Violently destroying the area. Because we do, at least for the next 12 days. This blog posts strikes me as tone deaf, and suspiciously one-sided, not at all contributing to its mission. If accepted candidates will receive a conditional offer contingent upon remaining in good standing with the school, completion of required ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) hours, and other Allegiant employment qualifications. Would you have such a person as President? Thats something your typical hotel clerk cant do. In this case, its unfair to completely judge this pilot for his beliefs, has he done any dangerous actions while flying? However, i'm nervous that this could become a slippery slope. Hi, this is your captain speaking. This pilot is a conspiracist. The Allegiant Accelerate Cadet is a collegiate student in their Senior year with an authorized University's aviation training program. You know why people resort to "cancel culture?" How can someone's dubious mental health not be relevant to their job performance? But in a hypothetical where a pilot with similar beliefs was the pilot on a flight where I was a passenger, sure, if he's good at his day job. His alternate hedge against deportation from Russia has been to find himself a young Russian bride in Astrakhan, though he hasn't found much success there either. I agree with more than half the posters here - we come to this website to GET AWAY from all the politics! Must be authorized to work in the US as defined by the Immigration Act of 1986. There are several different types of pilot's licenses, from student pilot all the way up to airline transport pilot. I really can't believe this is where we are in 2021, but I guess I'll be the first to thank Lucky for making us aware of this crazy person. Whether that's age, sex, race, political views, etc. I will no longer do so, Lucky, unless I read a post in which you will promise to categorically abstain from harassing people for their political views in the future. It almost has elements of an old lynch mob. However, looking at the totality of the comments it seems that many of your customers are telling you that this type of content is not what they want. However, no airline offers so much flexibility to cancel flights as Allegiant Airlines. Violently destroying the area. Thanks for proving my point Tiffany and Ben - as long as you are a supporter of Trump and say disgusting things you should lose your job (that is unacceptable hate speech), However if Maxine Waters encouraging you to attack Trump cabinet members and family (which by the way is still available on YouTube to watch) - this is acceptable hate speech. The Maintenance Team Leader is an Aircraft Technician who leads other Technicians in their day-t, Summary I have read this thread twice and amazed how any conservative though is pushed back hard. We provide all the tools you need to succeed, whether its through in-person training or interactive online courses. This blog has unfortunately changed from the reason why I originally started visiting this site 4 to 5 times a day. This is the power you hold with this blog I beg that you use it for unity and healing. I religiously read and your website every night, particularly recently as a much needed escape from the constant political news and this is the first time that I have ever posted. Ignorance is not bliss, people. Allegiant Air Pilot Hiring Requirements | All You Need to It also means our aircraft and crew end every day back at their base. Other people Ironically, Russia would never allow this man to fly a passenger plane because he is, any way you look at it, a security threat (strong anti-government views combined with his sympathies for hostile countries). We say we want pilots to be calm, cool, and collected (and competent). Please keep doing what we love to see and give us all a break from the politics that is everywhere else we turn. The flow-through agreement between Ameriflight and Allegiant is open to all Ameriflight pilots regardless of seniority, equipment, seat position, or current position within the company. I wonder if they would think the same if he was a Muslim extremist who was supportive of terrorist orgs like Al Qaeda/ISIS. Personally Id rather have a pilot on a flight Im on not publicly claim to be an enemy of a vast majority of people, and idolize someone who only wants to return to the US with Vladimir Putin to free the American people with tanks. We will never request applicants to submit information to, or interact with, third parties as part of the application or pre-hire process. Duties include: Ensure aircraft are ready for departure. No overnights away from your assigned base. LAS VEGAS, April 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Allegiant Travel Company ( NASDAQ: ALGT) today announced the launch of its Accelerate Pilot Pathway, a new I'm sure he isnt alone in his thinking amongst flight Ben, everything you said I agree with. like MADD magazine was for juvenile boys. YES. Learn more about how we comply with the OFCCPs Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision. As an Employer of Choice, we want to be transparent with our Destroyed would be a felony conviction, or being shot by the police. Most of them just aren't in your face about it on social media and keep it to just making the guy or girl in the cockpit they're flying with uncomfortable. Load baggage. With his vow to only ever return to the US if it's to "drop a payload on the White House", he is basically stateless and on the run. And I do have a huge problem about outing someone this way, about this mob lynching people they disagree with online. Stop trying to ruin a career because you dont like someones beliefs. When you work for any employer, there are professional requirements that apply, even when you're not on the clock. It's a profession that attracts people that are not necessarily looking for a mainstream lifestyle. Sounds like OMAAT might be sued pretty soon. According to his FB account, he lists: Apr 19, 2023 The process consisted of three parts. Btw, would you also be concerned if the pilot was on the other side - Supporter of BLM, Antifa, Defund the Police, enemy of all Republicans, etc? I am not a Trump supporter and I can only shake my head at people who would want to live in Russia and who idolize Putin. Being prone to conspiratorial thinking is a deficit of logic. What exactly gives Ben the right to put a random person under the microscope on this blog? I can assure Lucky that the same people berating you would leave this site in a nanosecond if your articles were "dried pieces" of credit card offers, hotel programs and the like. So Ben, please, please, please take heed of the number of negative comments above from subscribers that you're potentially turning away, stick to what you're good at, and maintain your credibility as a good travel blogger. I also think it's important to acknowledge that travel is inherently political. Ground operations agents value safety above all, and are members of an amazing team that works together to get the job done. But sadly, nothing can be done about this, because the left cried wolf too many times. And I am sure part of the reason is cathartic. If there is a valid concern that this pilot could be a threat for the safety and well being of his passengers report him to the FAA and they will decide if a hearing is What exactly gives Ben the right to put a random person under the microscope on this blog? @ Jay -- THANK YOU. Hang Pence is trending now - should we find every pilot or FA that used that and get them fired? You bloggers seem to think our online life is an extension of who we are but not all of us are social media whores. If I were doing this for others, or if negative feedback impacted me much, I'd probably be miserable. And for those of you who are complaining about things being too "political" - keep in mind that for some humans, our mere existence has been political thanks to others who wish to deny us the same rights others have. As a Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument (CFII), CFIs will use their experience to train cadets for their instrument rating. The CIO is a hardcore Trumper and even pushes his children in that direction. This is also a guy who believes that Ukrainian fighter jets shot down MH17: For instance, he once created a ten-minute video investigation about Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, which was shot down in July 2014 near the town of Hrabove, in separatist-controlled eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. Factually, there were two smaller groups within that massive crowd. I used your reports in planning my own travel, whether it was which airlines to travel on, which hotels to stay at, etc. look in the mirror and ask yourself that question! I come here for the former (sure I guess that means I am entitled) and not the later. Check out our new Military Pathways for Pilots and A&P Mechanics! I am fiercely proud to be an American, even with all of our failures and faults, and glad that you, me and all of us have the right to free expression and speech. He is a racist and has no place serving as a pilot in public transportation. Destroyed? How different the product on this blog is now compared to 12 months ago. And he did it on purpose. We all have political ideas we think are nuts in one way or another. Twitter user @Claudio_Reports notes that Ron Gaudier is an Allegiant Air pilot who has been harassing her. Assassinating the Vice President was one of the primary goals of the seditionists who invaded the US Capitol building on Wednesday. Hopefully he didnt fall out a window. According to Geir Bjoran, Allegiant's chief pilot, the airline's out-and-back business model is unique in the industry.The airline operates an all-Airbus fleet of A319s and A320s, flying more than 580 routes to 129 cities.The aircraft are assigned to one of the airline's 20 You can peruse them today. The FBI will certainly investigate, but for a host of fantastical reasons very few arrests were made on Wednesday, and additional questioning and detainment will take some time. The pilot is annoying but so was the Hamilton actor that decided he could lecture Vice-President elect what's his mane during a performance. Only a matter of time before Allegiant axes him. As a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), candidates will build flight hours while training new Altitude cadets and independent students. Up the game. Please go back to that. This individual has shown that he does not have those qualities. Allegiant Air Just another casualty of Trump's America, I guess. The Physical Demands and Work Environment described here are a representative of those that must be met by a Team Member to successfully perform the essential functions of the role. Lol, I don't see the same anger from some of you when the CAPTIAL got STORMED. Even though it's obvious, I'm still happy to come to your website, as I know it has no reflection on your ability to deliver straight aviation news. For me it was a failed coup attempt as some official responsibles in the security branch are actually supporting this mob and Trump's hate speech. A personal item is included in the price of the ticket for Allegiant Air and must not exceed a maximum size of 16 x 15 x 7 inches (40.6 x 38.1 x 17.8 cm). The exact same behavior, I might add, that was applied by Trump supporters against Senator Graham at DCA yesterday, and which I promptly decried. Lack of traveling is not bringing out the best in you and I will echo what others have said above. Time to realize you did wrong and apologize. If someone knowingly has these views and openly advertises the fact , then absolutely not. To those who say they've been reading for years and that this is your last time reading this blog, I'm sorry to see you go (though I do find it interesting how many people claiming that have never left a comment prior to this hmmm). It at least merits discussion, if nothing else. I'm sure Allegiant Air (and most employers) have some sort of personal conduct policy and acting in a way that could damage their brand is grounds for termination. This gets back at the double standard from what we saw at the US Capitol a couple of days ago. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. Canceled by Antifa! I most definitely would NOT trust my life with this unhinged individual! Many more like him and those who supported and attended the riot at the Capitol, especially who actively as well as violently entered the premise. WebAs a pilot nears the time needed for an ATP rating, they can be afforded the opportunity to be upgraded to captain in the Twin Otter. This would apply equally to any extremists, whether they are Antifa, CCP, Neo Nazis or the Cult of Flying Spaghetti Monsters. Other people are harassed for their political views, as well. Allegiant Air Submits to Demands of Radical Left! Simple, last week I went up to the cockpit of a 767-400, where I spent roughly 10 minutes talking to the pilots about the beautify of flying the plane, first off none of them wore masks, and 2, towards the end of the conversation, both pilots began sharing some rather extremist right beliefs. Its sad to see just how much Ben has lost his sh*t over the past few years. I'm sorry that you only enjoyed the site so marginally that a few posts you disagree with outweigh the value you've otherwise gotten from the tens of thousands of posts I've put my soul into. @ Jane doe -- Yes, that's disgusting. The mob was their to disturb, overthrow the ongoing political procedure. As Tiffany said, if you are a delusional conspiracy theorist, you should not be trusted to fly airline passengers. All commercial aviators must meet the requirements of the Airline Transportation Pilot (ATP) certificate, which includes a minimum of 1,500 hours total flight time (more with some airlines). He doesnt belong in the skies. Long story short: I think this article's a bit flimsy. Because their ideology lacks merit. Other passengers have claimed that they were charged $50 for a carry-on item that barely exceeded the stated size requirements (say, by one-tenth of an inch). Has he endangered the life of his passenger/improper communication? The guy with his feet up on Pelosi's desk - yup lets ruin his life. WebSummary Visa Sponsorship Available Yes Minimum Requirements Combination of Education and Experience will be considered. Ben, everything you said I agree with. Its worth noting that he doesnt identify as a Proud Boy. Good job, keep it up. No sympathy for her. If this turns in to a political blog Im out. So no, you may believe all you want that you're doing a service to the community/society, but all you really are is a cheap snitch doing the typical "let me play the moral high-ground and cancel a dude, cause i know better that yall and wanna look good". Today its not the gays its the Trump supporters. Wholeheartedly support you and your reasoned arguments. Thanks for posting this information. 1. With a growing fleet, several domiciles across the United States, and a business model that allows you to be home every night, Allegiant provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to let you soar, both professionally and personally. Thank you for sharing this story, @Ben. All prospective applicants should apply via Allegiant direct site: @ Fabrizio S. The pilot is a security threat. He is only one. Speaking only for myself, I just want to be clear that while I generally don't think quarter or comfort should ever be given to fascists (especially having grown up around the generational plague that is the skinheads/neo-Nazis of Northern Idaho), I don't suspect this man is really that far to the right (or the left) in his usual day-to-day political views. But sadly, nothing can be done about this, because the left cried wolf too many times. Similarly, I value pilots being well paid, having a good contract that promises them good rest, etc., because I do think it impacts their mental state when they get in the cockpit. 99.9% of people reading this wouldn't remember the guy's name if they were to fly Allegiant. They always have to fake being a liberal as they know the cancel culture could accidentally knock on their door. Unless he has any of these, I dont see a single problem here other than this post being incited by political beliefs, please keep this a travel blog and stop shaming random people for their beliefs on twitter. What has this website become? Is it that I should try a quick Is this post a public service announcement that anyone who flies allegiant should get off the plane if this guy is introduced as the captain? Trip article = if you get the chance go here and you can see and experience that. Were honored to have established this agreement with such a first-rate company as Allegiant, says Ameriflight Vice President of Flight Operations Mike Anderson. He personally purchased and delivered the generator, driving from Saint Petersburg to Donetsk, even appearing on state television news during the handover. I have enjoyed reading this blog for many years and supported you through exclusively using your affiliate links whenever I would get a new credit card. I am intellectually honest -- far more so than you appear willing to be. About Allegiant: Las Vegas-based Allegiant (NASDAQ: ALGT) is focused on linking travelers in small cities to world-class leisure destinations. But since this guy is too far on the other side with his views, he must be destroyed? There's no perfect solution and i'm curious how this plays out. I would find it extremely concerning if anyone would Tweet something like that. I doubt they will see things that way, and wouldn't be surprised if his remaining US assets are frozen in the near future. Enough already move on.. he lost and hes leaving stop turning this into a liberal blog. Scary stuff, Allegiant has historically hired pilots major carriers have passed on, either due to psychological evaluations - flying performance, FAA violations or personality. Just need some earplugs is all. Ben has a platform here and if he can draw attention to something that puts peoples lives in danger, then its the right use of this platform. All Rights Reserved. @DeePee - he seems pretty indoctrinated in the movement that just had an insurrection at the US Capitol. Without that, some folks fall deeper into the delusion, and very little good can come of it. I have the right to know that this pilot frequents war zones occupied by the forces hostile to the US. While most of us don't fly that airline, I DON'T WANT HIM FLYING ANYWHERE NEAR NEW YORK or any large city. What is concerning is the slip down the rabbit hole. I would agree that this blog has become too political at times for a travel blog. Anti vaxxer , homophobic etc. This post for me is unfortunately the last resort. And earlier this week he said that the lawyer who was handling his cases (he overstayed his visa and he recently applied for asylum) wasnt returning his phone callsbecause he had been conscripted and was at the front! He hasnt been reported as saying a single thing in the workplace. On the other hand, this story could save a couple hundred lives from being intentionally lost someday. I can personally attest that most of the director+ at Allegiant are hard-core right-wingers. Thank you for the great reviews and reports that you have produced over the past several years, they have been tremendous help to me in my adventures. In the meantime, many of these people are returning to their jobs. *All Cadets must verify their flight time by logbooks. By sharing this article - which of course people absolutely can choose not to read because it is very obvious the tone of it by the title - and providing this forum for discussion you are absolutely responsible for elevating the frustration level of many more people today. We expect the best results from our team, so each of these facilities includes both flight simulators and training classrooms. Rep. His personal perspective is irrelevant unless it factors into the safety of the passengers and crew. Hurting people and staffs. Allegiant has to look out for their bottom line and if this person damages their brand then they First off, it's employment at will and a company can pretty much fire a person at any time for any reason.

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