CA Cancer J Clin, 2013. This really shows that Dr Leaf is not an expert and that she is taken seriously by the church is incredibly disheartening. Not for the sake of us, but for others that do not know HIM! I would assume a very small number of your readers are qualified to search out all the detailed studies or analyses cited as the various references. I was immediately sceptical of the value of what struck me as a project for evolving new or modernised Christian doctrines, based more, or as much upon what passes for science these days, than (or as) upon any of the traditional authorities for Christian doctrine. Your writings and information are liberating and open and I thank you. However, leading mindfulness researchers have called for an instructional tool that not only teaches mindfulness practices, but also covers and assesses mindfulness necessary counterparts: self-regulation and self-management and emotional, cognitive, and behavioral flexibility (resilience). on Speaking of claims leaf has said, (like the woman raped), Thank God we have good Christians like Dr. Dont buy her books, and warn your friends and your pastors that she is a slick seller of fake science. Leaf we have to exercise discernment because they are all human and subject to error. and helps me maintain a healthy sleep schedule even when I travel. Dr Leaf may be currently working on some research, and if she is, great. Choose something that will help you expand your knowledge base and help you develop mental resilience. So, I wrote to Professor Howard Gardner who still works at Harvard University. on COLORECTUM Approximately one third of colorectal cancer is genetically linked [11]. After more discussion with my husband, I felt I needed to see what others were saying about Dr. 24. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. Im not quite Pitt the Younger any more, more like Pitt the middle-aged (My sister, the unofficial family historian, as tried to find a connection from William Pitt to our family but hasnt come ups with anything definitive yet). Rather, it augments the speakers authority and demonstrates the depth of their knowledge on the subject at hand. I have no problem with someone who only accepts a high standard of information and accountability. Whether its Kenneth Copeland, Tim Keller or John MacArthuror Dr. I continue to battle with both anxiety and depression. For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). By Dr. Caroline Leaf on August 21, 2019. Sorry, I missed the connection with Pitt the younger straight over my head, but very clever. Please, spread the word. You would never have need for medication if you were controlling your thoughts. Harv Rev Psychiatry, 2011. Every. DIABETES Genetic factors account for 88% of the risk for type 1 diabetes [14]. Not only do our choices create real, structural changes in the brain, but they also affect the overall health of our brains, which impacts how the brain and body function on a day-to-day basis, while, if our brains are not healthy, its hard for our minds to be healthy and for us to make healthy decisions. It also has nothing to do with my ego or her following. Your feeling that Dr Leafs ministry of fake science is working for you doesnt mean her teaching is accurate. 10(11): 803-13. In this podcast (episode #251) and blog, I discuss the different types of grief, Based on my research and time in private practice, I have noticed that grief tends to cycle between denial, anger, guilt, bargaining, sadness, and acceptance (among other emotions). Firstly, congratulations. However, these experiments were done on only nine subjects, and the panic attacks were induced by cholecystokinin. Of course, you are not going to resolve everything perfectly by the time you go to bed, but you can choose how you want to go to sleep. I am still in awe about the level of respect, care and support Dr. Over the past few decades, many studies have contributed to utilizing electroencephalography (EEG) measurements to assess mental health through correlations between historically pre-defined frequency bands in the power spectrum alpha, beta, delta, theta, and gamma and specific mental health conditions (Newson & Thiagarajan, 2019). Its no different to Dr Leaf and her teaching, which is scientifically baseless and not only will I not support people using it, but I will also actively discourage people from using it. That was a big New Age flag. Thanks for sharing your opinion. As you have heard me say many times before, how we choose to use our brains affects both our mental and physical health. She teaches at academic, medical and neuroscience conferences, churches, and to various audiences around the world.Dr. She invented, developed, researched and applied a model of Geodesic Learning based on The Geodesic Information The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health Organization has concluded that 80% of cancers are due to lifestyles and are not genetic, and they say this is a conservative number (Cancer statistics and views of causes Science News Vol.115, No 2 (Jan.13 1979), p.23). Its good that she provides a reference to her statement. Long ago I am engaged in significant discussion with him and reviewed his apparent being removed out devotion to targeting Caroline with arguments that are rarely understood by anyone except him. 9. 26. And dont waste your time on Caroline Leaf. Study 1s findings suggested that these 20 questions forming the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) survey tool have both structural validity and consistent reliability across both samples. Christianity is libertarian, or sometimes deterministic in a theistic way. I experienced severe trauma through abuse two years ago and have not felt quite myself since then. She did the same thing with mind-mapping and the work of Buzan and turned it into her Metacog (Who switched off my brain, Appendix A, pp 152 153). I found your site. Youre more than welcome to disagree with the conclusions I draw but I disagree that it is unsound. Before long, I was into familiar territory, that of the so-called flame war. Mentally ill ppl believe it, and shes Making money off them. So does astrology. This applies to myself and Dr Leaf. Thanks again for the comment, all the best to you. It was a frightful situation. When it comes to sleep, remember to avoid panicking when you cant fall sleep. Did its feebled thoughts and behaviors result in its disease? I do agree with you that Critical thinking is needed, to filter out godlessness. I have not had a chance to touch on many, many other points of disagreement. Ive done my soul-searching and I dont need to do any more. First, it is important to note than women generally only live a few more years than men. This was the last lot of peer-reviewed research that Dr Leaf has done. Im impressed by your humility and desire for growth and understanding. Another clue to her inability to think coherently was that she said the mind is a gravity field that surrounds us. How would anyone be able to tell the difference if it wasnt for those pesky naysayers. May Jesus bless us all in our sincere attempts to edify the saved and pre-saved!! I am proud to have been a part of this training, and I am thrilled to be a part of the future trainings with Dr Leaf, because I know I will be able to help more people with everything I'll learn. The omegas we get from our food (from sources like wild salmon and flaxseeds), for instance, help build and strengthen our myelin sheath, which enable us to think about and process information at much faster speeds and with more efficiency. 14(1): 31-41. My mistake I will admit it! If the mind controls the brain and not the other way around as Dr Leaf suggests, why do some people with acquired brain injuries or brain tumours develop acute personality changes or thought disorders? For our latest peer reviewed article, see here. 5. Leaf. And while there are many leaders in the evangelical movement who are preaching a false gospel, we need to be careful not to lump all unconventional teachers in together and call them guilty by association. Throughout her years of clinical practice, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives including school, university, and the workplace. Throughout our research trial, we saw significantly positive changes in the experimental group on a cellular level (based on changes in telomeres, the caps on chromosomes), in electrical activity in the brain (based on QEEG-measured changes in the brain), in psychosocial profiling (based on changes in psychological scales and narratives), and in blood tests (including changes cortisol and homocysteine levels). 120(12): 1141-63. Focusing on the mind is critical to our health, as I mention in all my books, talks, products and researchwe need to exercise the brain like we exercise our bodies. If you are genuinely interested in a more succinct critique of Dr Leafs ministry, you can click on the hyperlink at the top of this post to find a very concise rebuttal of Dr Leafs ministry of fake science. Have their origin in the feebled thoughts and behaviors of mankind. Im no theologian, but Ive read the Bible enough to know that the diseases of mankind relate to living in a fallen world. I suffer from avoident personality disorder, depression, anxiety, social anxieties, all kinds of fun stuff. I welcome your forthright comments, and I appreciate your questioning of my work. Is it because you truly believe she is wrong and Im in danger, or is it something more? Amazon UK = Look in her eyes. There is high-level evidence to show this to be true [26-28]. I also noticed you said above: She may not be a pure tele-evangelist but she is part of their ecosystem. However, a lack of standardization across the field and the association of a single frequency with multiple mental health conditions has necessitated more research into the measurement and meaning of each frequency at various levels (Newson & Thiagarajan, 2019). Rate and comment on Dr Leafs books on Goodreads and Amazon, Google, B&N etc. Quantum physics sounds impressive but has nothing to do with the brain or mental health or the Bible. I understand that you may feel that Dr Leaf has helped you. Thats not in dispute. It is true that all things that have mass have Gravity. WebFor years, Dr. Caroline Leaf has traveled the globe as an author and public speaker examining many aspects of the neuroscience world. After the course ends, you can rewatch the training sessions, use the app Neurocycle and access the book Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess to complete the open book exam needed for certification, which has to be done within 9-10 weeks after training. Leaf is also the bestselling author of Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess, Think Learn Succeed, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, and many more. Thanks Elroy. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. A final set of 71 items was selected for the initial questionnaire, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) found 20 items nested within six factors that explained 71.9% of the overall variance. Dr Leaf is not guilty purely by association, she is just plain guilty. This explains the broad role of the amygdala in emotional learning [23] including fear learning. It is a scientifically researched 5-step process and acts as a delivery system: you are using your mind to deliver information to your mind and your brain, which will increase your overall brain and mental health. WebDr. Recently a friend told me she was coming to a town near us, and highly recommended her. Otherwise, your opinion is noted. Caroline Leaf is an audiologist and clinical neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology from the University of Pretoria and a BSc in Logopedics and Audiology from the University of Cape Town, specializing in metacognitive and cognitive neuropsychology. Just because they are sharing something new theyve learned or just because they mention the name of someone who is involved in the charismatic movement, doesnt make them dangerous. Mental training via deep thinking and understanding to build memory and learning actually increases the numbers of neurons that develop in the brain, particularly when the training goals are challenging. I dont know, I could be wrong. And yet, in a recent peer-reviewed publication, Mara et al state, At any given time close to half of the urban populations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America have a disease associated with poor sanitation, hygiene, and water. [2] Bartram and Cairncross write that While rarely discussed alongside the big three attention-seekers of the international public health communityHIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malariaone disease alone kills more young children each year than all three combined. If you want expertise, go back to university. For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). You can do the same Active Reach as the previous day or a brand-new Active Reachit is completely up to you. Dr. Leafs approach is working extremely well for me, and for a number of my friends. Int J Biol Sci, 2013. So my daughter and I today are sadddened that so many leaders in almost all of them in the non denominational area endorse acsroline leaf and her teachings? As I said before, chronic long term stress is not caused by wrong thinking. I could go on, but that will do for the time being. Thank you very much. Others have written more in-depth critiques which you can take or leave I cant say if theyre accurate or not. Big difference. I recall noting statements or comments I cannot accept on face value or that I cannot build into the general constructs where I integrate new data into the old. A critical step for improving mental health is developing non-pharmacological therapies that can treat anxiety and depression effectively without reliance on pharmacological treatments and the accompanying risks for side effects and interactions. Can you also clarify why a reference from a colleague was preferred to letting Dr Leafs statements and conclusions speak for themselves? Gotta go now and put on my armour (Eph 6) ready myself for the flaming spears/ warring words. 7(11): e1000367. The lord directs us to hold teachers and preachers up to Gods word? You raise some very interesting points, some of which are certainly reasonable assumptions and observations. and Sullivan, R.M., The development and neurobiology of infant attachment and fear. Mine is a long story but in a nutshell, I came across Dr Leafs books and read Who Switched off my brain? I had a sense of interest but underlying WHAT!?! Similarly, According to W.C Willett (balancing lifestyle and genomics research for disease prevention Science (296) p 695-698, 2002) only 5% of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to hereditary factors. Science is clear that genes play a significant role in the development of cardiovascular disease and most cancers, certainly greater than 5%. This was confirmed in the psychosocial assessments conducted alongside the QEEG tests, which revealed a corresponding improvement in decreased toxic thoughts, isolation, and overall LMM score as well as increased autonomy, awareness, empowerment, life satisfaction, and ability to manage life obstacles. Since the early 1980s she has researched the Mind-Brain connection and did some of the initial research back in the late 80's showing the neuroplasticity of the brain. So I guess irritation is in the eye of the beholder. Creativity also boosts confidence, allows for more thinker moments, and boosts imagination, which helps with problem solving and troubleshooting everyday life issues! Well, I wrote a whole book on that. Lets continue to pray, serve and work to break all of the human chains that keep us bound in sin. Dr. Leafs teachings have helped me more than the drugs and the so called counselors who didnt help me at all. Leaf she asked her to share the story of when her son was put in harms way in Rome when Dr. I think it is tragic that most doctors as well as many in the church do not see the strong influence that our thinking has on our health. Im sorry that you disagree with my tone in some of my comments. PItt the Younger cropped up. Coincidentally, I was thinking earlier today, in a completely different context, about the possibility that a body of learning and practice that had pseudoscientific foundations, might nevertheless be demonstrated scientifically to be helpful to believers in it, in some cases. My question is, even she references a 1979 article and may have errors here and there, what is Dr. Rev Diabet Stud, 2012. She said she started praying for her son, but she also said prayer was not enough. The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. WebLeaf Mind Management (LMM) Scale Validation A critical step for improving mental health is developing non-pharmacological therapies that can treat anxiety and depression effectively I am not an academic, nor a scientist or considered intellectual, but doesnt the new information on epigenetics confirm a lot of her theories? In her latest blog post, Dr Caroline Leaf attempted to tackle the complex topic of Alzheimer disease. Instead, it was three hours of Dr. 91(5): 823-38. NOTE: This is NOT a substitute. Leaf online. From what I have seen, there isnt the collective will amongst church leaders to listen to what I have to say. Personally, I think you should be proud of your lifestyle, and not unnecessarily blame yourself for an illness. I wish you all the best with your life and your health. I dont side 100% with anyone, due to our own infallibility. The other thing I was wondering about is why you blame yourself for your condition? 12. Leaf speak in person? If our thoughts were that important, then the cognitive component of CBT would have a much stronger effect. Maybe she has its not for me to say otherwise. Its really no different to an article that I read the other day from a group of gut researchers [21] The gut is really your second brain, Greenblatt said. However, when I was reading I started questioning when, where and how she was going to reference Mr Gardner and his theory which she was stealing for her own??!! Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and Not that it particularly matters in regards to Dr Leafs teaching, since she postulated that the mind is separate from the brain but controls the brain, but theres so much evidence that refutes her hypothesis that one study of limited design and statistical power would not make any significant difference in support of it. But I thought I detected under-currents of mutual irritation all the same. Mind, gravity, EM spectrum. It should also be noted that critical thinking is still fundamental to understanding spiritual truth as critical thinking is necessary for scriptural knowledge which provides the necessary framework on which spiritual truth rests. Actually, this has nothing to do with money and all to do with truth and justice. If her theory is widely used as you say, it must have been extensively cited. By Dr. Caroline Leaf on January 27, 2021. The detection of irritation is most prominent here. The more people that hear your concerns, the better. 58(4): 371-7. 2010 16JUL13]; Available from:

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