if it sounds too good to be true it is probably is. Information about Swazi | Yes, in pre-colonial times, the Tswana society reportedly used the butterfly to express love! We use cookies to enhance your experience. Quality: Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. khumo you could have been my son please forgive me and that i made a decision out of fear and worry and shouldnt have done that you would have brought so much joy into mylife http://files.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/audio/languagelessons/swaziland/SZ_siSwati_language_Lessons.pdf However, they share the same language; they also speak Yaunde Fang; which is a dialect of Kolo. Usage Frequency: 1 Zulu. It is spoken by South Africans in the Northeastern regions of the country. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Ke teng. , Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Umbundu, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu. A collection of useful phrases in Swati, a Bantu language spoken in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) and South Africa. Go na le gore ba tlhome mogopolo mo mathateng a bone le dilo tse ba sa If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Contextual translation of "my love i love you so much" into Tswana. lorato is the translation of "love" into Tswana. Add a translation English Tswana Info i love you with all my heart Last Update: 2021-04-14 god is ma witness! Reference: Anonymous. Useful phrases in Tswana. I love you because nobody has ever given me the love that you have given me and you are the only one that could ever love me this way. ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; I don't have a problem. spoken in Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Quality: Contextual translation of "you are full of wonders" into Tswana. You will never, never know, and it will haunt you for the rest of your days.". (Luke 21:37, 38; John 5:17) They no doubt sensed that he was motivated by deep-rooted, (Luke 21:37, 38; Johane 5:17) Ga go pelaelo gore ba ne ba kgona go lemoga gore o ne a tlhotlhelediwa ke go, There were serious bouts with dengue fever, malaria, and typhoid, but, Ba ne ba tshwarwa ke malwetsi a a tshwanang le letshoroma la dengue, malaria, le typhoid, lefa go ntse jalo Basupi ba bangwe ba ne ba ba tlhokomela ka tsela e e, But we need not wait for disaster to prove our brotherly, Mme ga re a tshwanela go emela gore go nne le kotsi nngwe gore re supe, (Job 38:4, 7; Colossians 1:16) Blessed with freedom, intelligence, and feelings, these mighty spirits had the opportunity to form, (Jobe 38:4, 7; Bakolosa 1:16) Ka go bo ditshedi tseno tse di maatla tsa semoya di bopilwe di na le kgololesego, botlhale le maikutlo, di ne di na le tshono ya go nna le kamano ya, Dipina tse dingwe, jaaka tse di amanang le, He then enlarged on that basic truth by saying that the dead can neither, Morago ga moo o ne a tlhalosa boammaaruri jwa motheo jwa gore baswi ga ba ka ke ba kgona go, In a day when an increasing number of young teens are reaping the serious emotional consequences of premature sexual activity, out of wedlock pregnancies, and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, the Scriptures advice to save sex for marriage . They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Results for i love you in tswana translation from English to Tswana API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo, https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Swazi_phrasebook, https://ss.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Basic_words_in_Swati_(s%C3%ADNg%C3%ADsi), http://lincayam.blogspot.co.uk/p/speak-siswati-like-true-swazi.html, http://www.royaljoziniaccommodation.co.za/some-local-words-and-phrases-that-will-enhance-your-swazi-adventure/, http://www.salanguages.com/siswati/words.htm, http://files.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/audio/languagelessons/swaziland/SZ_siSwati_language_Lessons.pdf, http://bryanmarsh.myadventures.org/?filename=siswati-lesson. Within the Setswana community wealth is measured by the . The Kanuri language is used amongst the inhabitants of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon. I am learning Setswana. Reference: Anonymous, i'm so sorry baby. Afekirishalehu (feminine), afekirhalehu (masculine), Ana uibbuk said to a male, ana baibbik said to a female. Usage Frequency: 1 Contextual translation of "you have already" into Tswana. Umbundu, i will forever love you my boy in spirit will cherish everyday of mylife, Last Update: 2020-09-28 Results for i love you in setswana translation from Tswana to English API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. . MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. Human translations with examples: kemo. Last Update: 2021-03-17 With tears of joy in her eyes, she said: , Mosadi wa gagwe o ne a bua jaana a putlaputla dikeledi tsa boitumelo: . (to one person) Sala sentle! early morning of 2011 i made a decision to not bring you into this world and now you are 9yrs old i name you today khumo lechuti Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-27 Sample translated sentence: I love you too, Dr. Le nna ke a go rata, Dr. Luganda, Traditional religion among the Tswana of the high veld of southern Africa centered upon the supreme being, Modimo, and ancestor spirits known as badimo. For many of them this will be their first opportunity to demonstrate under test their love for God. Choka! Portuguese can be heard in Angola, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and Sao Tome and Principe. Sample translated sentence: Rather than focusing on any existing problems and differences that might have been troubling them, some 95 percent said that they would tell their parents: "I'm sorry" and "I love you so much." For Parents Only, by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice. khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could rise in the morning forgive me my baby it cuts me deep when i look outside and see that my boy would be running with other kids Ndebele (Southern) I in English Translation of "I" into Tswana Sample translated sentence: And lovingly said: "I want to." A bua a re: "Ke'a batla." I Letter pronoun noun interjection grammar The ninth letter of the English alphabet, called i and written in the Latin script. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2021-11-17 It is spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti. http://lincayam.blogspot.co.uk/p/speak-siswati-like-true-swazi.html Phrases | Results for i will always love you translation from English to Tswana API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. I love you!" Ke a lo rata!" What is pride in Setswana? What is I love you in Tswana? Sample translated sentence: I know you, I know your sins, I know your heart and I love you.' Ke a go itse, ke itse maleo a gago, ke itse pelo ya gagoe bile ke a go rata.' I love you Phrase The people of Democratic Republic of the Congo use Luba-Kasai/Tshiluba to express their affection. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Add a translation English Tswana Info my love lerato laka Last Update: 2022-05-09 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous my wife mogatsaka We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Ndebele (Northern - South Africa), i will forever love you my boy in spirit will cherish everyday of mylife Go na le gore ba tlhome mogopolo mo mathateng a bone le dilo tse ba sa dumalaneng ka tsone le batsadi ba bone, diperesente di le 95 tsa bana bao ba ne ba re ba tla raya batsadi ba bone ba re: Intshwarele kgotsa ba re, Ke go rata thata.For Parents Only, ka Shaunti Feldhahn le Lisa Rice. The Lingala dialect is used Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of the Congo. Ndebele (Northern - Zimbabwe), Ka gone re ka ikanya botsala jwa gagwe le tlhokomelo ya gagwe e e lorato. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Goodbye! "What if" "If only" "I wonder what would have". if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',160,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-160{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}, Tswana phrases and corrections provided by Peter Ndukulu, with Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo, http://www.setswana.info/wiki/index.php?title=Simple_phrases, http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Tswana_phrasebook, http://www.salanguages.com/setswana/words.htm, Keresemose e e monate le ngwaga o o itumedisang. Apart from France and other regions, it is a language spoken in the following African countries: Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cote DIvore, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles, Togo, and Tunisia. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. I love you!" Ke a lo rata!" What is good morning in Tswana? Returns: Call for authorization first: 702-866-9068 - No showroom. Setswana lessons - talking to ' you ' in the Tswana language #setswana SJ Letlala 2.64K subscribers Subscribe 9.4K views 3 years ago This Setswana language lesson has to do with saying phrases. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'stat_source_id', 44); Tswana, Kea leboha! The Tsonga language is used South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. ins.style.display = 'block'; Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2020-07-27 pl = plural (said to more than one person). 0:00. Usage Frequency: 1 sefane sa me ke jones. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); ins.id = slotId + '-asloaded'; khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could rise in the morning forgive me my baby it cuts me deep when i look outside and see that my boy would be running with other kids Numbers, Other collections of Tswana phrases Usage Frequency: 1 QUOTES. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me . Add a translation Tswana English Info i love you Last Update: 2020-09-11 Usage Frequency: 3 Quality: Reference: Anonymous i love you too in tswana Usage Frequency: 2 Matlhomola Mantsho. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'omniglot_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Note: all links on this site to Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.fr are affiliate links. Quality: Usage Frequency: 1 Phrases | Quality: Lozi, khumo you could have been my son please forgive me and that i made a decision out of fear and worry and shouldnt have done that you would have brought so much joy into mylife Ga ke na mathata. Do you love me in Tswana? Spanish is spoken throughout Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, and Western Sahara. Herero, Venda, Sample translated sentence: A voice said "thank you," and the door was shut. Translate i love you with all my heart in Tswana Results for i love you with all my heart translation from English to Tswana API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 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If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me . , Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Umbundu, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu. Valentines day is upon us and this is the day designated for us to go all out and show our loved ones how special they are to us. Suka! Venda, Quality: Quality: So by clicking on these links you can help to support this site. The Tswana language belongs to the Bantu group of the Niger-Congo languages, and makes up 80% of language spoken in Botswana People also asked Featured Questions Why not surprise your mate or significant other by saying I love you in another language? var alS = 2002 % 1000; These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Tumbuka, Quality: joy, pride, anger, etc.) Lingala, The Beti-Pahuin are a tribe located in the rainforests of Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and So Tom and Prncipe; there are distinct clans within the tribe. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Show algorithmically generated translations. So, this is how you say pride in sesotho. Omniglot is how I make my living. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. 81 likes, 11 comments - Nqobile Dludla (@nqobile_d) on Instagram: "BEHIND THE SCENES..When @its_lutho said something along the lines of "my gift to you will be." Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa and Namibia. You may want to say, in essence, Mom and Dad, The title, he noted, doesnt match my kid saying, , Bernie brought us one and said: This Bible is for, Bernie o ne a re tlela le Baebele mme a re: Ke, Steve recalls: Jodi would often show affection with a touch of her hand, and she regularly said , Happily married for 20 years, an elder commented: Sometimes the words Im sorry are more important than , Mogolwane mongwe yo o nang le dingwaga di le 20. if it sounds too good to be true it is probably is. Info. If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if Gonne e ke ena taeco e lo sa le lo e utlwa mo tshimologo, gore re ratan; Re se ka ra nna yaka Kaine a nna oa eo o boshula, me a bolaea monnaw.1 Yohane 3:10-12. greetings my friend ufortunately i have heard the terrible news about your fathers deathand i would like to know if you are okay. (informal)(Dumela ), singular; (Dumelang), pluralHow are you? Tumbuka, Up to now, 801,680 words and expressions have been searched, among 4,249 today. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); The Tigrinya language is used in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Human translations with examples: o etsa lerata, o bidiwa ntathi. khumo you are loved by me your mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i ask now let your spirit meet the elders in one union and dont ever again roam around know that you have been loved by me my son Lozi, Results for i love you translation from English to Tswana API call Human contributions From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. khumo you are loved by me your mother colleen boitumelo lechuti i ask now let your spirit meet the elders in one union and dont ever again roam around know that you have been loved by me my son Quality: 8 What was the religion of the Tswana people? khumo you have a little sister kutlwano onnelenna lechuti she is just a bright spark she saw the sun yet yours set before it could rise in the morning forgive me my baby it cuts me deep when i look outside and see that my boy would be running with other kids Quality: Ndebele (Northern - South Africa), We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Kikongo/Kongo language is spoken in Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, and the Republic of the Congo. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites.
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