PHILLIPS: What was a typical outcome of these mock trials, these tribunals? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This material is collateral. PHILLIPS: Mark Fuhrman was still getting together with you and recording these tapes after the murders had happened. He even compared Fuhrman's actions to those of Hitler at one point in his speech. - On suspects resisting arrest, 'You just go out and what are gonna do with some n***** with a knife? However, as noted above, the court retains some discretion in controlling the inquiry. FUHRMAN: To peddle this which is absolutely psycho? Man, it has the smell of n****** that have been beaten and killed in there for years.' How did it unfold before you thought this guy can help me? McKinny, who was a professor at the North Carolina School of the Arts in its filmmaking department, was resistant to sharing the tapes and transcripts from her interviews with Fuhrman according to . So then Mark Fuhrman comes up for a promotion and you look at him in the eye and say? Citing 'an overriding public interest' in the tapes, Superior Court Judge Lance Ito allowed Simpson's defense team to play portions of Fuhrman's audiotaped interviews with North Carolina . The whole world would watch him implode. Went over to the baseball diamond and talked to him. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you use in the word -- describing people? HART MCKINNY: I was completely unprepared to be in a courtroom. On September 5, 1995, jurors in the case heard a recording of Fuhrman briefly saying the n-word twice, including when he spoke about his hometown by saying; 'We have no n****** where I grew up.'. Harrington also publicly responded to Fuhrman's views that female police officers are unfit for police work because of their biological sex. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you use the word nigger? Fuhrman transcripts reportedly reveal brutal beatings. Your charges are as follows. Either they get off the street or they are going to have some split-tail for a partner. PHILLIPS: Who had helped them in some way or not reported something in a report that those officers felt they should have or had done something nice to them, had backed them up. [23:25:04] PHILLIPS: Tia Morris says she had to work with the men of MAW. PHILLIPS: And that is exactly what happened. McKinny also testified in the Simpson case without the jury present to determine if the tapes she recorded would be used at trial. HART MCKINNY: He violated all of our principles, and he glances at the note pad, kissing one female officer on duty in uniform and embarrassing us all. That is just right out. How did we even let him stay on the job? There will be a bingo moment or I get chills and when I get chills I can help somebody else get chills. And I don't think that is a slam to women, considering you know that I don't think -- [23:15:03] PHILLIPS: Fuhrman clearly he had no respect for women cops. Get in the car.' HART MCKINNY: That I don't know. No, I didn't. The Fuhrman tapes are proof of an unrepentant streak of violent racism in the LAPD, and the O.J. PHILLIPS: Why? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The thought of the party takes your breath away. PHILLIPS: So it started out as a romance before you started doing the tapes? HART MCKINNY: He just sort of stopped and -- a woman cop? FUHRMAN: Five years ago I would have spun around and choked him out until he told me the truth. You don't pack those qualities. More than once though he is describing a violent incident, like when he tells a story about beating up a suspect in his custody. We'd love to investigate just some good 'ol boy beating up a n***** in a bar."' - Speaking about LAPD changes, 'If I'm wrestling around with some f****** n*****, and he gets me in my back, and he gets his hands on my gun. PHILLIPS: In 1965 racist white cops ignited the watts riots. I was scared only because of him standing up in front of all of our peers and the watch commander and other supervisors and he flat out said I do not want to work with Morris. No, I want to be infamous. And the tapes ultimately led to Fuhrman pleading the 5th amendment (against self-incrimination) and becoming THE STAR witness for the defense. Simpson Trial? ", "Fuhrman Grants Interview, Apologizes for Slurs", "LAPD's Fuhrman Inquiry Calls for Sweeping Changes", Site at MIT with information on Fuhrman tapes, The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 21:52. PHILLIPS: And it was sure happening in L.A. in the 1980s with resentment and retaliation against the campaign to recruit more women and minorities to the LAPD. If it's not believed, I can't make somebody believe me. People there don't want Mexicans in their town. Both alive and I was first unit on the scene. ', He also defended his collection of German war artifacts from World Wart II by saying they were 'not swastikas.'. Split, hide, yell, scream, and hide in the corner. - On his fellow officer s on the force, 'It's pretty clear-cut who the assholes are. Mark Fuhrman told you he personally he felt trapped. It reveals more of Fuhrman's disturbing recordings. They're easy. Fuhrman also uses the slur while explaining his reasons for possibly pulling over a motorist, saying; 'N***** drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit on, you always stop him. Simpson, was charged with the murders. The LAPD announced that Fuhrman exaggerated many of the acts of racially motivated brutality described on the recordings. PHILLIPS: So it just empowered you. We have two people dead at the scene. What did he mean by that? [23:00:25] KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN SPECIAL REPORT: The detective and the tapes. Boys will be boys and we needed to tell the organization if you even claim to be engaged in this kind of behavior, we'll investigate it and let chips fall where they may and secondly, if it was within statute, then we would take it to the district attorney and file on it. HART MCKINNY: I just laughed. PHILLIPS: In 1985 McKinny met Mark Fuhrman in Los Angeles, ten years before the O.J. PHILLIPS: Why? Simpson, including a bloody glove. They did not however hear what came before that line of the tapes, which was; 'People there don't want n****** in their town. 'He says you might as well make it pay off, if you don't make it pay off, all you're doing is going through all this heartache for nothing. PHILLIPS: And internal investigations. It never became a movie. HART MCKINNY: It's an odd feeling, very odd feeling. Trial Transcripts Investigators did link 12 accounts to known events, but their investigation was inconclusive, aside from the use of racial epithets and male officers' misogyny towards female officers, which was substantiated. Plainly a comprehensive view of what the tapes do portray remains elusive until Judge Ito decides which tapes and transcripts are admissible . The defense may present McKinny's testimony as follows: b. Did he ever say why? Chris Spargo For, The Uzbek Marie Antoinette: Mindblowing life of glamorous 'princess' who sells 5,000 dresses for children - but is linked to despot who boils his enemies in OIL, Busted! I felt that ashamed would be wrong, but I have felt bad that the revelation of the tapes could have actually had something to do with the verdict. The nature and purpose of their relationship. HART MCKINNY: I didn't go out of the house for a while. Don't talk to her and they would back away. PHILLIPS: One year after Fuhrman was passed over for a promotion, Parks had to set up another task force. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They show the tapes will show he was a racist capable of planting a bloody glove. And that screenplay she developed with Mark Fuhrman's help? - On his hometown, 'When I came on the job all my training officers were big guys and knowledgeable, some n*****'d get in their face, they just spin 'em around, choke 'em out until they dropped.' PHILLIPS: Well, he became infamous. 'We searched him again and found the gun. So your goal was to write a screen play about sexism within the LAPD. See the article in its original context from. I was first unit at the scene. - On stopping black people with no probable cause, 'That's where n****** live.' HART MCKINNY: Even before the trial started he knew how important he was to this case. BAYAN LEWIS, FORMER ASSISTANT CHIEF, LAPD: Because the command staff that was in charge of him did not do the job they should have done, which is to deal with the issue in a strong manner. 22nd and Western. HART MCKINNY: No, I didn't even know what a split tail was. PHILLIPS: By the late '80s allegations of excessive use of force had escalated racial tensions. PHILLIPS: And then you lost on appeal. His voice on those tapes could not be erased. HART MCKINNY: Depending on the crime committed, the grand dragon would determine what the (inaudible) would be. PHILLIPS: Her 12 tapes would become a racial powder keg. This court's focus, however, is legally restricted to just two issues: 1) Is Orenthal James Simpson guilty of the murders of Ronald L. Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, and 2) How should these tapes impact upon the testimony by and about now retired Los Angeles Police Department Detective Mark Fuhrman. Held her like this, threw the pitch down the stairs. Sound of former LAPD detective's words reverberates far beyond. Simpson's house and search the premises. HART MCKINNY: He did. I think he was being truthful. HART MCKINNY: Yes. Really is extraordinary, isn't it?' PHILLIPS: How did he treat you that night? So a month and a half after the murders, Fuhrman tells you this. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anything out of a nigger's mouth for the first five or six sentences is a lie. The profanity-laden recordings took place over a period of almost 10 years, from 1985 to 1994. He now writes true crime books, publishing his first in 1997 -Murder in Brentwood. Items Introduced into Evidence UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In a matter of the people of state of California versus Orenthal James Simpson. HART MCKINNY: Yes. "Further, there was evidence that the Men Against Women officers would ostracize male officers who did not support their boycott against female officers. I was extremely nervous. PHILLIPS: Fuhrman even described disciplining one of their own. Fuhrman also angrily refers to Simpson's lawyer Robert Shapiro as a 'Jew' and says that he looks forward to filing a libel lawsuit against him after comments he made about the detective in a New Yorker story. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. HART MCKINNY: Good afternoon Mr. Cochran. He didn't get out. The Fuhrman tapes revealed. Judge Ito's ruling on juror targeting by the prosecution. Coming up Mark Fuhrman's behavior would no longer be just an internal problem. Simpson Murder Trial Simon Hasselhoff 2.77K subscribers Subscribe Share 218K views 6 years ago The audio tapes Mark Fuhrman recorded with screenwriter. The transcript and audio of that portion of the tapes was never released. So if you use that, you get a lot of laughs from lot of policeman. The Fuhrman Tapes and the L.A.P.D. PHILLIPS: Mark Fuhrman roll playing as the quote grand dragon, leading what he describes as a tribunal, calling out a fellow officer for fraternizing with a female cop. So to this day you don't know who gave you up, basically to the defense. "[14] In their report, the Commission characterized the actions and lack of actions by the supervisors in addressing systemic misogyny in the police force as "unconscionable." The probative value of the evidence of Fuhrman's use of racial epithets comes from the fact that he has testified that he has not used the term in the last 10 years, thereby impacting his credibility. What has that been like for you? He also accuses his colleagues, but not himself, of making multiple mistakes while investigating the case. [23:05:00] HART MCKINNY: Judge who was an acquaintance of mine in L.A. PHILLIPS: Did that surprise you? Was she afraid potentially a murder could walk free, because of what these tapes represented? HART MCKINNY: There were bits of the puzzle I was unable to reveal at the time and I was unable to be as truthful as I really wanted to be. While Ito said he had heard all the tapes and had read all the transcripts, Uelmen said he wanted to go over them so . Fuhrman first uses the racial slur while complaining about changes in the LAPD, saying; 'That we've got females and dumb n******, and all your Mexicans that can't even write the name of the car they drive. Simpson double-murder trial, recently retired Los Angeles Police Detective Mark Fuhrman said he and other officers It is therefore relevant and admissible as impeachment. I have no idea why. HART MCKINNY: I just froze and said yes and then we left town, immediately, because I had no idea what to do. PHILLIPS: Exposing alleged hatred. Then in 1991 there was this, a grainy video of four white cops beating Rodney King. Simpson Murder Trial winborneb 4.06K subscribers Subscribe 41 Share Save 7.3K views 5 years ago LAPD Detective Mark Fuhrman was the key police. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you use the word nigger? PHILLIPS: Two people brutally murdered, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman and the main suspect, Nicole's ex-husband, football legend, O.J. He should be shot. Their natural response is split.

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fuhrman tapes transcript