My Dad is 72 and used to do the highland games etc PL and did BB too and was anti-steroid which has helped me and now my kids. At 72 years of age, he injected himself with the juice and reported energy and strength gains. Mike was low key, no drama, seeming blas. The tap of the underside of the lip of the left upright actually made the lift harder, and as it didnt assist the lift, under the current rules the lift would have likely been given white lights and accepted officially as well. And he accomplished all that without the assistance of lifting shirts and other modern luxuries and adaptations that once prompted MacDonald to declare the sport no longer credible and a joke.. Mike was in powerlifting from the first days of the IPF in the early 1970s. That actually saved me sooo much time, you cant imagine. I feel theyre necessary for gaining strength. Funny how that works. The bar has a 2" camber, allowing the lifter to . When he made his 603lb/273kg bench press, he had an 18inch/45cm arm. In this article I will present you Mike MacDonalds Training Secrets. Mike MacDonald. Put science back into eating So one meal a day or not, your hunger system in your brain will make sure that you eat the right amount of foods according to the so-called set-point, no matter what you try to achieve by will power. In Iron Man Magazine (early 70s)Mike cites that a mistake many new beginners make is to always be looking for short cuts. Train the internal plumbing Harbaugh joked about the matter, but said that his brother was great about it. Hats off to Mike Siegler. By the mid-1930s, lifters started to press from wooden boxes or benches in order to increase the range of motion and the contribution of the chest muscles which push the barbell out of the bottom position. Do they really work?? Of course, there are freaks of nature lifting more, but the exceptions do not count. This acted as a revelation people began to admit that the belly-bench is a soulless exercise, for it doesnt hit the upper body over a great range of motion. Mike has a long list of accomplishments as a powerlifter. Nor did he celebrate his victories. Like nearly any eating protocol which manages daily average protein and calorie intake, it can work for some people, same as other protocols work well for other people. There he made 268,5 kg (592,37 lbs.) Unfortunately Mike ignored some left elbow tendinitis / pain and kept training heavy anticipating at least 617-622# eventually in the 242# class at a full 242# and after hitting 617# in training tore his left triceps attempting 622#! This was more of an informational piece. Pausing is good, but you dont have to do it unless you are in a competition with strict rules. I am 40 this year and have lifted for 24 years. Paavo Nurmi, 1921, recomending one prohormone called rejuvetin. This was raw and with a pause. The last one he did on August 23rd, 1981 in Anaheim, California. Skills: Product, Finance, Operations, Data Science | Learn more about Mike MacDonald, CA's work experience, education, connections . Powerlifting is considered an individual sport but Mike has found his role in helping others through education and entertainment using the barbell as his vessel. Balancing, say, 600 pounds aloft, they had to look comically inadequate. Monday The bench press is easily the most practiced lift in the gym, everyone that has lifted weights has bench pressed. The first one is for 184.9 kg/ 407.7 lbs. MacDonald was an avid fisherman, but never could bring himself to hunt. Mike started setting world records when he was skinny . The 80-year-old has . I resided virtually without human contact other than my family members and lover for 3 years but He then did paused repetitions. The powerlifting world will always remember him as one of the greatest benchers ever and a fine gentleman. It is very important to concentrate on the right technique. I am counting calories, weighting myself daily, taking photos, hitting gym 4 times per week. You can also subscribe without commenting. He made his first world record at 82,5 kg on November 10th, 1973 in Harrisburg at the World Championships. Chuck taught me everything I ever knew about powerlifting. In my forty-five years of PED-free bodybuilding (with below-average maximum-muscle-mass potential), Ive used various squat routines for long periods of time (at least twelve months at a time; and, by the way, if hypertrophy is the goal, squats arent the only productive compound leg presses produce as much hypertrophy as squats for most guys). Obviously, steroids were already widely available at the time. He operated a business in Duluth catering the lifting community and also run Macs Gym. Im 40 now and even though I squatted a lot when I was younger squats never really did anything for me, leg presses on the other hand were the best thing for my legs by far. Good post, what you think about 20 rep squat program? NATURALLY ! If you wanted to get bigger and stronger, well, whod you talk to? This fits right in with my experiencein my early 30s (Im 64 now) I maxed out my bench at 305 and weighed just under 200 pounds at 6 2. Therefore, the natural possibilities were unknown. Crowds loved the undersized MacDonald because he did what they didnt think he could do, Stephens said. I didnt realize Id reached my maximum mass so couldnt add additional lean mass. Required fields are marked *. Please enable javascript and refresh the page to continue reading local news. 325 for one Men like Casey did not feel comfortable being that heavy because the habits required to maintain the extra weight are far from pleasant. In this article I will present you Mike MacDonalds Training Secrets. Can you go back to see your dogs and cats? Years later while weighing only 232# he did an official IPF WR 592# and additionally locked out 608# on his 3rd only not being credited for that lift as well due to a technical error as the bar nipped the underside of the left upright just before being completely locked out. Its like those chicks that try to look like a barbie doll : have you ever looked at such a doll with a critical look ? Some of Magruder's best lifts include a 2106-pound total, 778-pound squat (840 pounds in the gym), 706-pound deadlift, and a world record 640-pound bench in the 242-pound class. Whats you excuse ? He certainly was a genetic outlier, but it certainly speaks for what is achievable for SOME people. source: Mike McDonald stood 5-10 and for this world record bench press he weighed 179 pounds. The Libertarian in me still believes that Steroids should be made legal but this is a nice cautionary tale . George Hackenschmidt probably wasnt even aware of the elixirs existence since he wasnt American. Its not a magic secret-to-success, no more nor less than any other eating schedule. Its sort of natural because you have a more realistic worldview. Unpaid, produced by journalists. Mike Macdonald was in the late 70s the bench-press superstar. Macdonald's departure also increases the importance of new defensive line coach Mike Elston, a Michigan alum who replaced the recently departed Shaun Nua after the Orange Bowl. Mike MacDonald might have been another one, but he was some sort of medical anomaly anyway. The International Powerlifting Federation 's (IPF) recognition by the International Olympic Committee as the official governing body, as well its longevity has resulted in their championships being deemed the official world championships, and the results of these are shown below. I doubt it. Powerlifters like it because it helps the bench by building honest upper body strength without leg drive and excessive arching. Martindale was promoted to defensive . He took second place at the junior national with a 550 squat and 600 pound deadlift in the 198 pound class. I have directed them to your website for what I feel is the best expert information that I think is available to him. Mr. Berg. 900lbs? But honestly, just about anyone would be fat at 329lbs/149.5kg. Over his decade-long career, MacDonald pushed his bodyweight up and down, setting world records at all stops along the way; he went as low as 175 pounds in bodyweight and as high as 232 pounds. Which is 2.28, 1.65 and 3 x bodyweight respectively for those lifts. Good luck . Mike McDonalds training protocols were as unique and iconic as he was. Born in 1948, MacDonald didnt get into lifting weights seriously until he was 17 or 18. 100% true; we all have one lift that we own. Finally, weighing a chubby 230 and looking like your fathers accountant, he benched pressed 635 pounds with 18 inch arms. You cant change the world. Learn the psychology of the transformative process. After my fifth consecutive year of training (I was age 21 at that point), my hypertrophy gains had completely stopped. There is also a snippet from an article supporting the conclusion that Hepburns grip was ultra-wide. {source}. It does not own the . Shows you that strength doesnt always equal size, although fuck his thighs are getting swell and Im sure they are almost bigger than mine. Silent Mike is one of the most straightforward tells-it-like-he-sees-it people in strength sports. As long as we do it, we will continue to feel inferior. Editors note: Use the tag system and click the button benchpress for more articles! Thanks a LOT for your articles(Already read your book), sorry forgot your name Would still love to deadlift 200kg one day. Then he used the special cambered bar. Heres an excerpt from an article on Galvin published by the Washington Post: If there still be doubting Thomases who concede no virtue of the elixir, they are respectfully referred to Galvins record in yesterdays Boston-Pittsburgh game. Mike looked like mildly muscled version of Richie Cunningham from Happy Days, or a high school basketball player. I can imagine that I would chase these dreams for a long time, because I am really stubborn and dedicated guy. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Sergio Olivas Training Philosophy For Big Guns, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. Eating only in the evening? LISTEN It could make sense but thats because they dont know that hunger is triggered in the brain according to energy status regularly signaled from your body stores. According to the May 2010 issue of Powerlifting USA magazine, MacDonald benched 476 pounds, 491, 501.75 and 509.25, resting a mere three minutes between each lift. Copyright 2023 Functional Strength Powered by Customify. This lift has been easier for me due to shorter arms. At the time, there were no steroids as we know them today. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. We become more and more desensitized as we grow older like a muscle thats been beaten a few too many times and now doesnt register light weights as dangers. 2022 USA POWERLIFTINGLioness Arise. Witnesses at that meet noted that the lift was otherwise perfectly paused and fully locked out, otherwise perfect in every way. If you want to learn more about our training philosophy check out our Progressive Resistance Resource Page. 2.The steroids from the early 50s were not nearly as advanced as the product available during Arnold era and beyond. In Iron Man Magazine (early 70s) Mike cites that a mistake many new beginners Nobody would have gleaned that from talking to MacDonald. "Yes, well he said, 'Sure, no problem.' (laughter . I hit peaks around 5 years in. Thats pretty normal. Photo Courtesy of Jarett Hulse | via: Yea, the at my biggest body weight several years ago at 195lb I could bench 270lb with eating alot of food and training hard. Can I replace it with the close grip bench press? Despite all the advancements wrought by technology, two of the 36 world records MacDonald set nearly 40 years ago remain untouched. The next bench press record is under the name of Pat Casey who presses 615.5 lb (279.7 kg) on March 25, 1967 to become the first man benching 600lbs officially. No more mass. One of the first professional sports players to use performance-enhancing substances other than food and supplements was James Francis Pud Galvin an American Major League Baseball pitcher inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1965. There's been a lot of speculation that, given his time in the NFL and working with Todd Grantham when he was with the Bulldogs, that Macdonald . Not just a one lift specialist as was often claimed, he won the Juniors as a 242#er (weighing only about 220#), took 2nd at the Seniors, and took 3rd at the Worlds with elite totals in at least three weight classes.more than 1600# @198# and over 1800#@220-242# during his lifting career with almost no supportive gear at all and all of his bench press records RAW! James Henderson officially broke the 700lbs/318kg raw barrier in 1996 by pressing 705lbs/320.45kg without a bench press shirt while weighing 390lbs (177kg) himself. Thus he was able to use more stretch and Mike used this princip for his own with the cambered bar. . Natural lifters bench pressing 500 pounds, even with a bounce and arched back, are so rare to be virtually nonexistent. Mike set a new world bench press record with a 539 pound effort. For the second straight offseason, the Michigan Wolverines are in the market for a defensive coordinator. He lies flat as a pancake with no arch, no special leg position how is this possible? I weigh 68kg and 1rm is 105kg! In The 1940s Steroids Became Cheaper and Even More Affordable. Keep up the good work truth seeker! He weighed around 329lbs at 6 something when he did the record and held the weight rather well, although he was obviously on the fat side. Ahead of one meet, MacDonald checked in overweight for his division. He learned strength strategies from these men that would serve him for the next 50 years. I tried all sorts to kick start it again. at 110 kg weighing 105 kg. As he added bodyweight, world records fell in whatever of four weight classes he chose to reside in. Similar crap is also Jason Ferruggia book Renegade Diet Its just my opinion but I think they look like shit. Why? But that could happen only if you are unaware of your inherent value. [The conversion of dehydroandrosterone into androstenol-(17)-one-3 (testosterone); a method for the production of testosterone from cholesterol (preliminary communication)]. Your email address will not be published. During the late 19th century, the Harvard professor Charles douard Brown Squard extracted a rejuvenating elixir from the testicles of dogs and guinea pigs. In your own words-Whos more happier? Learn what we use, like and trust. Mike MacDonald is unequivocally the greatest bench presser who ever walked the face of the Earth, Judd Biasiotto wrote in Powerlifting USA.. Thats right. Not just my opinion. He was a 2000 inductee to the Powerlifting Hall of Fame, five time IPF world champion, 10 time national champion, was a two time All-American Powerlifter in college, winner of the 1976 Pan American Games, and was once listed as one of the top 25 Powerlifters of all time. I first came here looking for a bodybuilding issue but now i come here to be informed about most lies around us. Hed set a new standard in one class, add weight, notch another record, add weight, and so on. He calls roids currently outlawed ergogenic aids. Notice the wide grip and the thick chest two elements that make it possible to lift heavier barbells thanks to the shorter range of motion. At one point he was listed with 4 official IPF world records in the old weight classes from 82,5 kg to 110 kg. Mental Psyche The cambered bench press bar was made popular by him, some say he invented it, so it also known as the MacDonald bench press bar. It seems the more you dont care about people or what they think the more they try to get your attention. Because this helped him to stretch the chest and blast off the weight. Mike MacDonald (above) bench pressed 488 weighing 180, 523 weighing 198, 575 weighing 220 and 635 weighing 240. When he made his 603lb/273kg bench press, he had an 18inch/45cm arm. You see my wrists? Over his decade-long career, MacDonald pushed his bodyweight up and down, setting world records at all stops along the way; he went as low as 175 pounds in bodyweight and as high as 232 pounds. I lived, breathed, slept, and ate the deadlift to get to that point. I am 174cm / 73kg with low body fat( who knows how much, abs are visible, calipers shows 12%), I look better than most people. This is a man who was way ahead of his time. Mike was in powerlifting from the first days of the IPF in the early 1970s. Anabolic Steroids ISBN 9780203634530, Ralph I. Dorfman and James B. Hamilton (February, 1940). According to Mike there are no short cuts just a lot of hard work for many years with careful attention to diet, rest and good living habits. Not breathing squats (for those familiar with that deliberately-lighter-poundages variation), but 20-rep squats with heavy and gradually heavier poundages. As amazing as he was with all he did officially, he most certainly would have pushed almost all of the records even higher had he just elected to stay in one weight class rather than bounce up in down in body weight. In many regards, thats precisely where he stayed. All these stringy looking dudes look like mutants from Zero-Fat planet, a fantasy world. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Unlike the modern bench shirts which require two more men to get them on the lifter, Arcidi was capable of putting on his armor without extra help. Even in the "old days" guys like Hennessey, MacDonald, Jones etc all had to travel out of state to set records, as the meets were few and card holders even more scarce. The 1950s came around and hundreds of strong men came out around the world lifting close to the weights I was lifting. I am 1.73cm (5.8) and 66kg. Hepburn eventually lifted over 560lbs/254.5kg and was on the road to a drug-free 600lbs/272.72kg bench press when he injured his shoulder. Mike McDonald was a tremendous bench presser and credited this bar in part to his success. Many want to believe that he was 100% drug-free because he was tested, but theres a difference between passing a test and actually being clean. Its nutrition and rest and a good lifting cycle and a positive attitude and a good, well planned rep by rep lifting cycle. Former IPF world record holder in the bench press from the USA Mike MacDonald, 69, died Tuesday, January 9th 2018 in Eveleth, Minnesota after a long illness. I learned a lot during the couple of years I trained with you back in the 1980s, but I cant come close to giving my clients the level of knowledge that is available your website. Eventually, Bill Lilly belly-tossed 484lbs/220kg (three times his bodyweight), thanks to his ridiculously flexible spine. His maximum bodyweight was 290-300lbs/145-150kg. Years later, never doing any squats or DLs, I can still pull 365 at 170BW any day (tested it just a few months ago, actually) due to my leverages; long legs, long arms, short compact torso. You are constantly forcing yourself and overcoming inner voices. I lifted with Mike, and yes he was a freak of nature. In addition to powerlifting, Mike is a designated Chartered Accountant, with extensive experience in data science and financial analysis. He nor anyone else seems to have had a name for his style of eating. The floor press is now dead except in powerlifting and home gyms. The record holders may not be as lean as the bodybuilders who dance around in thongs, but both carry a similar amount of muscle mass in the upper body. Anytime someone bashes the internet and its blue pill function I get intrigued. Even the iron guru Bob Hoffman talked against the lift. Of course, thats not true. Unofficially, it was 620. Work Set Zero tricks. Your email address will not be published. My skin has gotten so thick and I only really care about myself. MIKE MACDONALD: P4P BEST BENCH PRESSER EVER? Medvei (1982). . Weighing 232 pounds Mike bench pressed an astounding 625 pounds, paused. Mike created a cambered barbell. But with me the bar looks impossibly long so I am limited in the distance between my hands when I hold it. As a result, he became well-known among his supporters. A barrel-chested upper body and tree trunks for thighs were connected by a compact waist. Soon the floor press transformed into the belly bench because many lifters started to implement the so-called belly toss technique a method relying on a glute bridge to get the weight up. He was born September 4, 1948 in Duluth to Jerry and June (Wallin) MacDonald. But at 42yrs old, just having abs and not having to do cardio is good enough. If you really want to reach very high numbers as an average natural (high 300s and 400s), you will have to carry extra weight. 3:01. And he lifted more than all of them, his brother, Jeff MacDonald, said. 5.The bench was a relatively new lift. As a BONUS you will receive our FREE planning & periodization template to help you with your training goals. (and health), Thank you for the support, Average guy. Understated is an understatement. Never stop writing mate. Mike Palen has practiced Olympic-style weightlifting since he was 12, and 68 years later, he's still going strong800 lbs. So I do not have to lift very high + my back / core is pretty strong, e.g. The more you try to satisfy Internets requirements, the more your soul suffers. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact the customer support team at 1-833-248-7801. When Mike pushed the poundage used in these pre-stretch dumbbell presses upward, his regular bench press improved. In 1950, he pressed 400lbs (181.82kg) weighing roughly 251lbs/114kg at 5 feet 8 inches/173cm. In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: 2ca2b685d8df43fc846eb12260b2d002, TREN: The Tale of Riki Violino Only $0.99 (Book Promo), The Bench Press and Steroids They Love Each Other, V.C. The testicular hormone J. Biol. The guy is amazing. Are you going to download his genetics and install them on yourself? By the way, I've seen at least video of all but MacDonald's 603# bench as a 242#er, and Mike Siegler's was as strict as any of them. The 20-rep sets did nothing to stimulate further hypertrophy (nor did anything else I tried; and, again, I used each program for at least one year.). You are not working hard enough and dont know shit about nutrition !! ABOUT Natural? View all post by Marty Gallagher | Website. We beg for a label. Why would a lifter remain natural when his rivals arent? The guy didnt look like he could deadlift 490, much less bench it. Your email address will not be published. The goal was to find the ultimate natural source of diosgenin. Jim McDonald OWNER Mike Wolfe grew up in the little Ohio hamlet of St. Mary's. He has been married to his wife chastity for about a decade. Whats important is how much you eat and what you eat. It is the best proof yet furnished of the value of the discovery.. They are minor PBs though, a few kgs here and there but I am still pretty pleased though. He was born September 4th, 1948 in Duluth, Minnesota. If you weigh 200lbs/90.9kg, the number will be 300lbs/136.36kg. Reports the death of an individual, providing an account of the persons life including their achievements, any controversies and reminiscences by people who knew them. This was invented by him and allowed to him to lower his arms and stretch the pectoral much farther than usual. In the following excerpt from an interview, he says that he has used. For what purpose ? Maintenance bodybuilding is what bodybuilders do after reaching their genetic ceilings they continue training/eating in order to maintain the muscle they built in those first four or five years. At best, if its promoter(s) honestly were unaware it existed before, its merely a re-discovery of an old method. I can barely lift my own weight more than twice. To paraphrase the authorSo how much can a natty bench(? EPC Power produces inverters for grid scale energy storage, microgrids and solar applications. Interesting, its good to read about drug free older lifters and their experiences and results. The Minnesota powerlifter, a Vietnam combat veteran, first got noticed when as a skinny 181 pound lifter he broke the world record in the bench press. Despite his strength, MacDonald was a softie, a gentle and compassionate man. The . Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; 1: ADFPA: 1991-08-10: USA-MN: Minnesota State Bench Press: Masters

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