Was perchance thetent with its concealed equipmentstill in position or blown away? Thanks - Cheers! The others eventually managed to getthe two bivouacs ready for use. Possible traces of radioactivity in some clothing, may be explained byfor example Krivonishenkosearlier commitmentin the 1957Kyshtymdisaster. Discover Magazine - "The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Can Science Explain What Happened to the Hikers? Hypothermia means thatthebody core temperature sinks below 35 degrees Celsius. It is furthermore often stated that Lyudmila had blood inher stomachand that this would suggest that she was alive when her tongue was injured - or perhaps evenremoved by any ill-meaning force. INTRODUCTION. Dyatlov Pass and the Anaris mountains in Sweden. Katabatic Winds on Ice Sheets The presence of katabatic winds is dependent on radiative cooling of the ice slopes. TVC (Russian Documentary -Line of Defense) - The Dyatlov Pass - beyond a mountain of lies , 27 February 2019. Photos: Dyatlov Foundation / Richard Holmgren. Secondly,the reason we went to the region during a week in early 2019 -the transition between January and February,was a kind of homage to the events of 1959 and the 60-yearanniversary of the groups passing. . The pathologist never wrote ofblood in her stomach, butsimply mentioned the presence ofa red substance. More to come later. Secondly,the reason we went to the region during a week in early 2019 -the transition between January and February,was a kind of homage to the events of 1959 and the 60-yearanniversary of the groups passing. I must repeat that this is a suggestion to what happened. If only they had dug 15 meters further away they would have found a sufficient snow depth of about five meters. True Niklas, adding the paper of the 15th of February, could create a stronger case. Thank you dear friend! Either it was a yeti or a menk. Not the least did I understand that after skiing there. (9)We know for a fact, from the series of last photos taken by the Dyatlov group, that their weather conditions worsened. Continental-Scale Simulation of the Antarctic Katabatic Wind .and go on the site VOILE ET MOTEUR for comments ) . The team behind the celebrated YouTube series Bedtime Stories, have a real passion for the unexplained. This could in fact explain why the tent was located with a protective snow cover and a flashlight atop - likely used as a beacon for relocating the position. In line with their outdoor experiences I'm sure they knew that such winds wereunfortunate and rare, buthopefullywouldn'tlast all night. If the diary indeed belonged to Zolotaryov and a pen was present, itis in stark contrast to his massive chest wounds that many believe made him inoperable. In February of 1978, dammed cooled air was here put in motion very quickly with devastating consequences for a group of nine skiers. Other than the issueof drinking water, the cold temperatures affected the food and the snacks in the backpacks. A Swedish wind record for such wind is for example 81 m/s which was documented in 1992 at the Tarfala research station. The explanation for this lies in the fact that a criminal case should have the dates of the first and last documents filed in that very case-file. Theabove-mentioned particularsshouldbeconsidered as decisive alternativesto any postulatedinjuriesassociated with events prior to the death of the group. -on the Swedish Television (SVT-Play). Actually and as an ironical coincidence, the Anaris accident likewise involved nine persons, two young women and seven menof which one survived. These are comparable to so calledzastrugi or in Russian,. If an extraterrestrial civilization appeared in the pass or if a surviving ape from the past is roamingthe taiga, then the mystery of the Dyatlov accident fades in comparison. This would explain the snow that was covering the central part of the tent when found. The latter place is the name of a rolling terrain that bear much resemblance to the passes south of Otorten in the Urals. The phenomenon can be described as a ball rolling downhill by gravity, hence it is also labelledgravity wind a wind that carries high-density air from a higher elevation down a slope. In February of 1978, dammed cooled air was here put in motion very quickly with devastating consequences for a group of nine skiers. 13.52. Williwaws originate in the snow and ice fields of the coastal mountains, and they can be faster than 120 knots (140mph; 220km/h).[4]. Photo: Richard Holmgren When the Anaris-group started the trip, they encountered an outside temperature of around minus 15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit) with a wind speed of around 6 m/s. This particular day the wind accelerated and the physical situation of the group gradually affected their condition. Di certo hanno fatto tutto ci che era loro possibile fare, con competenza e intelligenza. The Swedish group were probably not nearly as fit as theRussian team of nine andwedont know if some in the Dyatlovgroup got sweaty. This must have been a real tough attempt considering stun hands and feet. Previous assumptions have revolved around why the bodies were found outside the only located bivouac and that the bodies' injuries arose from a fall into the ravine. When you arrive to the pass you are really exhausted. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWQSeD3L4X0z3wiDwOSYBhg/videos, Thanks Ladislav, yes there are many possible explanations out there. Katabatic Wind This warming decreases the density of the air, causing it to rise. Aftonbladet (Plus) Djatlovmysteriet har gckat vrlden i ver 60 r. This with one big exception though - the Dyatlov pass was far from any helping hands. Photo: Richard Holmgren, hat happens next on the slope could perhaps be described as a rumbling noise of a wind rapidly escalating from above (northwest). SR P4 stergtland med Titti Elm De ska vernatta i mystiska Djatlovpasset (intervju med Andreas & Richard infr Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019)23 januari 2019, kl. Probably it concerned outer shells and various other life supporting items. Such approaches arenot that common infieldarchaeology but excavations in the Middle East sometimesopen such doors. Thus, an important part of my theory is that the collapsed bivouac was never identified as a shelter months later - this due to its collapsed nature over the brook. So many theories. In some places prints are preserved and in some cases gone with the wind. I tried myself to deliver a complete chain of event of the entire scenario - from the skiing up to the last persons to die in 1959. Then - what kind of sudden "blizzard" killed the Anaris group? )and last three maybe did not know 4 died in shelter since probably returning to tent for medical aupplies for Georgy/Yuri still alive & exspected of 4 in Den/ bloody knuckles as last 3 and Georgy tore branches from cedar (I think Zina fell for waist injury and hit Rustik & Igor)/and who fell at 15 ftl cliff between slope track & cedar(ice,snow blowing, no gloves,shoes,hats_/and one flashlight left (only 3 for 9 hikers ! Katabatic wind | meteorology | Britannica Before you can work in a scientific manner, you need to have an idea of what you need to prove. One of theseUPI-students, Yuri Koptelov, reported footprints as if people were positioned shoulder to shoulder. Auspiya valley. I dont like the theory. In fact, sometimes the ice was so thin due to the underlying movement of the water, that it was a danger to use the open river for skiing. Svensken: Drfr dog de nio p berget (8 februari 2019) In any case, there wouldn'thave been any time to dress in the dark or to unbuttonthe stiff canvasbefore exiting. Although I'm only an armchair reader, the Dyatlov group tragedy has confused me for years. That will come. The ancient city of Petra in Jordan. By the 5th of May, suchbedding would have vanished from its position, floatingdownstream. However, the sacks and bags were never used since they failed to open any of their backpacks alongside an overall chaotic situation. Thus, I believe that a rational approach is the best way to pay respect to the members of the group all of them personalities that likely wanted nothing else than letting us know how they might havespent their last hours in life. We shallreturn to thislater on. 18). Lnk 2 I would even suggest that if the gusts exceeded 25-30 m/s (or much more), some of them couldoccasionally even have tumbled overexposed parts of the incline. Before getting to theposition on the mountain we also wanted, likewise to the group in 1959, tryto ski throughthe Auspiya valley inpristine snow and to set up camps in the estimated positions of 1959. ur sleeping bags that could endure temperatures to minus 35, delivered satisfactory. This is one of several pertinent questions to consider with dealing with the Dyatlov group fleeing without shoes. 4) The author, Richard Holmgren, wondering how he ended up here. Another example is "the Barber", an enhanced katabatic wind that blows over the town of Greymouth in New Zealand when there is a southeast flow over the South Island. Yet a good foundation for a scenario from 1994. The best they could hope for was thatthe Chinese flashlight would stay in place despitethe strongwind, this due to its relativelyheavy and small size. The same is to say about Dubinina, laying close but in a different angle. Katabatic winds don't lend themselves easily to video, but clips like this show what you're talking about: https://youtu.be/2H8Y5ptn9Cs. and more. 17.00 New Dyatlov Pass Theory: Katabatic winds : r/AstonishingLegends Read the last one over all because speaks very strongly on this case-problem . Interaction of katabatic winds and nearsurface temperatures in It very much resembled the Dyatlov-groupslast approach from the Auspiya valley and up to the ridge next west of the now named Dyatlov pass. They had brought with them food for a days tour, but also rescue packs in the form of wind sacks, radio equipment and shovels. In the Auspiya valleythe temperature fluctuated between minus 20 and 35 degrees Celsius, with an average temperature of around minus 25 during the days and slightly belowminus 30 during the nights. Thank you for your efforts towards the mysterious Dyatlov Pass. I'm personally forever grateful, as my life has been consumed for years trying to make the pieces of this puzzle fit. In a few regions of continental Antarctica the snow is scoured away by the force of the katabatic winds, leading to "dry valleys" (or "Antarctic oases") such as the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Theres nothing in it but its wonderfully comfortable and deflation causes an uncomfortable jolt. Thus, this maybe yet another shortcoming when separating wounds as ante- or postmortem in the original examination. SR P4 Extra (Stockholm) med Titti Schultz - (intervju med Andreas & Richard om Dyatlovexpeditionen 2019 & 1959), 19 februari, ca. According to me, the easiest way to cover the tentwas likely toshaveoff the snow shelf next tothe tent - this while standing on the central part of the canvas, after crawling out one by one. Furthermore and perhaps most important arethe consequences of freezing fluids andputrefaction gases - this incombination withaheavy snow cover,whichcouldhave had distincteffects on bothbone- and softtissueduring postmortem. Igor Dyatlov would have been well acquainted with this, since he spent time in the area the previous year. The theory also tries to explain the order in which the different individuals died - how and why and not least the often referred to strange injuries to the bodies. ", 8 March 2021. Our sleeping bags that could endure temperatures to minus 35, delivered satisfactory. ther than the issueof drinking water, the cold temperatures affected the food and the snacks in the backpacks. This further confused me since Maslennikov in the context of the birch sapling mentioned that it looked as if Igor tried to protect himself from the wind and Atmanaki saying that Igor was probably stuck there on the wind-swept snow. Ill do my best - have lenience. I try to be open minded, but as with you, I feel that this might be the case. and you know that they ignore beleiving that they know ! The position of the skies furthermore suggest that they were anchored sideways to the wind - thus only facing the wind with some millimetres. Gazeta.ru (Russia) - Dyatlov Pass: Swedes horrified by the skiers' tragedy - presenting new details about the case of the Dyatlov group's death., (15 February 2019) . For me the mystery was more related to their stamina and the impact of weather - how bad could it be? n the case of the Dyatlov group and as indicated, a flashlight was left to shine on top of the snow pile likely in order for the group to reposess the tent as soon as the sudden and chaotic situationgot under control. Thank you so much for your investigative journalism. samtHufvudstadsbladet-Svensk expedition i Djatlovs fotspr exakt 60 r efter desnatten (13 oktober 2019). Strong work. Obviously they raised their tent laterally onthe slope. Thank you so much for your input and insightful comment. This was also noticed by the group in 1959. Kudos to a great production team for presenting our effort in this thrilling manner - not the least for being cartoonized, which really felt awarding. Thanks for your observation and the relevant question. Oh, thank you Gunnar for these words! Such presentation will be presented in connection to my page soon and based on a meticulous study by a person familiar to such events and the local geography. The Anaris groups warming equipment stayed in their backpacks which were not reachable due to their numbhands. Sooner or later during their tour, they would havedone this type of pitching, butunfortunately they happened to choose the wrong night. In our expedition we therefore focused on investigating things that could be measured. This concernsthe likelydamage to some bodies as caused by the probingsticks when searchingfor themembers of the group. Witha body temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius, most becomeunconscious. Together we might reach a detailed a likely scenario one day. Believing in U.F.Os was a belief at the time . y hypothesistries to explain most of the strange phenomena that surround the mystery of the Dyatlov pass - such as why the tent was cut from the inside, why they left the tent and couldnt get back, and why they fled ill-dressed - many without shoes. The preserved footprints on the slope are in largea bit peculiar, but so is a, he footprints seen near the tent were on the other hand reported as hollowed. This because - andas we shall returnt to below -thefractures on the bodies found in the ravine suggestpost-mortem evidence - and because a katabatic scenario (highwindwith extremecooling effect)was the main cause to the death ofthe 1959 group. Thisusually gives symptoms offatigue, impaired coordination ability, confusion and hallucinations. As Swedes we are not completely unexperienced with cold weather, but the brutal temperatures around the pass could be really challenging. Hufvudstadsbladet-Svensk expedition i Djatlovs fotspr exakt 60 r efter desnatten (13 oktober 2019). In the photos taken by the rescue team, clear traces of snow affected by strong wind can be seen pointing towards the tent from around the peak of Kholat Syakhl. For example we haveinformation fromVladimir Askinadzis recount,that Ludmilas body tissue was damagedby such probing sticks. A remark in the diary also clarifies that snow was whirling in the air but not coming from any clouds since the sky was blue. Puttingon our ski-boots inthe pass, during-40 C,took aboutthree to four minutes inacontrolled situation. Inevitably and as we shall see,I believe that this last portion of the event can give us an idea of what Slobodin, Kolmogorova and Dyatlov went through after being unable to save their friends. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation, hen touching upon the footprints left in the snow, there are reports of prints mentioned by the first rescuers arriving to the abandoned tent. Anything thatsticksup andremainsin that position - will likely stay in the way you left it. The Dyatlov Pass Incident -Return to Dead Mountain (Part 3), (2 June 2019). Camping on an unprotected slope was part of their challenge, this in order to reach level three in extreme skiing. In the case of Dubinina, it is likely connectedto her position over a stone shelf and with Sashatakingmost of the weight in his central position of the shelter - and/or theground characteristicsunder his body. A first important indication is given by the analysis of the long records of radiosounding data available in Antarctica: katabatic winds and an unsaturated low-level This under extreme distress. The last four bodies recovered in early May, 1959. Although, in my opinion it is not really necessary. In the case of the Dyatlov group the only survivable scenario would be to run out, conceal the tent and to wait out the ordeal elsewhere, later to regain the buried equipment. Itis therefore reasonable to assume that more than one body was affected. Myself,working as an archaeologist and with the background already explained,I naturallycame to approachthe case through matters that were familiar to me. Sixty years have passed since the terrible events in the Dyatlov pass. Myself,working as an archaeologist and with the background already explained,I naturallycame to approachthe case through matters that were familiar to me. In line with the local topography and one of the last entries in thegroup diary, the wind was blowing from the west and as such pushed its way up the back of Kholat Syakhl. This with dignity. A storm would give you time to dress and secure or dismantle a tent properly. Leaving the tent's deeply ski-anchored gableswas a good solution as it kept the canvas in place without creating too much of asail. When this happens on a slope, this cold dense air starts flowing downhill. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. On the large sloping glaciers in the Antarctic and Greenland, the Coriolis force becomes important and downslope flows are not pure katabatic winds [e.g., Kottmeier, I hope my theory makes sense among other interesting theories. Again, akatabatic wind is therefore suggested as the only cause to the abandoning of the campsite in a rush. California's Spreading Wildfires: What Are Katabatic Winds? (15)Iwould argue that the Dyatlov groupacted in the best possible way under the prevailing circumstances - nothing irrational at all and totally in line with their experience and professionality. Good read and possibly right theory. This was however not mentioned in the autopsy report. Assuch it doesnt necessarily differ that much from the relationship between the factualremains of the bishopric of Sodoma and the storyit was based on the legend of Sodom and Gomorrahthat is. Along the Auspiya river it was easy to puncture the ice near the shoreline. (14)Crawling back under the snow covered tent, if possible at all due to the conditions involving a gravity wind, couldnt have helped them - which they wisely and obviously realized. This prevented warm air to circulate insideand created far too cold sleeping bags. It's the most reasonable I've seen so far and you seem to know what you are talking about. Hi Alain - sorry Im not sure I follow :). (11)One thing that I want to mention in thiscircumstance, regards the angle of the pitched Dyatlov tent. In fact, sometimes the ice was so thin due to the underlying movement of the water, that it was a danger to use the open river for skiing. In archaeology, I have dealtwith several excavations where the understanding of a certain mythwasinescapable. Far from it. Dagens Nyheter - Svensk expedition i Djatlovs fotspr exakt 60 r efter desnatten (10 oktober 2019). The theory also tries to explain the order in which the different individuals died - how and why and not least the often referred to strange injuries to the bodies. . Katabatic winds diminish precipitation contribution to the - PNAS ), we can assume that they were somewhat late in pitching their tent perhaps due to a rather exhausting climb and late morning departure, but still felt in control regardless oftheweather. With temperatures below 50 degrees Celsius at the day of arrival to Vizhay and additionally on the day after having left the area, we were fortunate. If a "snow slab" affected the tent, the non-wounded would likely have hadtime to retrieve essential equipment for the long escape route or if returning to the tent. I was surprised myself to witness the lack of information about skiing up to the pass. Theres nothing in it but its wonderfully comfortable and deflation causes an uncomfortable jolt. 19) The Village of Vizhay. To the right our own tent with its stove in action, here seen halfway into the Auspiya valley, somewhere afore the groups Jan 30 camp in 1959. (4)Yet another three persons, also surprised by the sudden storm, tried to join the shelter. Your theory is the most reasonable that I have read. The last joining persons that requestedshelter together with the other six, repeatedly tried to fix the constantly failing uppermost part of the bivouac, this from the outside - but they had to give up. I had the perfect occasion to study this long gnawing question of mine during our stay on the slope. In my scenario I believe that the last three to die, were the three on the slope. Thanks for you question! Difference between Mountain Breeze/Katabatic Winds and Valley As in the case of Zolotaryov, these actions does not rhyme with deadly wounds caused early duringthe ongoing events. Was perchance thetent with its concealed equipmentstill in position or blown away? Richard Holmgren & Andreas Liljegren, Dyatlov Pass, uring the summer of2018, me and my friend and expedition partner Andreas Liljegren, started to plan for our Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019. The reason for many being rather well dressed, compared to common misconceptions that they didnt, is that they camped/slept well dressed. (8)In other words, the conditions described in the groups last entries had the prerequisites for the buildup of akatabaticwind with devastating effects. 20.00, 2021). Lyuda for example, like Doroshenko, had wounds in her armpit which could indicate a fall from a tree or similar, which at the same time might have fracturedher ribs - later to causecompression of her thorax. Obviously, this would have been very effective in strong winds as long as the occurrence was momentary. This is huge when you consider that the Dyatlov Pass is one of the greatest mysteries of all time! Rossija Segodnja (RIA Novosti, Russia) - Swedish researchers report on the phenomenon that killed the Dyatlov group, (17 February 2019) Gnter Wolf, dear Gnter - a big thanks to you for rewarding conversations and your enormous knowledge on winds, terrain and otherdetective worksoff distant places. The series of actionscan off course be rethought and modified, but my take despitesome perchance hastily concluded details, is that the driving"unknown compellingforce"was in fact an unforeseen and strong gravity wind. Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. Please give input, oppose or enrich the theory above. As well acknowledged, the combination of extremely cold environments and sweaty clothes, can be devastating in keeping the body warm and fit. My opinion, in the meantime, favors meteorological reasons behind the groups death. Again, the uneven and scooped surface of the snow is very evident in the photo next below (no. . The katabatic wind is. Katabatic Wind The longcanvas of the Dyatlov tent would have started to flutter in an exceptionally violent and self-destructing way, much sothat the only way to save it would be to cut it open from the inside in order to rushoutside for measures of saving it. In fact, collapsing a tent to reduce the chances of wind damage, followed by a shielding of snow to hold the tent down, is expected in such situations. We believed that this would ease the weight from the skis and thus prevent us from sinking too deep into the snow - which fortunatelyalso becamethe case. External links to sites presenting or debating our 2019 expedition: Wikipedia (English) - Dyatlov Pass Incident / Explanations /Katabatic wind. The actual pattern demonstrates heavily wind swept snow, where vortexes have hollowed out scoop-shaped cavities. The only problem in this case involvedthe practice of packing down the daily clothing into the sleeping bags during the nightsin order to have warm clothes in the morning. Water in bottles freezes quite fast, despite continuous movement and a cup of tea didnt always satisfy our needs in the same way. Rix FM med Martina Thun - "Mysteriet vid Djatlovpasset", 18 mars 2021. It is not impossible that the seeminglyenergetic struggle up the slopeby the last survivors, wasa last chanceattemptto fetcheqipment fordigging out their friends. This is all well explained and appears quite convincing. This is not forwarded as any criticism to the professional hikers, but something that might have helped them temporarily under any possible turbulent event involving strong winds. In Antarctica, by contrast, the wind is still intensely cold. Yours is the most rational theory I have read. 9) Andreas Liljegren taking a well deserved break from tough skiing through the forest in the Auspiya valley. You have a lot of interesting angles to complement the understanding of the case. However after walking from the tent, they likely started this procedure immediately. Thank you for this write up and for the time abd efforts you all went through to offer a logical theory! Before getting to theposition on the mountain we also wanted, likewise to the group in 1959, tryto ski throughthe Auspiya valley inpristine snow and to set up camps in the estimated positions of 1959. The rescuers arriving to the scene, described the place as the worst they had ever encountered. Itcan be seen until January 28, 2022 (narrator's voice in Swedish only). In doing so, the less compacted snow next above the creek was very soft. I would rather suggest that a bivouac housing the four people, collapsed and trapped them inside. Johan - Compared to other wind regimes in the world, Antarctica is known for its katabatic wind regime which is actually driven by cold air, like opening a fridge and when you feel the cold air rushing over your feet, that's the same principle, the same mechanism that's actually governing Antarctic winds. Vetenskapsradion Historia - (direktrapport frn Dyatlovpasset), 5 februari 2019. Hypothermia means thatthebody core temperature sinks below 35 degrees Celsius. In the not too distant future your good judgement and fairplay will be emphasized . Perhaps the chocking experience of apotentialdeath trapcollapsing over theirfriends and with insufficient strength to help out, gave them only one last option - that of trying to get back to the tent. The snow was all covered with blood from open wounds as a result of digging in the snow with frozen hands. I think that all this could have been performed within around 90 minutes and with constant movements it is survivable. Periodically the strong flow of water undermines the loose sand bed under their roots. According to the groups dressing sequences and the use of Doroshenkos and Krivonischenkos clothing, we must assume that they died first. et another three persons, also surprised by the sudden storm, tried to join the shelter. As in chess , the threat is stronger than the execution ! In this instance it might explain peculiarities in decisions and behavior. o, what was it then that happened at Anaristhatunfortunate day of February the 24th in 1978? I would also like to take this opportunity to praiseSvetlana Oss for several exciting conversations, advises and wise words along the way. This is however not a case of whats ante- or postmortem, but rather a result of wishful thinking for sinister minds. While Doroshenko and Krivonischenko took responsibility for making a fire, the others started to dig out TWObivouacs, one which was retrieved empty in May and likely meant for Slobodin, Dyatlov and Kolmogorova (photo no. The expression OVERWHELMING FORCE OF DYATLOV that Dyatlov pass.com uses is ridiculous because they are looking for a naturel cause when it is artificiel ( UFO ) and this make them go around in circles and they feed the magical thinking !

Cecilia Scott Lanahan, Articles K