Romans 10:17 provides a clear answer: So then, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.. You will do it standing. (Alleluia!). If you want to include some six boyfriends only, if you get any child that one will not be from my God it will be from the devil. (Amen!) for Gods promise to come to pass, we can lose faith in God and refuse (Amen!) The Role of Faith: In the situations of life, we have to exercise our faith and launch out into the deep. Oh, the man said, listen, the best political party is on my side. Now those who are at the back of the altar, youll be ministered to behind the altar. Come and surrender your life to Him. And if there is any one who is in a problem, the barren surely are in a problem. Actually barrenness means fruitless efforts. What a powerful God You are! I release my blessings from the hands of my dead relatives, in the name of Jesus. Let them find peace at home. (Amen!) Jesus Christ wants to enter into the boat of your life tonight but He wont force you. Probably from a primary verb diko; a seine. I mean. Many of my friends who are Pastors have asked me: Tell us your secret, tell us! Ive even seen some people who have said, Tell us what you buried on the altar! I even know a relative of mine who said hes a Pastor. I commit all Your children into Your hands. Come and call on Him! They will be swimming towards your own seed. Im not going to be there. When she was praising God she nearly forgot where she was. Thank You for hearing these deepest cries of my heart. Even so, Peter made a watershed decision: Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.. Many of my friends who are Pastors have asked me: Tell us your secret, tell us! Ive even seen some people who have said, Tell us what you buried on the altar! I even know a relative of mine who said hes a Pastor. Thank you so much for this word and for your spiritual guidance. And sitting down, He taught the people from the boat. And God loves. A prayer of praise 1 Samuel 2:1-10: "And Hannah prayed and said, 'My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. When Peter chose to place his faith in the powerful word of God, his life would never be the same. Now which one are you going to have triplets or twins? Go deeper in prayer and make an awesome connection with God. (Amen!) 11:1 the Bible says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen". They know the meaning of Psalm 127 verse 3: It says, Children are an heritage of the Lord. So they appreciate children. But those who keep getting them like rabbits, they say they dont bother much! (Amen!) I disgrace every witchcraft burial, in the name of Jesus. May God bless you, your family and ministry abundantly. (Alleluia!) Do you remember a time in which you began to pray, and you suddenly felt the Presence of God soooo powerfully? Amen! Philippines, United States of America, soldier | 1.4K views, 41 likes, 9 loves, 5 comments, 13 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Rappler: The largest. God bless you. He is always present and ready to listen. Catching, a catch. Like Peter, our response to Gods Word will either invite His blessing and power, or it will hinder it. But if you are travelling in a car on the expressway and you are going at 110 KPH and then the two tires in front burst and then you somersaulted six times and you came out, your children came out, nobody has any scratch. Your email address will not be published. They have to understand that fruitful people, the barren that became fruitful have 3 distinct characteristics. understanding. Ahh! he said, you must be joking. Im telling you your kingdom is gone. How would you like to have a son who will speak a word and God will say Amen? The beauty of it is that God wants anyone who will come close to Him to come. Lets just go ahead and worship the Almighty God, lets worship the faithful One, the Holy One, the powerful One, the glorious One, the One who can do all things Blessed be Your Holy Name O Lord! Many Christians only want to comprehend what is apparent /obvious. Forbid them not. Why? But under the direct command of Jesus, Peter turned from his logic and staked everything on Jesus word. He exalts His word higher than Himself. Now which one are you going to have triplets or twins? Number three. Peter said, This kind of miracle should not be given to a sinner like me. (Amen!) We generally do what we want to do. You see, you need to understand something about God. Oh, you want to have many children? Thank you thank you!! My child was looking at me some how, she didnt know what was happening but my mouth was no more crooked but I looked lean and that night when I prayed that prayer I wrote a letter to Daddy that he should intercede for me but unfortunately those people that I wrote on that day didnt receive the letter until 5 months. The focus in deep prayer is God, and through Christ Jesus we come into the presence of the Father. -father give me the grace to forget the former things and not dwell on the past (Isaiah 43:18) -Do a new thing in my life Lord and let it spring forth (Isaiah 43:19) -lord make a way where there seems to be no way (Isaiah 43:16, 19) Source: 110:3). Thank You! He said, "Swim inside!" Let our weeping end and let our joy begin to the glory of Your Name! Inn Jesus mighty Name we pray! Oh, Blessed be Your Holy Name! From now on let them laugh at their enemies. (Thank you ma, time over! I took the medicine for 2 days, the third day I reduced it to 3 because I knew how I was feeling in my body. In 1Samuel 1, Hannah received her miracle at Shiloh. 9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken: Thats the only one who refuses to surrender his or her life to Jesus. My heart desire is to be a house of prayer. ?? The One who reigns in Shekinah glory eheh! Thank You Lord! James 5:16 reminds us that if we want our prayers to be heard, our hearts need to be right with God and with one another. Summarize it please. Praise the Lord! Listen to Eddie James singing Lord, make me a house of prayer! and ask the Lord to make YOU a house of prayer tooand that the fire on your altar would never go out! But we sit on the dock attempting to catch fish in shallow waters. And after youre in His inner courts, pour out all your heart to Him. Thank You for joy. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. Theres somebody here who is going to begin to rejoice from now on. if Im upset about somethingthen I know I need to give thanks anyway, and do so purposefully. Sorrow will become joy tonight. those kind of prayers. Start out by giving thanks for everything youre feeling thankful for, and go from there! You see when your appointed day comes it could be before breakfast. And because He loves you thats why Hes asking for this special Holy Ghost Service - for your sake. (Amen!) God loves impossible odds. (Amen!) (Amen! Praise the Lord! In John 3:16 the Bible says that God so loved the world. Tell them we will know who is crazy very soon! Your Sister in Christ Learn how your comment data is processed. So how do you get there? But we need to learn, what must I do so that I dont lose the victory I have got tonight? From the base of chasma; to lower. This is how you pray without ceasing. Holy Spirit will help you, and youll have a powerful time of prayer that is a supernatural encounter with the Living God. Help me do that, Father, and thank You. ), Peter had a night of sorrow, a night of failure, a night of frustration. Alleluia! Lets allow the ministers of God to go and then we can go home rejoicing. Thats why the wife and the elders are also welcome anytime. to do what He expects us to do. and say, Deep! Thank You Jesus! He knew Peter's fatigue, his doubt, and his needs. 2:2). Let somebody shout Alleluia! I hope they will encourage you to make 2023 a year of prayer. Lets give the Lord a hand thats a big testimony! Why do you love children so much? Because, Im like my Father in heaven. Children are wonderful things! Failure will become success tonight. By the blood of Jesus, I receive cleansing from every deposit of rejection through sin. This is the act of complete surrender.God speaks in accordance to His word. By the time they return let them be full of testimonies. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. LearnMore. Theres another case, very interesting one, some people are plotting to get you out of your position in your place of work. --Advertisements--. (Amen!) (Alleluia!) I called my children, I told them, they said I was imagining it that there was nothing wrong with it. . (Alleluia!) And the Bible tells us that we enter His gates with thanksgiving. (Hosea 7:14) Im going to meet my God! Is there no God in London? I said, Yes, there is God in London but the Headquarters is in Nigeria! When I entered into the plane I made a covenant with the Almighty God. Read it over twice. Pray for all our Governors, pray for all our Obas, pray for all our rulers, if it is well with them, it will be well with us. (Amen!) Simon, may I use your ship?. It is still possible to be part of a great work of God. In Jesus mighty Name we have prayed! Tell your neighbour, I am going to become an amazement to my neighbours! Thank You Lord! His name means God will increase me. Thank You! So, even though he was God incarnate, Jesus didnt draw on his superpowers as the Son of God when it came to facing lifes challenges. It wasnt the result of throwing logic to the wind and following his inner dreams. Beloved, our message this week is entitled, "I am getting out.". These Ekiti songs lets have them. All these are dangerous prayer trends for a Christian. Every evil gathering against me, be scattered by the thunder fire o, THE WORD OF GOD IS FIRE PRAYER UNIVERSITY, TEXT-COMMAND YOUR MORNING-RHEMA BIBLE CHURCH, TEXTS- THE 8 WATCHES OF PRAYERS OF THE DAY, TEXT-Midnight Special Dangerous Prayer Points. I know what I am shouting Alleluia for. (Alleluia!) Then we were praying with our parish pastors and they said we should pray concerning it and we prayed and broke the curse. Things changed. Please pray through me and for me right now. Oh yes Lord let every form of barrenness in my life and in the lives of these your children, vanish tonight! Let there be peace in Nigeria. From tonight your fish will swim in the right direction. Whatever sins they have committed up to today forgive them in Jesus Name! When she came here she came through invitation of a woman who was also trusting God for the fruit of the womb. Thank You for providing for me. He couldnt make it 3 boys and 1 girl! But Jesus cared about people more than He cared about comfort. Help me to remember to thank You and bless Your name, and help me to praise You all day every day. Bless our ministry we pray and may Your Holy Spirit lead and guide all we say and do - and may we be changed more and more into the image . 5. But tonight every form of barrenness will be dealt with by Jesus Christ (Amen!) Yes sir!) Thank You Daddy! And because they appreciate children, they love them just as God loves them. We went back to the doctor and when the doctor saw me, he tested me. Several people were healed tonight one says hes been healed of asthma, one is healed of heart attack; one is healed of what is the other one all kinds! God! We refused. (Amen!) What a wonderful night! At the end of everything Lord, let Your Name be glorified again! Hes the One Im dancing for! If you believe that say Amen (Amen!). (Special HGS for those trusting God for the fruit of the Womb and for fruitfulness in all spheres of life), Thank You! ), Now when Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep and throw your net to the right, Peter said, Mmmh, that instruction doesnt make sense. When it got to the hand of the disciples it multiplied again so we had double multiplication. As with fishing, just one throw is enough to produce fish. ), Oh, Thank You Daddy! Just like Omowale said, as the Yoruba names have meaning, the Names of God also have meaning. Restrain, quit, desist, come to an end. A prolonged form of an otherwise obsolete verb; to talk, i.e. Praise the Lord! How did it happen to be? (Amen!). For theirs is the Kingdom of God. And He carried the babies in His hand and He blessed them. (Amen!) (Amen!) Number three. They take children as precious things. He obviously had a child-like spirit and acknowledges his need to be taught (Jeremiah 10:23; Matthew 18:3-4). HI reading this made me speechless,it brought tears to my eyes because i just know how to pray the right way.Thank you very much.God Bless. Willing to assist Jesus, Peter left his net and resumed his seat in the fishing boat. Let me hear you shout Alleluia! My mother was a spiritual prayer warrior, and much that I know about prayer I learned from her. I said, I wanted to see the doctor. They say, God help me! If you will surrender your boat to Jesus, your womb, He will cause the fish to swim in the right direction (Amen!) halieus, Luke 5:2).Consequently, Jesus' command to launch out into the deep water for another try at fishing contrasts Jesus' authority with the natural ability of these men. So maybe Daddy didnt even receive the letter but I thank God when I came back I went to the doctor here whom I was referred to and the doctor said he has nothing to give me, that my faith has healed me! God! My name is Japhet Takwa resident in Lagos here but I come from Taraba State. (Alleluia!) Thus says the Lord; from now on that is how you will laugh at your enemies. We are too close to the surface, and our main concern is surface attributes only. Read Luke 5:4-11. If I remember to pray this promise first, my prayer time is amazing. The rest of you, the testimonies here are very big tonight but you can give them next time youll be very welcome to do so we want to meet our deadline of 4.00 am. The husband can meet with the wife only once. So deacons and deaconesses please go quickly to the counselling centre so we can quickly get down their particulars because there is a lot that God wants to do tonight. And that year, it was during convention. God is deep! I was hearty and hale before I left Nigeria. (Alleluia!) Often I talk to Jesus, the friend who is closer than a brother and the Savior of my soul. I mean. Alleluia! Duc In Altum draws its name from Luke 5:4 where Jesus instructs Simon Peter to "launch into the deep" or "put out into deep water." The edifice is composed of six chapels, including the main boat chapel, four smaller lateral mosaic chapels, an atrium dedicated to women as well as the lower level Encounter chapel with an impressive mural. Every form of barrenness Father, destroy tonight in Jesus Name! If they have to clear the crowd a little, they have to do so; but create a little spot up there, all right. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. All right, very quickly well listen to your testimonies and then we say whatever else God wants us to say and then we go. There is a king here that the enemies have told you you will not last on your Fathers throne. You will always find Abraham building an altar so he can worship God. All right! Obedient. Let our joy overflow. We bless Your Name Lord! God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. (Alleluia!) He danced so much that his stomach came out of his flowing gown and the wife looked at him from the window and said, king, look at you - dancing in the midst of ordinary people until your belly came out! David said, Im dancing for the Almighty, the One who took the Kingdom from your father and gave it to me, the One who found a little shepherd boy and made him a King! Go deeper in prayer and make an awesome connection with God. Lets look at a few points: God bless you. Tonight is tonight! Alleluia! If we dare risk the analogy: this was his bait for man-fishing. Theres someone here well hear this one but lets wait till next month. God Bless You. Pharaoh is not happy. Call on Him now! God is going to surprise somebody here today. So come now, come! Many have access to Gods Word and sense the Holy Spirits prompting. Thats why those of you who are trusting God for children, whether the Devil likes it pr not, Im going to rejoice with you by this time next year! Serving in inner cities, seeking out wounded souls, and ministering to shattered lives isnt always easy, nor is it comfortable. You are faithful! The doctor phoned me 3 times that night to check up whether I was in coma or not. Before anything great will be accomplished for Christ, we must make the decision to launch out at His command. If Hes distributing 20,000 children, one way or the other, I know somebody will grab one! And the same with my extreme left, behind the altar and we will use even the front of the altar. Then we were praying with our parish pastors and they said we should pray concerning it and we prayed and broke the curse. Barrigada, GU 96921 The do it yourself or Go beyond policy doesnt apply to them because they are used to obvious statements and practices when it comes to prayer.The obvious is pray:when in trouble,when you want something,when things arent looking good for you.Self centred prayers. tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry (Hab. Glory be to God! Its a sad thing that the shallow waters of Christianity are largely invaded, leaving the deep waters isolated. Lets worship the Almighty, the One who can do the impossible. It could be immediately after lunch. Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. Thank you for this post because it surely helps me now. I also know that God is attracted towards the barren because they give Him the opportunity to show His All-Sufficiency. As with fishing, just one throw is enough to produce fish. Amen! 1:12: Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.

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