In Maine, a similar effort to legalize denser housing types waswatered downafter opposition from municipal leaders. A measurepassedin 2022 leverages state funding for local zoning reform that makes it easier to build middle-income housing and transit-oriented development. As I said, it is the silly season! But thats not a good idea, it would be way too long and most of you would probably quit reading long before the end, so Ill break it up. Some pictures came out later showing people on the beach kind of bewildered by the retreat of the ocean from the shore shortly before the giant wave crashed in. Critics of the bill further argued that it offered no guarantees for making housing units more affordable to the average resident. Though I titled this as week 2 ends, some more bills may pop out later today, in which case Ill send out another quick update, so stay tuned. Yet, if housing affordability is to improve, things have got to change, and local leaders have to be part of that. Essentially what Prof. Phillips says is that communities, way back in the dark past, used to have land use regulations in place that allowed for lots of growth and development. One of Americas best institutions of higher education, UC Berkeley! Apps: we may also list official apps to help you tune in on Radio Carolines page. He is carrying all of the major planning bills were awaiting (well, not sure about the station area plans bill), making himself the go-to guy at the legislature for land use stuff. You can see more details about the issues with this bill by going back to my Feb. 9 blog post. This was concerning to us. Meanwhile, the concerns about STRs mushroomed all over the state: Springdale, St. George area, even on the Wasatch Front. Smart density, in the right places, paired with improved infrastructure from wise investments, and a renewed emphasis on single-family starter homes remember those? As you can see, the Big Water provision directly contradicts that stipulation. For the PRO to have to get involved in that can they even legally do that? The first will be at the APA Utah spring conference in Kanab March 25. The Erosion of Home Rule through the Emergence of State-Interests in Land Use Control, neighborhood-serving retail spaces in residential areas, published the results in the Journal of the American Planning Association, new cities are joining the most expensive club, removed parking requirements for all developments, leading a push for new transit oriented density, published in May 2021 calling for a complete rethink of zoning, Americans Are Less Likely Than Before COVID-19 To Want To Live in Cities, More Likely To Prefer Suburbs, Steering into 2022: Locals list wishes for Cache Valley in coming year, Britains New Suburbs are Peculiar Places,,,,,,,,,,,, More on this later. I was appalled when my house got built, and especially appalled at all the other houses that got built after mine. He talks about issues that are regional in scope and nature such as housing, economic development and transportation, and how the actions of individual communities can thwart or stymie such policies. HB409 vesting you may recall that during this years legislative session, HB409, among other things, placed a 10-year limit on local governments from requiring any building or design standards on building permit applications more strict than those that were in place on the date of final plat approval. While developers would still have to comply with other regulations such asparking requirements, they would theoretically have more flexibility in height and density. There is a lot here to be digested, and I have to admit I havent had the time to look it over completely and ascertain all the changes and things that are in this bill, but Ill try. The ranking was based on a number of factors, including the number of new housing starts per 1,000 population. All of these are worthy and important things that we should be taking into account as we plan the futures of our communities. 1212element. All this sounds very supportive of getting communities to revamp their regulatory frameworks and enable more needed housing to be built. And the problem is will. I may have given the impression from some of my previous posts that I am not in favor of some of these efforts, but let me assure you that is not the case things could use a good shake-up. And heres a piece from KUTV about the unanimous passage of HB410 Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement. And some of the Leagues proposal came about as a result of discussion that had been ongoing earlier, reflected in a conference session on the role of public input in land use processes that I was part of at the APA fall conference and the ULUI Land Use conference. Oregons legislators last year passed a bill removinglocal land use barriers that made it difficult to open homeless sheltersin the state, so Hill said her suggestion isnt unprecedented. (SB110 Water As Part of General Plan). HB232 Utah Lake Authority weve talked about this in previous posts, this is the awaited new bill (last years bill was tabled to allow for more discussion and reconsideration). Whats the threshold for that? The first is the third installment of the Utah Foundations Missing Middle report, which gives the results of a survey about Utahns preferred and acceptable housing development. Most of the bad bills dont seem to be making any headway, so thats a good thing. What does the Chamber mean by smart growth? Callsign: Signal type: between cities and the state over the standard amount of water that cities are required to provide for each residential unit. His comment? State-level policies? We need development. Well, I keep putting up posts saying that the nationwide trend of zoning reform is coming, it will be the case of the irresistible force meeting the immovable object, that resistance is futile There are plenty of examples of states and cities around the country that are making the moves, everything from making ADUs by-right uses in all residential zones to elimination of exclusive single-family residential zones, just google zoning reform and youll get a bunch of references. Cant wait to see what the bill finally says. Before the coronavirus pandemic hit, he said, he spent much of his time traveling and half of the year living in his second home, in another earthly paradise that welcomed him as a newcomer: Nelson, New Zealand. Finally, Im feeling up to it! We shall see. They are: HB438 Point of the Mountain State Land Authority Amendments this bill makes a number of operational changes and additions to this authority, including the ability to impose an energy tax and raise other revenue, bond, what funds can be used for and how, and the ability to use the Public Infrastructure District provisions (PIDs). This aint over, folks. How else might this Authority concept be used in the future? "eventLabel": "tunein"}); How the regional impacts of local land use decisions are to be controlled is an enduring problem still seeking a solution in this state.. 1182Constructions and Fire Codes Act. 1213(5) Any conditional use for a dwelling, use, or activity on a local non-historic lot shall Thats it. The availability of quality education beyond high school such as good trade schools, colleges and universities. Nonwhites were generally more pro-housing than whites; just under 15 percent of white commenters supported new housing, as opposed to 45 percent of blacks. With a tip of the hat to The Polar Express, I am revealing the first land use-related bills of the 2023 legislative session! It very much reminds me of our communities. As a result, the story notes, those new development are sprawling and disconnected a clump rather than a city. Though the (new) estates are well-planned individually, they do not add up to a coherent town.. It will be interesting to see what comes of this, how useful it will be, and what role our own fair Utah mayor will play in the process. Frequently it seems that any such attempts by city and county officials are cut short because of strong NIMBY reactions. The developers like it, obviously, because it would be far, far cheaper way to finance their projects than getting more traditional financing from a bank. But as people flocked to the state, cities and suburbs refused to change the built environment to accommodate these newcomers. I think youll agree that, with its heavy hitter membership, this may be the place for future discussions about state-level growth planning policies may get some legs. As Bloomberg noted, the housing market didnt catch up with demand during the 2010s, a time during which about half as many homes were built as during the previous decade. Students are driving up housing costs, displacing low-income families, draining city resources, and degrading the environment. Hold the presses, gang. Paul also told me when we talked recently that hes working on his version of Martin Luthers 95 Theses, but in this case about public hearings, not religion (whew!). There is now a 5th substitute awaiting action when this bill gets on the Senate floor. Isnt this just democracy in action? U.S. 1) Stakeholder engagement These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. And this is how we get in trouble with the state legislature, which then passes new rules for land use that really arent necessary (because they address problems that exist in only a very few communities), and are often not good policy. Week 2 of the legislative session started out with a summary of what is happening on various land use bills by the League at their Legislative Policy Committee meeting today. It was substituted and passed out favorably in committee yesterday. The amendment exempts out individual building permits from having to be submitted. In the context of planning and rezoning decisions, bureaucrats and commissioners ought to solicit public input widely, from within the city limits and beyond. From 1987 and into the 1990s, the channel carried a tailored service, branded BBC 648, in which some French and German programmes were interwoven with the main output in English. 2) Current and future land use opportunities The off-premises distinction is agnostic as to content, Sotomayor said. Megs insinuation is not out of line. Most residents here could not afford to purchase the home they live in, given todays market prices and household income.. Next up, heres a report from Planetizens editor James Brasuell as he attended the APA National Conference in San Diego this week: I tried to attend two conference sessions onzoning reform. 4) Transportation choices/connectivity It really needs a complete rewrite, because we both agree that so much of the code is just hard to understand and make sense of, because of the way it was originally written, and because of the numerous amendments made to it over the years. The committee will study how to approach bonding and debt. Take a look at the first part of the study three more to come! Subscribe to James Cridlands newsletter, buy DAB Digital Radio receivers at, Brighton trial, Birmingham trial, Norwich trial, Woking trial, Portsmouth trial and London trial. Okay, only two days left and then we can talk about other things, as well as about what just happened to us in the legislative session. (side note referenda are being increasingly seen as a major problem for land use actions, as evidenced by what goes on in California and increasingly in Utah, and there should be actions taken to deal with this threat. Adding the MIH element and reporting requirement to Section 4 now gave the general plan somewhat more of a mandatory character. HB128 Education Impact Fee Amendments this is a pretty big change it would remove the prohibition on local entities from being able to charge impact fees for schools and educational facilities. Single-family activity increased by 12.6 % to 17,528 units. by William Fischel?). This Authority included the ability to contract, raise tax revenue, and have land use authority. 234(E) reduction of yard waste; and As part of their seven-part general plan, cities are required to provide ahousing elementthat will accommodate the housing units allocated to them. WZImTMbu*u/IEpU`I8k(O ""ZeR+kJ%RKk0#t@|%y]@]wCdm]w[d&{[|96YCD|vd"X[3S8epvX,yL8M"lXSE~w1k[ w+aygzt\u\pugCUeofh-(1{Q_`pXiHwN976X=R?CC5\s"}o36"v.+?.$RiBarng$fmz+Rw\}mb@B\c*1mP{"`tq%mfh=Yuw3FTVpqLM! While many Utah communities are altering lawn irrigation days and pushing water-saving tips, Oakley and Henefer have prioritized current residents over new building, and halted new projects on city water all together. Called the Housing Supply Accelerator, it is intended to be a national campaign to advance and incentivize local approaches to land use, zoning and housing development and preservation., How will this campaign achieve those goals? Permitting and zoning laws can become a major issue in some areas. So much so, that reports over the past several years have shown a substantial housing deficit: that is, not enough homes being built to meet the demand for new housing by growth in population numbers. As far as Im concerned, this is preaching to the choir about how top-down efforts breed resentment, non-cooperation and ultimate failure. 261(C) multifamily housing project. (I)nclusionary zoning should be viewed for what it is a mechanism for integrating new development, not a tool to generate enough affordable housing to meet our communities needs. The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) in January rejected a motion to stay neutral on the initiative, and insteadvoted, 32 to 12, to back the initiative. None of this reflects how our system is supposed to work. He chose this location, Im sure, to emphasis the resources he proposes to direct toward Great Salt Lake restoration and water conservation and infrastructure, which is substantial in the budget). Whos right? The water element is to be: coordinated to integrate the land use element with the water use and preservation element; and account for the effect of land use categories and land uses on water demand. Also, SB43- Public Notice Requirements was substituted and passed by the Senate on Friday. People say that at some point even George Harrison funded them. Not allowed by the local code! Whats Demsas answer to all this? And what of Utah? This years bill goes a step further, in that would require that all attorneys employed by the OPRO must have a background in homeowner association law. Radio Caroline - (22:45). Well, many of you know that I serve in my retirement on the Kaysville Planning Commission. The examples given here are just small, individual actions that by themselves dont really shift things that much. This bill even allows for carving out portions of the land that will be open space or undeveloped as part of a larger piece that is going to be developed. Now heres the odd part, again. But these same local officials are generally heard to say that these local growth and land use policies are best dealt with at the local level. Owners rent them for cash, or house family in them. No level or type of government is perfect and there can be legitimate governance concerns at the local level. There is an immediate fix that is being considered, for the definition of rural real property (which has been an issue in several recent annexation proposals). The Land Use Task Force continues to meet, but it sounds like they have still not settled on any specific bill language on the issues theyve been discussing. Was this approach successful? The provision was pretty obviously aimed at the Kimball Junction project by Dakota Pacific. Recently we considered a rezone application from low density single-family zone to a moderate density one which would allow for multi-unit structures. That, in turn, would funnel pent-up demand into those jurisdictions thatdopermit new apartments, increasing the burden of compliance. Tony Semerad of the Trib wrote a good retrospective of this effort last year, and makes the case for a shift in focus for transportation funding that grew out of this, but beyond that? In this case, the would be entirely private and paid off when properties are sold (lots of other details to these), but they do get access to public finance bond markets, with their lower interest rates. Ill do the same for some planning-related issues. We could spend the entire budget surplus and not be in a better spot.. SB289 Point of the Mountain State Land Authority Amendments. Regional Water Strategy. If ballot initiatives like Our Neighborhood Voices succeed, citizens, not planners, will increasingly set the policy parameters that shape the build environment of the future. A lot is attributed to cost of materials, and loss of workforce during the great recession and no one coming back in to refill those jobs. But then, there was this written comment, sent in just prior to the hearing. this suggests a bleak future for zoning. a number of states and local jurisdictions have made land-use changes to permit the construction and renovation of ADUs, which can offset the cost of homeownership while expanding the supply of affordable rental housing. But again, these steps Ive just called out from the bill demonstrate to me a confusing conflating of a discretionary and a technical process, each of which should have different ways of gathering information and input. Yet few housing projects in recent years have drawn the organized opposition this one has. So weve heard a lot about the problems with getting new housing built, in large measure because of the rules and processes that are part of getting local government approvals for new housing, particularly for anything other than large-lot single-family homes. Things are moving more slowly in cities with strict zoning codes. The crux of the problem is a lack of supply in the places where economic opportunities are greatest (that is, the hot economic metro areas, which includes the Wasatch Front). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Section 405 of LUDMA states: the general plan is an advisory guide for land use decisions. To re-emphasize my points made in yesterdays post about cooperation between levels of government being the best way to move any kind of zoning reform forward, heres a story about how things are going down in Massachusetts, which passed a zoning reform bill last year. The second Trib story has to do with SB271 Home Ownership Requirements. Part of the state justification for involvement in this proposal is to take advantage of the significant infrastructure that state has paid to have put in this area for the new state prison, located just to the west of the inland port area. Were taking houses, and were turning them into hotels. We need to build more trails and recreation opportunities and invest more in strategic infrastructure.. You cant have financial stability tied up in an asset that is necessary for survival. We need development. The Utah State Supreme Court handed down its ruling last week in Salt Lake Citys suit against the Inland Port Authority. Before any of the MIH language was added to Part 403 of LUDMA, the entire part was comprised of a total of about 85 lines of language. related legislative acts (i.e. Well, here we are in 2022 and nothing more has happened. That says something about the expanding nature of this issue. And localYIMBYgroups across the country are rewriting old ordinances. Still, theres something nuggets here to consider, As Ive noted in earlier posts, the Unified Economic Opportunity Commission has become the primary body at the state level looking at growth issues and what to do. Flint says later in the piece. However, Fillmore said that can be sometimes problematic. As promised at the seminar, the first part of that Utah Foundation report is now available with excellent background and information. SB20 MIDA Amendments modifies provisions for MIDA. That has caused some issues recently as the information to be used apparently has been found to not be as accurate or detailed as needed to accomplish the requirements of the code. Study the feasibility of creating a state park along the Oquirrh Mountains. UTAH CODE 11-58-205(5), -205(6). Well, after the comments by Sen. Jake Anderegg and Rep. Steve Waldrip in this weeks Unified Economic Opportunity Commission meeting that I posted about a couple of days ago, and then this comment made yesterday by Gov. There was a time when this radio station was extremely popular, but it always had semi-legal (and sometimes illegal) status. Part of this section of code includes a provision that if the plan is approved by a 2/3 majority of the governing body of the community, it is not subject to the referendum process (this is based on a provision in the state constitution that applies explicitly to the state legislature, but not so clearly to other legislative bodies). I know you wont listen to meyou NEVER do but those are my two cents. If this passes, it would really render the general plan moot, said Tempe Mayor Corey Woods. The second example comes from Washington City. I was reading in last weeks issue of The Economist an opinion piece about growth that I thought sounded very much like the experience we are having here. Im surprised there hasnt been more of a reaction from those communities. outside of UTA) must do a SAP This is often difficult not just because of the challenge of making sure the word gets out to all 249 cities/towns and all 29 counties around the state, but also the challenges many of these communities have to get the changes made in a timely manner. The directional aerial for 648kHz (erected in 1981-82) consists of a row of five 106.7 metre (350ft) freestanding steel lattice towers of triangular cross section, insulated at their base. Lets run those down first. Over the years, the Orfordness station carried a variety of radio services. The Court essentially disposed of that argument by saying that the legislation creating the Inland Port Authority created a new classification those communities with port authorities and those without. And to the argument that local governments are, if not the primary cause, at least one of the main contributors to the housing affordability crisis by making it difficult to build more housing, take a look at the most recent construction report from the University of Utah. The station has two directional aerial (antenna) systems: one for 648kHz and one for 1296kHz. He says: The left starts out with a stronger bias toward the public sector in many of these areas. Partnership to Accelerate & Incentivize Diverse Housing Supply, loosen controls around certain housing developments, Is Utah too developer friendly? Heres Howes entire entry about the court session. Two interesting pieces I just saw that kind of embodied this approach for me. Mostly it worked, Id say. It is a cooperative effort of four counties and 26 municipalities, called the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. Only one new minor bill out yesterday, HB407 Short-Term Rental Enforcement Amendments. The directional aerial for 1296kHz (erected in 1978) consists of six freestanding steel lattice towers. They are usually against mixed use. But it is an idea. So I was just reading about an initiative that has been taking place in south Florida for a few years now, to address climate change. The bulges described usually take place in farther out areas because first, there are not so many people out there to object, and second there hasnt been time for a constituency to develop to oppose development and get their cities to put in place more restrictive rules. 214(c) A political subdivision may not enact a regulation that creates specific requirements The other major LUTF bill which was finally substituted last Friday, is awaiting introduction onto the House floor. Mike Hyde at Duchesne County just sent me a note today saying that he has talked with a consultant about what it would take to do the mandated airport plan for their countys two small airports, and the answer is about $30,000 for each. If I could characterize the impact of this years legislative session on local land use planning and regulation, I think I would call it the Year of the General Plan. When the decision was made to close the existing state prison and build a new one at a new location, the question arose of what to do with the approximately 700-acre old prison site. A power increase has been agreed for Radio Caroline to extend its coverage area from Suffolk and Essex to include Kent as East Sussex.

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