Liberia and Mittelafrika China and our WebBasically the only thing Persia has going for it is that the Ottomans are facing other opponents at the same time, the most important being Egypt. The Serbian Republic By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. White Ruthenia The beylerbey, or governor, of each province was appointed by the central government. National France Railroads, left behind by nations no longer existing, were nationalised. WebThe Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem borders the Sultanate of Egypt to the southwest, the Ottoman Vilayet of Beirut to the north, the Ottoman Vilayet of Syria to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. Progress Report 118 Central American Confederation Conquer all other countries that have territory that at one point was owned by Rome. But note that you won't get cores outside of Italy. Abdulmejid II (1926-) Progress Report 85 Any help is appreciated so long as it does not say "git gud, don't be shit". Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Mitteleuropa and the Reichspakt Furthermore, a change had happened in the palace as well. Progress Report 22 Here's a quick Ottoman Playthrough guide I copypasta'd from Discord Centralisation/Authoritarian Democracy: To not fail as AuthDem: Decentralisation/Social The Liangguang Clique Progress Report 74 Proclaiming their independence after the collapse of the British Empire, the young Sultanate rides on a wave of nationalist euphoria and wishes to expand into the Levant, becoming the new hegemon of the Middle East. Web2 paths to take (the third one is a trap, 4th one is underdeveloped). With a German victory on the Western Front, the Ottomans were largely able to restore their lost territory; however, the effects of the war greatly destabilized and bankrupted the state and left it internationally isolated. Centroamerica & Central American Republic Opposed to the OHFs electoral plurality are a string of ad-hoc aligned parties in the lower Meclis-i-Mebusn, or Chamber of Deputies, most notably the Hrriyet ve tilaf Frkas (HIF: Freedom and Accord Party). In the last few years, the Ottoman border protection has been greatly improved, but smaller raids around the regions of Kuwait, Qatar and the Trucial States still occur on a regular basis. Cookie Notice Fevzi Pasha, Ottoman general & close associate of Kemal Pasha. Bulgarian speakers in the Sublime State are mostly concentrated in Eastern Thrace, one of the last remnants of Ottoman rule in the Balkans. Progress Report 90 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Arab nationalism is not going away, and over time, ethnic tensions can easily flare up through Progress Report 105 Norman Thomas and the AFL. Intrigued I decided to have a go. I tried searching in this Subreddit for a guide or something, but haven't found much useful info, so if someone already asked the same Question, please just post a link to the thread. Progress Report 24 This is mod changes the color of the German Empire in Kaiserreich from black to the color of the Waking the Tiger German Empire 495. ago I wish there was a chance to have Atatrk with a free market policy. The South Africa Rework Full Name Legation Cities (Legacy) Progress Report 49 was be created in Palestine, stretching from the Allenby line around Nablus down to the Red Sea. However, many Arabs remember the failed Arab Revolt and follow the ideology of pan-Arabism. Ottoman machine-guns during the Gallipoli Campaign, 1915. AI and Localization WebThe Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, or simply just Azerbaijan, is a country in the Caucasus mountains. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Progress Report 45 Web104K subscribers in the Kaiserreich community. Through a tumultuous 5 years, these two sides would battle for control as the ideals of democracy and freedom of thought they once held so dearly were slowly moved to the sidelines. This de jure part of the Ottoman Empire was to be governed by an International Council consisting of the German Empire, British Empire, Austrian Empire, United States of America and the Ottomans themselves. WebThe first is basically a trap path, when you complete the last focus of their tree, every nation you border and minority will declare war on you. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Germany Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Progress Report 102 India and Fengtian Progress Report 60 Campaign poster of the American Committee for Relief in the Near East, an organisation which tried to support the victims of Ottoman persecution financially, 1915. The Ottoman Empire possesses the largest and strongest military in the Middle East, but finds itself surrounded on all sides by potential enemies. The CUP puppet Mehmet V had passed away, and in his wake followed the far more assertive Vahdeddin, or Mehmed VI. The Patagonia Rework Progress Report 72 the Empire is made up of a rich tapestry of ethnicities and religions. Only Palestine and the Vilayet of Basra would remain under occupation at the insistence of Jan Smuts and Leo Amery until an acceptable treaty was reached surrounding the 'rights of its minorities', masking their intentions of an Indian base in Iraq and a fortified position near the Suez. Native to the Central Arabian desert since the 1700s, the Saudis distinguish themselves from other tribes of the region through their extreme Sunni fundamentalism, based on the ideas of Salafism and Wahhabism. Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. 495. Seeing the collapse of his empire on almost all fronts, and with the CUP government held responsible for the disaster, he would lash out and attempt to shift power to his allies in the FAP. Thinking of doing a Poland run since the rework, is there any material or advice on paths, decisions and such. Progress Report 11 Progress Report 122 Shandong In a similar way the agriculture was ruined as the real effects of the war started to sink in. The Two Sicilies and the Papal State Progress Report 38 Australasia The CSA Capital Middle East & Future Plans Hunan Under great threat by Russians, British and Frenchmen, they ultimately strengthened ties with the German Empire, like Abdulhamid II had done it before. Coming to a head in September 1918, devastating defeats in Palestine after the Battle of Megiddo led to a mass retreat of Ottoman forces. During the Weltkrieg, Kurdish irregulars became world-famous for their atrocities against other minorities: Persuaded by the CUP government to exterminate Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks in return for tribal autonomy, they would be responsible for the gruesome death of thousands. 8. Kurdish flag developed by liberal Kurdish intellectuals in the west. The Armenian population was reduced to a small base in Yerevan, whilst most of the Greeks of Asia Minor had left the empire en-masse during the early years of the war. I've been trying out different Ottoman paths because I used to love playing as the Sick Man, they were in one of my favorite positions in the game. Progress Report 103 Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. The Emir of Cyrenaica, many wander if his loyalty to the Porte is bigger than to his own homeland. Established The Republic of Italy Progress Report 119 Common Name Progress Report 20 The Yunnan Clique Scan this QR code to download the app now. the Arabs are the second most powerful ethnicity in the Empire and the most numerous, having much influence and autonomy within it. Albania and Bulgaria Scan this QR code to download the app now. Progress Report 37 Progress Report 73 Progress Report 76 Cookie Notice Sdwestafrika and Katanga This subdivision system however was extremely difficult to govern, as it was hard to define the number and exact borders of Ottoman provinces and domains, and internal borders changed constantly. In contrast with the Western Front, however, where Austrian forces pushed into Venice and onto the shores of the Adige and the Germans only stood 50 kilometres away from Paris, the Ottomans at this vital moment had lost over half their Empire - either actually occupied, or readily vulnerable to a concerted British attack - and were held up by a British force unlikely to stand down. Reworking Canada The South America Rework Progress Report 50 Also opposed to the OHF is the Democrat Frkas (DF: Democratic Party) of Kzm Karabekir, who broke with the OHF over the perceived authoritarianism of Grand Vizier Kemal despite his personal preference for centralist policies, as well as the conservative pan-islamist ttihad- Muhammedi Frkas (IMF: Mohammedan Union Party) led by Shakib Arslan. The current ruling party is the Osmanl Halk Frkas (OHF: Ottoman Peoples Party), which has undergone a radical transformation since the takeover of Mustafa Kemal Pasha in 1925. Conquer the rest of Italy. There are various Sheikhs and Emirs under the authority of the Sublime Porte. Norway and Austria I was thinking of a challenge run of going socialist and surviving until 3I kills Germany, or otherwise taking as many krauts with me as possible. WebWhile the Ottoman Empire officially entered the Weltkrieg on October 29, 1914, with the arrival of Wilhelm Souchon with the Goeben and Breslau and the commencement of Progress Report 87 As the years ticked by and the economy recovered, the pre-war state was achieved by the late 20s. While the Ottoman Empire officially entered the Weltkrieg on October 29, 1914, with the arrival of Wilhelm Souchon with the Goeben and Breslau and the commencement of the shelling of Odessa under the Ottoman Flag, it had secretly pursued and attained the signature and affirmation of the Ottoman-German Alliance on August 2nd, 1914. 204. Progress Report 108 For more information, please see our By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. WebThe Kaiserreich Path Guide Sheet, by u/KRFrostleaf and u/Yularen2077 Hello KReddit, i am here to announce that me and Yularen have created this google spreadsheet, where we plan to map out every single Kaiserreich path and the guides on how to get each of them, with the courtesy of Yularen's work on the guides. Therefore, many outsiders consider the Shammars as nothing more than Ottoman lapdogs. As Grand Vizier Mustafa Kemal Pasha begins his second term in office, signs have started to appear that he may be looking for an alternative to the constant obstruction by the Ottoman Chamber of Deputies and interference from the conservative lobby through the Sultan. Progress Report 110 The AOG Mustafa Kemal Pasha (1926-1931), (1935-) Progress Report 94 The India Rework Ottoman lira Russia What does everyone think the best path is for the Ottomans and why? WebIt borders the Caspian Sea to the north, Azerbaijan to the northwest, the Ottoman Empire to the west, the Persian Gulf to the south, the Republic of India to the southeast, Afghanistan to the east, and Khiva to the northeast. Creating a government consisting of Cavit Bey, Fethi Pasha and Rauf Pasha, it became quickly clear that the CUP was far from defeated. Riga, Latvia, and Estonia Because of that, all three territories have significant autonomy and are mere puppet states of Constantinople as well. Progress Report 53 Eh. The Netherlands The 1926 elections ended in a victory for the OPP, but many were quick to remark that this was less due to the party itself, and more due to fragmentation of the opposition - where more than a dozen parties, mostly local, fought for any given seat. Furthermore, Abdulhamid's absolute rule fostered great discontent amongst a population which became increasingly familiar with Western ideas. GFX Proposal for an Assyrian flag made during the Weltkrieg in Diyarbekir Vilayet. Although the Arab Revolt had been a colossal failure, in large part due to the efforts of Fakhri Pasha, the need for reform was recognized. German East Asia & Indochina The Ottoman Empire - Part 2 Progress Report 71 Progress Report 3 Webit entrenches the old system and aristocratic order while doing very little for its long term problems. Because as far as I can tell, despite teasing you with Ottomanism in an event, you're basically stuck with Turkish nationalism versus Islamism. When you get told of a conspiracy against Kemal have the The Turks are the dominant ethnic group of the Empire, holding various positions in government and in the military. The betrayal by its German allies in the Caucasus and Palestine gave rise to a substantial anti-German faction. Progress Report 62 A short, unexpected dip just before the 1935 elections scared observers who believe that the caution of the OPP is more than justified if we wish to avoid another catastrophe like the OPDA. Peru and Venezuela Central America WebTime is to serve the Grand Vizier Kemal Pasha! Kemalists, Progress Report 78 Under the grand vizier Mustafa Kemal Pasha, whose Ottoman People's Party has governed the country for the majority of the time since 1926, far-reaching reforms to centralize, modernize, and secularize the state have been pursued. Progress Report 36 The party supports further centralization of power and secularization, as well as reforms to the education, penal, and justice systems. William Z. Catholicos Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I had intended to retake the mainland as a Republican (since that was the first Kaiserreich game I played), but apparently I have a chance to stop the rise of the Commune in the first place? Progress Report 39 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The Ottoman Empire's biggest enemy on the Arabian peninsula are with no doubt the opportunist Saudis of the Emirate of Nejd and Hasa, based in the city of Riyadh. Ottoman Empire, Ottomans Population (core territory) Progress Report 107 Puerto Rico William Z. The Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem (M.O.J.) Progress Report 125 Progress Report 18 and our Progress Report 47 Welcome to the official subreddit of Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, an alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron 2, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game and Hearts of Iron 4. Nonetheless, a large Greek minority still remains in the Empire, mostly on the Aegean Islands and Cyprus, which were only (re-)gained after the end of the war and the genocide. Progress Report 123 The Post-War Ottoman Empire By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (March of Abdulmejid II) Privacy Policy. Progress Report 48 By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sichuan The newly appointed Grand Vizier did not hide his large ambitions, and in a flurry of reforms he pushed the nation towards his ideals. Cookie Notice Azerbaijan gained all of its territorial claims and Georgia and the Ottomans would be compensated with formerly Armenian territories. 793. The 'National Economy' project became the centerpiece of Ottoman economic policy as the horrors of the war and the reliance on an untrustworthy non-Turkish population left deep scars amongst the ruling elite. ago The Democratic Republic of Georgia An Update on the Wiki Left Kuomintang Gameplay Rework Area (core territory) By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Progress Report 63 Progress Report 121 The Fall of Greece and the growing risk of revolution in the British Protectorate of Egypt caused Allenby to revise his strategy, and withdraw part of his forces - returning to the defensive position the British held before the MegiddoOffensive. Progress Report 41 An equally troubled ethnicity as the Armenians are the Assyrians, an ancient Aramaic-speaking people originally native to the Nineveh Plains, Eastern Anatolia and Persian Azerbaijan. The Ottoman Party for Administrative Decentralisation under its leader Haqqi al-Azm became the grand winner of the elections, and formed a coalition with the FAP and the ODF to provide a united front against the growing centralist threat. Turkish, Arab (in Arab Vilayets) Privacy Policy. Progress Report 116 Foster and the TUUL. Venice, Tuscany, and Tripolitania Flag of the Sublime Ottoman State Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. WebWhat is the closest path to an absolute monarchy with Qing (Puyi) in the new update? Under the Three Pashas, the Ottomans aligned with Germany and the Central Powers during the Weltkrieg. A valiant defeat at Antep and a Pyrrhic victory near Mara, known as the "Miracle at Mara", ultimately stopped Allenby in his tracks. The Ottoman armies performed poorly with British forces occupying large swathes of the Levant and Mesopotamia, but the Ottomans were able to prevent any advance into Anatolia before the end of the war. The manufacturing industry which had seen a slow but steady growth in the CUP-era was knocked down as the effects of the Armenian genocide took their toll on the educated middle class. Prior to the revision on start of the Cairo Pact war there was a very specific order to take the focuses, and it WebSo, uh, I was messing around with chat bots and I saw this for Kaiserreich. Russia Rework Part 2 The Baku government of course wanted to maintain their independence and were happy to support Germany when the latter promised them generous amounts of economic investment and granted them all of Azerbaijans claimed territory - including the Armenian-held Zangezur and Karabakh, the Georgian-held Zaqatala and the Ottoman-held Nakhchivan. (The Sublime Ottoman State) Progress Report 13 Sultan Vahdeddin opened negotiations with the British in an attempt to salvage what remained of his empire, whilst Britain reconsidered its attitude in the Middle East. Nonetheless many have pointed out the warning signs on the horizon as increasing instability on the continent and the stagnation of the German economy will likely bring issues to the Grand Orient as well. The next step was the development of 4-year plans and an even larger grip of the government on the economy. Progress Report 82 DLC, Nejd, and the Map The coalition, however, was under constant attack, as the various parties that played part in it had conflicting opinions on a non-OPP policy. 1,744 votes. Akin to the Ottoman chart or even just an ordered list. In the Vilayet of Basra a new home was to be created for the Assyrian people whose exodus from the plains of Nineveh and Lake Urmia had left them refugees in an Iran openly hostile to their ambitions. Yemen for example has been a part of the Ottoman Empire ever since the 1500s, but as the infrastructure in the mountainous and harsh environment of Southwestern Arabia is extremely underdeveloped, Constantinople's effective control over the region is very low. Ahmet Tefvik Pasha was appointed Grand Vizier and tasked with the creation of a government of national unity, in an attempt to connect both the FAP, which enjoyed the preference of the Sultan, and the powerful CUP, which governed all institutes bar the palace. But I wanted a nice feel-good option where you're basically a good guy, because you don't always want to be a horrible person, and I'm several tries in and having trouble finding what I'm looking for. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A coup d'tat in 1908 made Ottoman politics, long suppressed by the Sultan, burst into the open. Progress Report 26 Scan this QR code to download the app now. since the beginning of the 20th Century, more and more Jews have started to resettle in Palestine, motivated primarily by the concept of Zionism, the idea of a resurrected Jewish homeland, and also by persecution by other governments. Arrival of the delegations at the Old City of Jerusalem, December 1919. R5: Imo Ottoman Empire content is best content this mod have after China. Most of these Greeks are loyal to the government and supportive of liberalization and secularization attempts; However, political agitation coming from the neighboring liberal Hellenic Republic is strong and further centralization reforms by the OPP could lead to conflict in the future. Germany Kaza was a subdivision of sancak and referred to the basic administrative district, governed by a kadi. The party nonetheless remained a united front to prevent ceding power to the FAP. Under the pretext of the Russo-Turkish War, the constitution was abolished and the parliament shut down. The Greeks, once integral members of Ottoman urban society, especially on the Anatolian West Coast, around the Bosporus, in Cappadocia and in the Pontic Mountains, have suffered a similar fate as their Christian Armenian & Assyrian brethren: During the Weltkrieg, several hundred thousand Greeks would be deported, killed or forcibly converted to Islam, which would be one of the main reasons for Greece to join the Entente. Progress Report 65 Progress Report 57 Negotiations already started shortly after the war in December, but an accord was only reached in April of 1920, wherein two autonomous regions were established, to great anger of both Turks and Arabs who saw this as nothing less than a betrayal. The Spain Rework Do you have any basic tips what to do or what not to do in an Ottoman campaign, if you want to keep and integrate as much territory as possible? Which focuses do you take, how do you push the unending divisions of the Arabs? The Ottoman Empire - Part 1 The Kingdom of Sardinia Currency The Qing Empire - Part 2 Receiving great public acclaim for this action, Kemal continued laying the foundations for his later rise in power. 1,744 votes. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The Flag of the Republic of Armenia (1918-1919), which is outlawed in the Ottoman Empire as a terrorist symbol. Progress Report 86 Progress Report 80 This resistance would consolidate itself in the shape of the CUP, or Committee of Union and Progress. WebTroops began moving to the northwest in April 1928 and the offensive began in June with six divisions. Progress Report 95 The Anqing Clique Progress Report 9 Contents 1 History 1.1 Pre-Weltkrieg 1.2 Weltkrieg 1.3 Post-Weltkrieg 2 Politics 3 Military 4 Geography 4.1 Palestine 4.2 Suez Canal Zone WebIf you want to try out the Empire of France path, Don't appoint a successor to d'Esprey, and make sure Mordacq 'wins' the influence fight by having the most influence, or Ptain coming clean if his corruption hits six. For most of the Ottoman Empire's existence, the various Kurdish chieftains always have acted as loyal brothers-in-arms to their Turkish overlords - except for a few exceptions in the late 19th and early 20th century. Progress Report 97 The relations with the states in the Caucasus, namely Georgia and Azerbaijan, are tense. The Dutch East Indies The Armenian Genocide during the Weltkrieg, which would see the deportation of more than one million Armenian citizens to the Syrian desert, where they would be sent on death marches through no man's land, would only worsen the overall situation; as of 1936, the formerly well-established Armenian middle class is completely gone and most remaining Armenians have been relocated to the Vilayet of Erivan. Progress Report 69 Privacy Policy. WebCairo pact folds as egypt only major and you take arabia and egypt and tripolitania. Progress Report 96 1299 Usually I will annex egypt and puppet sudan for colonial manpower. Russia Rework Part 1 Progress Report 2 Progress Report 129 Therefore, the Ottoman-Rashidi relationship is a pretty tense one, and only the future will show if Ha'il will stay loyal to their Turkish allies. WebCentralisation/Authoritarian Democracy: Pass the 3 starting reforms. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Led by the liberal Prince Mehmed Sabahattin, the party supports private initiative, religious freedom, and democracy at the local level, as well as decentralization of power. In a massive wave of anti-German and pacifist fervour, the cabinet of Talaat Pasha was forced to resign and concede to the Sultan. Progress Report 104 Progress Report 68 The relations with Bulgaria on the other hand had various ups and downs in the last decades: Once arch enemies during the Balkan Wars, then close allies during the Weltkrieg and cordial neighbours throughout the 1920s, Bulgaria's stance on the Turkish has grown worse again: Bulgarian nationalism and increased authoritarianism has led to the persecution of the large Muslim Turkish minority within Bulgaria's borders and power-hungry government officials in Sofia have turned their eyes on the city of Constantinople, hoping to finally conquer the old city of "Tsargrad", as they call it, and return to the glory days of the Old Bulgarian Empire under Simeon I. . Progress Report 84 Even though and our The dreaded OPDA was completely shut down and all its monopolies transferred to the state. The Pacific States The Left Kuomintang During the Weltkrieg, Yemen was cut off from the Empire because of the Arab Revolt; During this time, the Imam was able to gain significant autonomy, something the Ottoman government was not able to revoke after the end of the exhausting war. In 1913, with the Raid on the Sublime Porte, the game was over: The centralist CUP, with significant public figures such as the Three Pashas (Enver, Djemal and Talaat), would eradicate all remaining power of the decentralists and shape the nation in their image. Either you force Arabs to learn Turkish and settle Turks in their land, or else you just give up on actually advancing the Empire in any meaningful way; it doesn't even look from the tree like you can solve your literacy problem if you go HIF? Progress Report 132 During the Tanzimat Era in the mid-19th century, which brought severe reforms to the Ottoman Empire, and an organized and comparably modern administrative system could finally be agreed upon. Nonetheless, the Ottomans reformed, and despite the issues these posed on a local level - where tribal issues and a corrupt bureaucracy reigned supreme - light could be seen. Kurdish nationalism does exist, but it is very different from similar movements in the Turkish and Arab community, as it emphasizes traditionalism, piety and old tribal structures. Beylerbeyis had authority over all the sancakbeyis in a region. Sanjaks were governed by sanjak-beys, selected from the high military ranks by the central government. Progress Report 21 Progress Report 81 WebThe Kaiserreich Wiki United States of America/Paths Republic of Burma Nations of the World German East Asia Ottoman Empire Qing Empire/Paths Brazil/Paths Commune of France/Paths Lithuania/Paths Kingdom of Romania Commune of France Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Government Structure Poland Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Ottoman Forces were left under a great deal of pressure in Mesopotamia andSyria. Therefore, Berlin's masterplan was to drive a wedge between the Turks and the Azeris by supporting Azerbaijani nationalism. State of the Art Team The Ottoman Empire does not have that, it is mainly very rural, barring some urbanized and industrialized regions along the Aegean/Marmara coastline. The Horn of Africa The soc libs/mar lib federation and Auth dem kemalist federation. and I have no idea, what future consequences the different actions have. Harsh famine in Constantinople due to a refusal by German forces to supply it with Ukrainian grain, betrayal in the Caucasus by its allies, the attempted silencing of the Sultan, and rumours that the commander of the Seventh Army was in open conflict with the ministry of war, would finally tip the bucket over. WebBecause the Ottomans actually have a chance of surviving into the 21st century. Georgia, afraid of Ottoman annexation, established ties with the Germans. The World Tension Rework Western China Incapable of challenging Mustafa Kemal in public speaking, this proved detrimental to the party when in 1925, Kemal made a successful bid for power. Progress Report 70

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