless minutes or even hours reciting over and over in your head, may be completely different than what you recall. Bible is Nearly Cooked, Now that the Bibles are All Corrupt as HELL, Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth, Mandela Effect Amelia Airehart Now Earhart Fails in Her Journey Apparently, Supernatural KJV Bible Changes Log 2020-2021, The Beast System is Down Loading Fake History Into the Minds of Men, Witches in Heaven may forgive your Trespasses in KJVB., What of Those You-Tubers Who Say I see the KJV Supernatural changes Yet they Say Nothing?, Your Being Watched by the Elite by Your Own TV, Holy Spirit Inoculation for Corona (Kronos) Virus (Coronavirus), The Spiritual and Physical Desecration of all Human Bodies via The Mortician-Embalmer. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. wth? var nhour=d.getHours(),nmin=d.getMinutes(),nsec=d.getSeconds(),ap; Continue reading The Goats No Longer Have Access to Gods Powerful Words, Words Crying, criest, cry, cried Are multiplied in the KJV bibles. One of the most well-known examples of the Mandela Effect is the collective memory of a movie called "Shazaam" that starred the actor/comedian Sinbad in the 1990s. Car Logos: 101. She said at that time it was impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. "Moderation in all things"Spare the rod, spoil the child"The lion will lay down with the lambPride goeth before the fallTo thine ownself be true"Hate the sin, love the sinner. Oreo double stuff cookies spelled with one F or two?? Its the programming. D. Don't tell my heart My achy breaky heart OR Don't tell my heart My achy breaky heart?? Here is evils armor of darkness. So, when you got to the part in Matthew 6:12, did you say it with the following: And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Are your kidneys in your lower back OR up higher by the ribcage..?? else if(nhour==12){ap=" PM";} Its what theyve repeatedly been told, or pieced together from what theyve heard.But they are wrong!Those statements are not in the Bible. With as many eyes that are on these words each and every week, these discoveries should be sending shockwaves through numerous religious communities. 117. The Mandela Effect is real! Did the Staples sign always have a hook on the "L".?? Continue reading What of Those You-Tubers Who Say I see the KJV Supernatural changes Yet they Say Nothing?. 80. Proverbs and old sayings are part of our culture, and permeate our You may as well throw the I do think our Bible is being manipulated and only true children of God will remember and speak his true word. Join our newsletter for tech tips, reviews,and exclusive deals! Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out (it was vex) the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 150. F. Is there a Rock Band called MEGADEATH OR MEGADETH?? There is darkness in the world, but in the end it shall all come to light. Star Wars"Luke I am your father" or "NO I am your father"..?? Daylight savings time or daylight saving time?? Now is the time to embrace Truth as much as you can with Gods help. Continue reading Its Time I Showed You The Strong Delusion Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead. A. I get it we have been deceived by the Legion/religion who is the Great Harlot. A few of the new words are mere duplicates of a word already in scripture, like patience. You're out of order, this whole court rooms out of order!" This is one ME area that really surprises me for several reasons. Dont Be a Parrot, Angels with Breasts and Girdles? I think its easy to believe something because weve been taught we should believe it.Its comfortable to believe something because everybody believes this.. My Lord God is allowing this. WHEN was Mother Theresa made a Saint..?? The trinity is being omitted in literature. Was Italy shaped like a boot kicking Sicily..?? A. Victoria Secret OR Victoria's Secret?? set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us bothOR Whereas thou hast searched all my "STUFF", what hast thou found of all thy household "STUFF"? The changes include the following, Continue reading The Beast System is Down Loading Fake History Into the Minds of Men. Well, if its the second option like what I was taught and remember so fondly, guess what weve always been wrong. Dose The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo DaVinci have 4 arms or 6?? He sent to them a great book of words inspired by Him given to men to write. Like screaming mad. Oscar Meyer wiener orOscar Mayer..?? The Lords prayer Does the Lords prayer say Gods will be done "ON" earth as it is in heaven Or "in" earth as it is in heaven..?? NO! More is wrong with these script below. The KJVB are all changing supernaturally both paper and online. function GetClock(){ Is how I remember Pauls teaching.

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mandela, bible changes list