the mall, a garlic festival, a concert, or just an average day at school. I would not put my life in danger and travel to a country where I could be killed. And if you're a solo traveler looking for an adventurous care-free trip, you can bet on Cabo San Lucas to offer you the best traveling experience., While there are always safety concerns when traveling to any foreign country, Cabo San Lucas has a very low crime rate, and it's considered to be one of the safest tourist destinations in Mexico., If you're looking for drug cartels in Cabo San Lucas, you're out of luck. Here are the annual numbers of MURDERS, given by MSA (or Metropolitan Statistical Area). amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "passandgrub-20"; Give me a few days to research this resort. You enjoy the culture but dont want to experience the culture and food first hand. Avoid swimming at the beach when a black warning flag is posted. Good article, aside from this preachy, accusatory bit: Are you concerned about traveling to Italy? The sun in Cabos San Lucas is pretty strong and high in damaging UV rays. This article will cover exactly what you need to know about safety in Mexico before visiting, the dos and donts, how to stay safe as a solo female traveler, and tips on how to deal with the Mexican police if you get pulled over. If you prefer walking, choose a hotel near Amelia Wilkes Square (Cabo's main square) or Cabo Marina, as you'll be in the walkable parts of Cabo. Have you filled out a form for the Department of State so they know why you are traveling? Is Los Cabos the Perfect Vacation Destination? Which Airport is Closest to Cabo San Lucas? It is not safe, dont go if you dont need to. My husband and I plan to travel next month we would like to see the ruins in Tulum. shooting in cabo san lucas todaychannel 13 weather girl pregnant; shooting in cabo san lucas todayphiladelphia inmate mugshots; shooting in cabo san lucas todayhanalei hat company; Going to Cancun for the first time. The owner of the Sports Bar Red Bull, also known as the El Toro billiard club, stole a new iPhone. I was traveling but I will be home for the next few weeks to help you. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? There has been a lot of news coverage about violence in Mexico. Discover new places and be inspired by stories from our traveller community. I was specifically looking for opinions for renting a car while in Cabo but found additional very helpful information as well. Mexico is an easily accessible vacation destination for me therefore I dont mind jumping on a flight from Nashville but I also understand why tourists are asking is Mexico safe. You could extend your vacation and explore some of thebeautiful and safe neighborhoods in Mexico Citywhile you're there. Be in by 9 pm and NEVER drive at night. Why Cabo San Lucas is the Perfect Vacation Destination. I just returned from Mexico and I while I didnt drink from the mini bar it wasnt because I was afraid. Kristi- you are exactly right. Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! If you are uncertain about the ice, ask your waiter. We welcome you to discover one of the best five-star resorts in Cabo overlooking the immaculate white sands of swimmable blue flag Medano Beach and the magnificent Arch of Cabo San Lucas and just a five-minute stroll from downtown Cabo San Lucas. Trust people who are invested long-term in making your stay a good one, like booking agents and hotel staff, and be on your guard with one-off opportunities. For years I wouldnt travel to Mexico because the U.S. media painted this horrific picture of Mexico and I always wondered if it was safe to travel to Mexico I am sure you are wondering is it safe to travel to Mexico right now. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07GDKQRJY,B07PGL5DFV,B06XZTZ7GB,B000UVTDLG"; Millions of people visit Mexico each year and 99% of travelers do not run into any trouble but the 1% that makes the news is all that you hear about. Nobody should be trusting advice such as this: If you live in the US and you are not afraid to go to the grocery store you shouldnt be afraid to travel to Mexico, or the laughable Nothing has happened to me, and Its safer than Italy. Look at the facts, look at the government warnings and crime rates, and decide how much risk you are willing to take. I believed Mexico was dangerous, I would be killed, kidnapped, and held for ransom by the cartel because of the Mexico travel warning issued by the U.S. Government. The government tried to cover up the murder to prevent bad public relations for the country and the playa del carmen area. They threatened to kill my wife and baby if I didnt pay. Paris Neighborhoods Guide [2023]: Top Areas to Visit + Avoid! I suggest you do a little more research and not take the media at face value. If you ask yourself these simple questions before you arrive at your destination chances are you will not have any issues no matter the destination: The American media wants you, and everyone else to believe that Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and other countries where the majority of the population is black and brown people are the most dangerous places to visit and its simply not true. This year, the U.S. State Department revamped its travel advisory system. American Citizen Services: 01 800 681 9374 (toll-free in Mexico) / 81 4160 5512 (from within Mexico) / 844 528 6611 (toll-free in the U.S.), The U.S. State Department recently updated Mexicos travel warning for U.S. I have been to Mexico twice,once to Puerto Vallarta and to Cancun,but me and my friend are headed to Playa Del Carmen in September-no major worries? Rome has the same travel warning as Mexico but you dont hear people saying stay out of Rome. As for Mazatlan, what a great city!! Best time to go to Cabo San Lucas. As long as you keep an eye out for crime hotspots (like large swaths of deserted roads) it will help prevent you from getting lost in translation with Mexican law enforcement. Im so glad I found is it safe to travel to Mexico. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Waves crash along the rocks, sending salty spray into air warmed by brilliant sunshine. We had no problems. The areas that are dangerous should be avoided. Agree 100% Or Evansville, Indiana. If you are at the beach in Hilton Head, SC you would keep an eye on your children. Use that same energy to condemn traveling to the U.S. you have a fan of Mexico here and I just returned from a solo trip to Mexico and enjoyed every minute. Many, many instances where tourists are robbed, assaulted, kidnapped, raped. I cant understand why people think it is so unsafe. Ill be bringing Adderall and she has sleep medication. I was worried and I feel better about making plans to attend a concert there in Oct at the Foro Sol. Btw,, Im Mexican. But risks vary, a lot, and so does peoples tolerance for risk depending on their personalities and life experience. Regulated prescriptions were a concern of my wife and I crossing the border. You are walking from where to where? I get a lot of hate emails for the previous statement but whether readers agree or not it is true because you are here and you are researching is it safe to travel to Mexico and Mexico travel advisory 2023. Violent events have plagued Mexico for quite some time leading the United States to issue a Level 2 Travel Advisory or higher for the entire country of Mexico. All Americans are targets. That simply isnt the case, as anyone who has actually visited the country can attest. It gave Mexico an overallLevel 4 warning for visitors to exercise caution. Although the streets in Cabo San Lucas are well-lit, some areas can be unsafe. Before planning any international travel, review CDC's specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. Malika- I have never been to Nayarit but I did a little digging before I responded and this is what I found. Do you allow Mexico travel restrictions to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Cabo San Lucas safe? YES! You didnt fly to Mexico to stay inside but please beware that Mexican rays are intense and can lead to a severe burn or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. Dont give them a reason to want to, because you will not win. I can still cancel the trip but prefer not to. The legal system in Mexico is not what you are used to so don't risk it. I worry that a young family would be a target, am I crazy? I just came back from visiting. I thought I was going to get robbed in Rome but never once did I feel unsafe in Mexico. While most officers will not do anything illegal beyond soliciting bribes for traffic violations, they most certainly can act above the law when they really want to. The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new warning to visitors of Cancun and the Mexican state of Quintana Roo over a potential conflict between taxi drivers and ride-hailing service companies which has caused many tourists to wonder is Quintana Roo safe. Los Cabos is located at the southern tip of Mexicos Baja California Peninsula and is an especially popular destination for American tourists. Is Cabo San Lucas an Affordable Vacation Destination? Where to Find the Best Cabo San Lucas Resorts, Where is Cabo San Lucas on the Map? President Trump and the American media wants you, and everyone else to believe that Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti and other countries where the majority of the population are black and brown people are the most dangerous places to visit and its simply not true.. This is the worst thing that you can do. Keep windows shut and doors locked in a car. Personally if Im gonna be slaughtered, Id be pissed no matter what color someone happened to be, maybe you are different. This municipality is not known to be the safest place, largely due to cartel violence, which has nothing to do with tourists or even locals. They are more concerned with the multi million dollar quantities that people might be bringing one direction or the other. Is Cabo San Lucas safe enough to bring your jewelry box? There are tons of options for you when it comes to partying in Cabo San Lucas! People are being decapitated and murdered- over 30,000 last year alone 1 of those being my brother Taylor. To put things in perspective, Level 2 is the same tier given to many other tourist hotspots that have an uptake in criminal activity including the following countries: I have been to Belizeand Italy, and I have never wondered if it is safe to travel to those countries. They also fail to mention that most of that violence is drug traffic-related, or that you could count the number of tourists who are affected by it on one hand. Otherwise youll lose readers like me. is all about. Dont Get Drunk Its amazing. Is Cabo San Lucas Safe? They keep asking for Bribes / extortion of cash from us at traffic violation stops and they fail to post the fines; they can charge us whatever they want. If you act tough and get angry and make threats, the officer will simply arrest you for being disorderly or assaulting him or her, etc. In Cabo San Lucas, the crimes that affect most tourists are related to pickpocketing and other forms of petty theftwhich is why it is essential to keep an eye on your valuables. Even the locals dont drink the water in Mexico. I was told that the original bottle is sufficient with clear labeling. This is why it is called a vacation. Many friends and neighbors go to Manzanillo regularly for fun, dining, shopping and other stuff like excellent dental work at a fraction of the cost that one pays at home in Canada. The Department of State advises that U.S. citizens not travel to the country or to leave as soon as it is safe to do so. There is no reason to be nervous whatsoever. I am worried because i have 2 kids and one is 7 months old baby with me. So, remember to enlist these general rules during your vacation and you will not have to continually ask is Los Cabos safe. In 2021 there were 75 US citizens murdered in Mexico according to the US State Department. i am thinking if it is safe to travel there with baby? We have been pulled over, infractions made up and robbed every time we have rented a car in mexico. You will experience the greatest security in Cabo San Lucas around your resort. So, is Cabo San Lucas safe from petty crimes? Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. Join Facebook groups such as Cancun Mexico Travel, Tours, Tips, and Ideas that are dedicated to traveling to Mexico and understanding what Mexico travel warnings really mean. Dont walk around by yourself late at night: You areasking for trouble. From its beautiful beaches to its world-class marina & stunning golden sand beaches - find out why this Mexican city is one of Mexico's most popular destinations. Second of all, its a quieter place and attracts a different kind of visitors, it is definitely worth a visit! Make sure to get your insurance before you head off on an adventure! Is it Safe to Travel to Cabo San Lucas Right Now? The main area tourist is worried about is Mexicos Quintana Roo state, which includes Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Riviera Maya. I know what it feels to feel the point of a gun on your head. Travelers should have common sense when traveling to Tulum, especially in the downtown area: Dont walk alone at night, lock your doors, and dont walk alone on the beach at night. Planning on visiting ifrom end of Nov First few weeks in Dec. A quick google search would have told them that it was a no-no to travel through Matamoros. When deciding whether or not to visit Mexico as a tourist its important to consider safety and understand the area you are traveling too. Exploring the Mexican City on the Baja California Peninsula. We will agree to disagree on traveling to Mexico. the Department of States Safe Traveler Enrollment Program. A Los Cabos boutique hotel like no other. On another important note you complain about the border, illegal immigration and so called unwanted immigrants from Mexico? are you riding around in not so nice neighborhoods in the states? Leave your LV and Gucci in the states. I have traveled to Mexico alone, with my bff, my husband and I am taking my daughter next year. Earlier you were chastised for criticizing Trump and his attacks on the Mexican people, making them out to be dangerous, criminals, and murders (that last part I took liberties with but they are Trumps words from various points in time). While most officers will not do anything illegal beyond soliciting bribes for traffic violations, they most certainly can act above the law when they really want to. I think about 30% of the comments are slandering Mexico and supporting Trump. The US citizens have no concerning criminal history that has been identified by investigators, the official said. They need tourism dollars and I have never had an issue in my travels to Mexico. Is the State Dept. Amid announcements of new safety concerns in Mexico at the start of 2023, the official U.S. State Department travel advisories remained as they had been for several months, with six states in the do not travel classification. Fun, Sun and Guns - Drug Wars in Mexicos Vacation Paradise | Highlights | DW | 25.05.2021, Drug war violence in Cabo The true story - Esperanza Real Estate Company, Is Cabo San Lucas Safe? I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. What is the crime rate in Cabo San Lucas? One more scary thing.. Kidnapping? I lived in Mexico for the past four years splitting time between Mazatlan and San Carlos/Guaymas. Thats one place we have not considered and Ive already begun my research. It so refreshing to have someone comment that is not from #45 Base. I am so sorry to hear that happened to you. The cartels and politicians cash in while the regular people barely survive. For my money there is much nicer safer places to go. As citizens, we cannot trust our police; its been decades of corruption, no one stops this. I may have to cancel this part of my trip. Not a single US city and only one in Canada with a population over 100,000 has a murder rate that low. You very well know why, because chopped up tourists stuffed in car trunks are splashed across the evening news. The common advice that youll be fine if you dont do drugs or go out at night is a myth, more murders are happening in the day and drugs are not found at the scene. But is Cabo San Lucas safe from petty crimes like pickpocketing? No matter where you're traveling, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe, especially at night., One tip for travelers is to avoid walking alone during the nighttime hours. It is a popular port for cruise ships because it is close to many of Mexicos popular tourist destinations. I love Mexico, the people, the culture and the food! In general, if you're not taking part in illegal activities you don't have anything to worry about. You can also rent a car at San Jose del Cabo Airport, but keep in mind that there are tolls on the highway, so you'll need to get cash out at the airport before hitting the road. Here are some precautions that you can take in order to make sure your trip goes as planned: amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Is Cabo San Lucas safe for Tourists? Most ice in the area comes from factories and is purified. If they can cheat you in some way they will. One of them a mother of six was traveling to Mexico to undergo a medical procedure across the border. Not just on the resorts because thats not the kind of traveler I am but the people of Mexico have been nothing but kind and friendly. Everyone was asking me was I afraid to go to Mexico. It's often patrolled by police and is the safest area here. Unfortunately, my grandmother who lived there passed away and I made the trip down. We Mexicans are tired of your abuse youre going to criticize this country dont freaking come here ever! Never drink and drive. If this is a week-long vacation, do you really want to spend half of it sick just because you were too lazy to get bottled water when you brushed your teeth? Avoid swimming at the beach when a black warning flag is posted. Lets discussIs it safe to travel to Mexico right now! The warning states that violent crime, such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery, is common in Mexico. Having your car towed (and potentially never seeing it again) is a lot more expensive than paying him one hundred bucks. No matter where you look but as fall break approaches, visitors are asking if Los Cabo is safe for a girls trip. Well, that would be a perfect example of how things could go wrong. Thisprompted the U.S. State Department to up the ante on its travel advisories to the country late last year, placing five Mexican stateson its highest Level 4 Do Not Travel advisory under its newly revamped system which is another reason why many are wondering is Mexico safe. I stayed two nights at an air bnb and we were perfectly fine. Tomiko, obviously you are a paid promoter of mexican tourism. The main reason is that petty crime is more common, as well as an increased presence of drug cartels in the area. I also took my medication with me and not one person suggested it was something illegal or even looked my way. Remember the old saying you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Now that you've got more of an idea about safety in Cabo San Lucas, it's time to start planning! There has been a lot of news coverage about violence in Mexico. Travel advisories are in place for a reason and even they are not as strong as they should be. As an avid traveler who loves my family I would take my daughter to Mexico over Rome in a heartbeat. Furthermore, tourists should steer clear of displaying signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry and exercise extreme caution at banks and ATMs but this should be the norm whenever you are traveling out of the country. The heavy crackdown on the major drug cartels has caused crime in certain areas of Mexico. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; The main tourist area in Cabo San Lucas along the water has plenty of people around and is well lit, so it is rarely a crime target. How big is your own city when compared to Mexico? Drink as much water and non-alcoholic beverages. If your guide or management at your hotel tell you to not go somewhere listen to them. Is San Jose Cabo safe? I was felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. Use a money belt: Keep the thieves at bay. Mexico is a dangerous country mainly because of the corrupted government. Planning a trip with Pilot is easier, quicker, and more fun. Let me do some research tonight and I will get back with you first thing in the morning. It was wrong. I have been going to Cabo San Lucas for 51 years and have spent more than 400 days there without any problems. The key is to remain calm and accept your mistake and when it is inevitable that they take you to jail then subtly offer the bribe, it is like a negotiation, start with a low amount and they will go up to agree on an amount. Im about 4 chapters away from finishing J.E. Cabo San Lucas and San Jose (both visited for a week) are just as dangerous as anywhere else and driven by Mexican corruption and turf wars. Will be staying at a resort. Violence is used. You know why I dont encounter issues at home and abroad? Towing your car is technically something that the officer cant do, even though they will threaten it, but if you give them enough of a desire to cause you to harm they will absolutely find a way to make it happen. I like to explore and make up my itinerary as I go and those tour buses do not give me the freedom and they may not cover every place I want to see. Youre not likely to be killed by an organized crime group in a resort city like Cabo San Lucas; instead, youre more likely to have your valuables stolen while in a touristy area during daylight hours. This would be our first trip to Mexico. The State Department revamped its travel advisory system and gave Mexico a general Level 3 warning for visitors to exercise caution due to violent crimes such as homicide, kidnapping, car theft and robbery being widespread throughout Mexico.Los Cabos, in particular, is observed by the US Government for not having travel restrictions. Rental cars are very cheap. I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. Be aware of your surroundings, in the evenings stay on the well-lit and populated streets. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Millions of tourists visit the area each year without incident. I have actually taken the drive myself and I had a car service to pick me up from the airport and it was about $22/person. Im not going to let time go by again without seeing my extended family that lives there and enjoying this beautiful place. I can only tell you what I have experienced. Tell your girlfriends not to worry and have a good time. It is a level 3 where most parts of Mexico is a level 2. The municipality of Los Cabos is notoriously dangerous, and for this reason, you should exercise great caution when venturing off the beaten track of the city of Cabo San Lucas (better yet, just don't). Firstly, This is the one of the best blogs on Mexico that I have found that provides useful info on places to visit, to-dos and not-to-dos as well as objective and unbiased commentaries even in the face of challenging feedback. The good news is that Cabo San Lucas is far from the areas of Mexico that have been plagued by drug-related violence. With this statement, you lost all credibility. I also hope to do an excursion or two but want to make sure I am keeping us safe. Mexico vs. Costa Rica For Your Next Vacation. Oops! Unfortunately, passengers have been caught in the middle. While Cabo is relatively safe some areas of Mexico pose an increased risk to travelers, so before you startpacking for Mexico keep reading to make sure Mexico is safe. As you explore the city, exercise caution and avoid flashing a large amount of money or wearing expensive jewelry. Is Cabo San . I am afraid of hanging out. Thank you for this fantastic article. The United States is a thief country a hypocrite country that should and does not have any right to call people they stole their territory from Invaders when it is the other way around United States invaded Mexico illegally created a made-up war to steal more than half of its territory and you have the nerve criticizing Mexicans us Invaders you should just shut the hell up! You never answer your, I assume, rhetorical question. The answer is yes. Is this resort safe? Applying sunscreen to protect skin from harmful rays. Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Nayarit state. With its pristine beaches and luxury resorts, it's not exactly the kind of place conducive to illegal activity., So if you're looking for a relaxing vacation spot where you don't have to worry about drug cartels, Cabo is a great choice., Agood guidecan be your best friend when traveling to a new place. We did that cruise last year and felt safe. Too easy for the cops to set you up for arrest. Yep, lost me in that 1st paragraph. Aside from dangerous areas along the U.S. border and other regions where cartels operate, Mexico is safe and I firmly believe it is safe to travel to Mexico including Cabo San Lucas. Government restrictions for travel in Baja California Sur, which includes the tourist areas of Cabo San Lucas, San Jos del Cabo and La Paz, should also be taken into account. From late November to mid-May, conditions are ideal to visit Cabo San Lucas, with sunny days with temperatures around the 80s and cooler nights. We feel completely safe. It has some of the best luxury resorts in the world and is the perfect destination to relax and unwind. I am traveling to LeBlanc in March 2020 and The Grand Moon Palace in Summer 2021. Hello, I am going to Cancun in March and Im a little nervous as I am taking 2 small children. If you really look at most of the problems involving tourists alcohol or very bad decision making is involved. Jeff- Its approximately a 2 hour drive to San Miguel. Besides the Cabo in its name, this city turns out to be just 20 miles from Cabo San Lucas too. From Mazatln to Land's End, our spectacular resorts in Mexico will captivate your senses. Safety is definitely a concern when visiting any country; However, Mexico is not quite what people make it out to be because most Americans are killed because they are looking for drugs. Vacations are often synonymous with overindulgence whether its too much food, water, the sun, a party, or even rest. It is considered safe to travel to both Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. We would be staying at an AirBnb owned by an American couple. The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico. However, they indicate that there is a major problem with corruption and bribery. I have traveled all over Mexico with friends, family, and solo. And how do you secure them in your motel room? Thus other countries should. Cabo San Lucas is located within the municipality of Los Cabos, Mexico. If you watch the American news you will believe kidnappings happen every 5 minutes in Mexico. As my readers are planning their spring and summer travel I have been receiving a lot of questions on is Mexico safe and more specific questions about whether is Cancun safe, is Cabo San Lucas safe, is Tulum safe, and MexicoCity travel advisory. To put things in perspective, Level 3 is the same tier given to many other tourist hotspots that have an uptake in criminal activity including the following countries: I have been to both Belize and Italy and I have never wondered is it safe to travel to those countries. And Puerto Vallarta is gazillions times safer than any large city in the United States. We would be driving from the Tuscon area using a rental car. unless the resort is all inclusive. When is the Best Time to Visit Cabo San Lucas?, Is Cancun Secure for American Vacationer in 2022 [Updated Sept 2022] alafaqtravel,, The Relationship Between Sports and Politics: Lets Get Real, 15 Best Hotels in New Orleans For Your Next Vacation.

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is cabo san lucas safe from drug cartels