As Jeremy is about to tell her another one of the "three things", but she stops him expressing there will be another time for him to tell her the things he wants to say. Because your reservation has been cancelled, we are unable to locate it in our system. Season Four: (We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes) Elena stabbed Jeremy in the neck thinking he was Connor and was brought back to life with his Gilbert Ring. Jeremy is worried about Bonnie after getting all the power from the witches. Another frequent victim! In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Elena was seeing Connor in her hallucinations and stabs him in the neck, but it was actually Jeremy. When he walked toward Jeremy, it looked like he was going to punch Jeremy, instead, he embraced him. Amara says she knows him, he is the Hunter that Silas killed, confused how he is alive before demanding to know if Bonnie was the witch who brought him back. Elena shows up at the party and Jeremy and Bonnie notice that she is bleeding and being hurt, so Jeremy runs up to the room where Damon and Stefan are fighting with Katherine so he can tell them to stop, because they are hurting Elena. He and Bonnie go to the cave where the lifeless bodies of the Travelers are. Jeremy wants to tell her three things however she cuts him off, not wanting to hear a "goodbye speech" and he denies this, gratefully thanking her for giving up her life for him and that he knows she will always be there one way or another. He tells her she needs to come with him, and that they are going to "register for classes.". He's been busy getting stronger and training with Klaus, so . Jeremy dated Vicki Donovan before the start of the series. Jeremy is leaving to be a vampire hunter and they're in on hiding that fact together. Meanwhile, Damon is shocked when Stefan tells him about Katherine and Mason. After researching, Jeremy tempted her into drinking his blood to prove she was a vampire, before Jeremy's revelation that he wanted to become a vampire like her. Later, Jeremy came to the conclusion that it was time for him to move on with his life and leave Mystic Falls in favor of living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Damon is on the phone with Qetsiyah who gives him clues about why the Travelers ambushed them while trying to kill Silas, and hints what the Anchor is and its location. Elena remarks to Damon about how happy she is to be able to treat him as her brother again. Inside, Jeremy calls someone to tell them they are at the Grill. Elena receives a phone call from April Young who is looking for Jeremy. Silas lets go of the Cure. The episode was written by Rebecca Sonnenshine and directed by . Jeremy falls on the ground while Bonnie is watching in shock. Jeremy kills the vampire, having no choice. In Dead Man on Campus, at Whitmore College, Bonnie and Jeremy are situated on a bench kissing, when Jeremy breaks apart, mocking Bonnie's excuse to Elena that she was "registering for classes" to instead come and see him. Jeremy offers her to stay until she finds him. Bonnie was there. In the fourth season episode 15 where jeremy cannot be killed, there will be a show of him coming back to life using his own blood as a sacrifice, which will open the gates. Bonnie soon appears, telling him it's okay, that she would gladly stay dead if it would mean her friends live. Damon finds him and gives Jeremy some of his blood, which successfully brings him back. In My Brother's Keeper, Jeremy helps with the preparations for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. Bonnie laughs that it is Damon's house and sarcastically adds they should just have sex in the bathtub and let Katherine watch. He shows Jeremy the moonstone. Their relationship is similar to the relationship they both had with Alaric. Damon intercepted, giving Jeremy time to escape though Damon was taken captive. In The Sacrifice, Jeremy is seen with Stefan, Damon, and Bonnie who are preparing to take the moonstone from Katherine. Jeremy's Return to Life. Jeremy approaches Tyler and asks how he is. Bonnie likes to watch, too. We're reminded she's looking for her dad and learn that her dead mother lived in Mystic Falls for years before she had her. Suddenly they are back in the real world. "She's using you, you moron", Damon tells him. In Graduation, Jeremy is enjoying a moment with Elena and Alaric as they eat burgers. When the ghosts were all sent away, Jeremy proved that he had grown quite accustomed to living the dangerous life he'd been living the past year, beheading a hybrid on his front step without a second thought. He appears to be playing video games, drinking, and hooking up with random girls and to cover the loss of Bonnie. Bonnie turns and begins to question what would happen if Amara died, if the Other Side was destroyed and whether it would hurt. And something went wrong. Elena reminds her Klaus is coming and she can't allow him to harm her family and friends. Matt and Monique calm him down. Jeremy is clearly confused and demands to know what he is talking about although when Damon says "something Elena doesn't need to know", he immediately knows his plan and is outraged he wants to work with Silas. When Matt can't pick up a keg and Jeremy shows Matt that he can pick up two kegs, much to Matt's surprise. He ran through the woods but the blood from the bite Damon had given him made him easy to track. Damon tells Jeremy, Bonnie's dealing with the moonstone, as he's on 'Elena Patrol' and Caroline's with Tyler. In Handle with Care, Jeremy first enters the Salvatore living area aiming a crossbow at Silas. Stefan arrives just as Kol begins to start the fight, and snaps his neck. Becoming secretive and turning to drugs yet again, Jeremy found himself confused on what to do. In Yellow Ledbetter, it is revealed that Monique spent the night with Jeremy, much to Matt's disappointment. Many teenagers, 28% So, 2 liters of oxygen is a lot. Kai and Jeremy and the others work together to get Bonnie out of the Prison World. In Memorial, Jeremy and Matt are prepping for the memorial, where Matt asks Jeremy how Elena was coping, he tells him she was doing okay. Jeremy refused Kol's offer so the Original tried to tear off Jeremy's arm, not wanting to kill him due to fear of the Hunter's Curse. Veins start appearing and she tells Jeremy to get away from her. And leaves in a rush. Devastated that she's lost everything, she torches the house, along with Jeremy's body. Later, Anna gives the necklace back and tells Jeremy that Elena is right and she is holding him back. Kol tumbled through the house, burning, until he dropped dead. Bonnie is shocked that Amara can actually see her, Amara pointing out she has eyes, although doesn't know the difference between the living and the dead anymore. Jeremy and Matt went home and when Damon returned, Jeremy found that Damon had been compelled to kill him by Kol. He exited the house. "Death and the Maiden" is the seventh episode of the fifth season of the American series The Vampire Diaries and the series' 96th episode overall. Alaric appears and asks to speak to Jeremy alone. So, if you're looking for a way to make some quick cash, this is definitely the challenge for you. "You working out is my main source of entertainment," she told him. In Promised Land, he and Matt are enlisted by Damon to bring all the Travelers' bodies to the Salvatores' house. Jeremy finds Damon and helps him into the Mystic Grill. Jeremy is the adoptive brother and biological cousin of Elena Gilbert, as well as a former medium, although this status became defunct following the collapse of the Other Side. Jeremy was born to Grayson and Miranda Gilbert in Mystic Falls on October 13, 1994. Kai and Liv have a magical fight. He asks why she didn't tell him, but she says they knew there would be consequences, but they are here now touching each other, before telling him to kiss her. In The Walking Dead, he appeared as a ghost. He reveals that you have to cause death to become a werewolf. And they held hands. She tells Jeremy that she won't tell Bonnie because it is his job to do it. Katherine goes to him and tells him she enjoyed having a sibling, but he could be a pain. Then Bonnie called the witches and soon after she got a lot of power. Anna was hurt that he wanted this to be with Vicki Donovan, his ex-girlfriend, he believed left after transitioning. He spent his time jogging around the lake and sparring with Matt, though they'd lose focus and snack on junk food a lot, ordering pizza from a nearby town, much to Damon's annoyance. Damon explains that for Silas to die, he has to be mortal and if he's mortal, he would be a witch capable of being stuck on the Other Side. She succeeded, however, died in the after effects of using too much power. Bonnie demands Damon let him go but Damon mocks her lack of magic ability before continuing that he needs a witch, and is kidnapping Jeremy for leverage for Bonnie to find one. Later Bonnie is up in his bedroom with him and they send a message to Elena, telling her Stefan and Damon are on their way. He moved back in the Salvatore Boarding House in Yellow Ledbetter, as no one was living there at the time, due to the fact that Damon was dead and vampires couldn't enter Mystic Falls due to the Magic Purification Spell. She killed him, but he woke up since he was wearing the Gilbert Ring, and after asking Damon what happened, he told him it was a long story. Jeremy said that he wanted to protect her. Soon after Jeremy goes to Connor's RV home to give him find clues to find out who are the town's vampire. In I Was Feeling Epic, in a flash forward, Jeremy is seen as a teacher at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, and is handed a crossbow by Caroline, and he proceeds to instruct the children he has. She lays at the bottom, not moving, and Tyler and Jeremy exchange worried glances, thinking she might be dead. Jeremy arrives and hands her John's letter and ring. Their relationship began over the course of season two, but was halted when Jeremy was caught kissing Anna, his ex-girlfriend. Kol has been one of Jeremy's friends, Jeremy not knowing he is one of the Originals. Jeremy gives Bonnie a huge smile because their plan worked. She tells him more about "The Other Side", that communicating with him is sort of a "push and pull" situation, how lonely she is being all alone, and the darkness she keeps feeling when Jeremy mentions Vicki. He asks her how much power she will need to kill an Original and Bonnie tells him that she needs all of it. Liz is shocked and, at that moment, Caroline and Bonnie arrive. At the school dance, Jeremy confronts Bonnie again on why she wants to kill herself for Elena and they are overheard by Damon. The problem wasn't over, however, as Klaus was standing in the doorway and had seen Jeremy kill Kol. Jeremy compliments him on his tattoo, but according to Matt, there was no tattoo to be seen. They have a bond that no one can ever break. Silas drains Jeremy of blood and snaps his neck, killing him. After his conversation with Stefan, Jeremy is attacked by people Klaus compelled. Bonnie says she doesn't want to rub it in Elena's face in their first day in the dorm room and Jeremy then offers to take her back to his place. Jeremy comes in as Bonnie says she needs some coffee and she places the moonstone in her bag before leaving. Bonnie tries to save Jeremy Alaric and Bonnie bring Jeremy to the witches house, where Bonnie tries to save Jeremy with the help of the old witches. This is all I wanted. Elena, worried about Jeremy's happiness, gets Damon to compel Jeremy to forget about Vicki's death. The winner takes home a cool $1 million dollars. Damon explained this change as being a side effect of him taking away his suffering, though Jeremy later revealed that while he lost the actual memories of the event, he could still tell something was wrong because he felt empty. Jeremy is also an accomplished hand-to-hand fighter after being trained by Damon, Klaus and Alaric throughout the series, and has personally killed dozens of vampires, many even before he had activated his supernatural hunter abilities. Matt shares his concerns with Jeremy, telling him that he's going to want to kill vampires when he lives with one. Bonnie agrees to help Shane by killing twelve more people to get the proper magic needed to break the veil between this realm and where all supernatural beings go when they die. Jeremy wants to accompany them, but Bonnie kisses him and casts a spell to make him pass out. When Bonnie pretends to die and Elena's holding her in her arms she says "No. When Jeremy is searching around crates in the warehouse, Bonnie appears asking what the crate did to him. Alaric calls Jeremy, who is at the Gone With The Wind screening with Bonnie and Caroline. Not knowing which arm it was on, though, Kol decided to just chop off both arms. Anna left him a vial of her blood in case he wanted to turn, although he changed his mind. Kol is beating Elena mercilessly, and is about to kill her when Jeremy appears, returned from the dead. Connor then offers to teach Jeremy the ways of hunting vampires. He strokes her on the cheek and starts to light candles. He appears back on episode The Sun Also Rises. Following the murder of his second girlfriend Anna, Jeremy purposely overdosed on pills after drinking vampire blood in the hope of becoming a vampire so he could turn off his humanity switch. After Bonnie has done a powerful spell on Luka, Jeremy rushes over to take Luka back to Caroline's house. I don't know how, but she's going to pay. Jeremy took one dismissive look at his nemesis and then ran to hug Elena, who was beside herself with joy. He is stopped and Shane explains his ideas on giving Jeremy a choice between killing a vampire, and remember who they really are, therefore trying to get him to recognize Elena as his sister. She calls to Emily, begging her to help as she loves Jeremy. He lights a lantern for his parents, Anna and Vicky and Alaric. At the end of the episode Jeremy gives April his bracelet and when looking at his hand he sees the start of the Hunter's Mark. He, Tyler and Matt want to find out about where Markos is and decide to get the Traveler currently inside Tyler out so they can speak with him. In By the Light of the Moon, it still shows that Jeremy has still strong feelings for Bonnie after he tried to kiss her. Jeremy asks why he didn't give the stone to Mason, and Tyler admits that he doesn't trust his uncle. After Elena succumbs to Kais sleeping spell, Jeremy Gilbert returns to Mystic Falls during the season 6 finale of The Vampire Diaries to say goodbye to her. "Death and the Maiden" was originally aired on November 14, 2013, on The CW. Jeremy asks what's wrong with Stefan and he threatens Jeremy to kill the vampire or he will let go of the chains. It is successful, as demonstrated by the way he hands Damon his stake and hugs Elena. Jeremy was brought back to life by Bonnie in Graduation, and lived in the Salvatore Boarding House with his sister, Damon, and Stefan until Rescue Me, when he moved in with his best friends, Matt and Tyler, at the Lockwood Mansion. Elena and Damon realize Bonnie is there and Elena says they will continue trying. Elena tells him Bonnie is alive and Damon is doing what he can to get her back. Elena wakes up and admits that she feels fine. He was, however, protected by the Gilbert ring. Jeremy was deeply affected by the loss of his parents, and he originally dealt with this pain and trauma through drinking and drugs, relying on them and his love for Vicki to keep him happy. Matt phoned Jeremy to come to his place. After Stefan checks on Jeremy to make sure that he is not a vampire, John gives Jeremy his ring before leaving town. Silas knows he is behind him without turning around and taunts him over his relationship with Bonnie, Elena calms them saying they both want the same thing; Silas dead, and Bonnie alive before Damon tells him to put down the crossbow. He is later with the group when Katherine arrives. When Katherine is seen fighting with Damon and Stefan it is revealed that her friend Lucy has cast a spell linking her and Elena together so that whatever happens to Katherine will also happen to Elena. Jeremy tries to stop her but he gets flung across the room, knocking him out. She's watched them have the summer of their lives, and she's not going anywhere. Through coping with Bonnie's death. He later accompanied her to see Bonnie, who was equally thrilled by his return, and Damon suggested Jeremy and Elena say goodbye before the veil is put back up. Jeremy is shown to be jealous about Bonnie and Luka and Caroline can see the way Jeremy feels about Bonnie. Once the two of them become more aware of the supernatural activities and entities of Mystic Falls, Elena and Jeremy began working together to keep each other and their other loved ones safe. In The Birthday, back in Mystic Falls, we find out that Jeremy's been working at the Mystic Grill, where we find out that Bonnie's away with family but is staying in touch with Jeremy on the phone. She told Jeremy to tell them that even though they couldn't see her, she's been there the whole time. He tells them the decision is best for him and everyone, hugging Elena before leaving. They hug sadly and Jeremy leaves. After checking that he's OK, she tells him about Liz's questions and asks about the message from their mom. Following his resurrection in the Season Four finale, he moved into the Salvatore Boarding House with his sister and her boyfriend, Damon Salvatore since their house was burned down by Elena after Jeremy's death. Bonnie tells her it's for the best. Jeremy attempts to kiss Bonnie, but she says that she can't. Then at the Mystic Grill Bonnie tells Elena about her and Jeremy and Elena approves. In Black Hole Sun, Jeremy and Alaric are at Whitmore Hospital. She asks for his help as he is a Hunter and cannot be mind controlled by a Traveler. The Vampire Diaries (season 5) List of episodes. Silas says he is tired of being ganged up on and ignites flames on his fingers to warn Elena and Jeremy off. But then Matt stabs Enzo in the neck when he turns, Jeremy fires again and Matt punches Enzo and floors him. In the Lockwood Mansion, Jeremy pushes one of his stakes into the palm of his hand. She argues that she brought him back because Elena needed him and that if they abuse magic there is a price. Alaric is unsure what is going on but hears Damon and Elena return. Towards the end of the episode, Damon and Jeremy are sat in the Salvatore Living room, drinking, when Stefan and Elena walk through the front door. Elena, in anger, had stuffed the cure down Katherine's throat, making Katherine mortal. But she quickly kisses Jeremy and says she will tell Elena soon. Jeremy is a handsome young man, standing at 6' foot tall, he has a well-built form and possesses dark brown hair and eyes to match.

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