In particular, he emphasizes that the economic challenges faced by Britain can be eliminated through colonial means. Exploration, American Beginnings: 1492-1690, Primary Resources in U.S A brief collection of certain reasons to induce her Majestie and the state to take in hand the western voyage and the planting there. He attempted to convince Elizabeth I, who was the Queen of England at the time, to fund colonizing efforts with a treatise entitled Discourse on Western Planting. This articleincorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Coote, Charles Henry; Beazley, Charles Raymond (1911). His were language and geography. Hakluyt was concerned with the activities of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Martin Frobisher, who were both searching for a passage to the East; was consulting Abraham Ortelius, compiler of the worlds first atlas, and Gerardus Mercator, the Flemish mapmaker, on cosmographical problems; and was gaining approval for future overseas exploration from such politically prominent men as Lord Burghley, Sir Francis Walsingham, and Sir Robert Cecil. The year was 1591 or 1592. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. His attitude towards the enemies of England clearly brings out pervasive anti-Spanish sentiments that have been embraced by England to formulate national identity and create a transatlantic empire. 21 chapters |, IvyPanda. Overview of English Exploration | In 1613 appeared the Pilgrimage of Samuel Purchas, another clergyman fascinated with the new discoveries of the age. discussed in biography In Richard Hakluyt a report, known briefly as Discourse of Western Planting (written in 1584), which set out very forcefully the political and economic benefits from such a colony and the necessity for state financial support of the project. Hakluyt's patrilineal ancestors were of Welsh extraction, rather than Dutch as is often suggested;[2] they appear to have settled in Herefordshire in England around the 13th century, and, according to antiquary John Leland, took their surname from the "Forest of Cluid in Radnorland. English Colonization of America in Hakluyt's View. He gave information to the newly formed East India Company and continued his interest in the North American colonizing project; he was one of the chief promoters of the petition to the crown for patents to colonize Virginia in 1606 and at one point contemplated a voyage to the colony. Hakluyt was not blind to the profits arising from foreign trade. Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh | Queen Elizabeth was under great pressure to provide for her people. Richard Hakluyt was not an explorer nor a colonizer. 1) Rich soil 2) ease of travel 3)Increase Navel Power (build more ships)-larger ships the better 4)make their Navy so strong Hakluyt's Benefits of Colonization. Richard Hakluyt | Biography, Significance, & Facts | Britannica That this voyage will be a great bridle to the Indies of the king of Spaine and a means that we may arrest at our pleasure for the space of time weeks or three months every year, one or two hundred sail of his subjects shipped at the fishing in Newfoundland. [5] A few copies of this monumental work contain a map of great rarity, the first on the Mercator projection made in England according to the true principles laid down by Edward Wright. Richard Hakluyt, A Discourse Concerning Western Planting, Written in the Year 1584, Charles Deane, ed. A note of some things to be prepared for the voyage which is set down rather to draw the takers of the voyage in hande to the present consideration then for any other reason for that diverse things require preparation long before the voyage, without which the voyage is maimed. What made them exciting? Richard Hakluyt, (born c. 1552, London, Eng. Unfortunately, his wealth was squandered by his only son. How does Hakluyt justify British claims to territorial possession in the Western Hemisphere? When Richard Hakluyt was forty years old, he sat one day in his study in London with a walrus tusk in his hands. According to Hakluyt, Spain has transformed into the other enemy that must be defeated in the process of creating the New World. [10], Hakluyt was ordained in 1578, the same year he began to receive a "pension" from the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers to study divinity. Richard Hakluyt, frequently referred to as Richard Hakluyt the Younger to differentiate him from his older cousin who was also named Richard Hakluyt, was a 16th-century English geographer and minister. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. He was the first to show "both the old imperfectly composed and the new lately reformed mappes, globes, spheares, and other instruments of this art. This, the prose epic of the English nation, is more than a documentary history of exploration and adventure; with tales of daring it mingles historical, diplomatic, and economic papers to establish English right to sovereignty at sea and to a place in overseas settlement. Among them were Humphrey Gilbert, an explorer and businessman; Gilbert's half-brother, Walter Raleigh (1552-1618); and writer and geographer Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616). Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. With the help of various scholarships, Hakluyt was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford, entering in 1570 and taking his M.A. He also remarked that it would greatly annoy the Spanish king that England was encroaching upon land that Spain wanted for itself. He is known for promoting the English colonization of North America through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589-1600). The pension would have lapsed in 1583, but William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, intervened to have it extended until 1586 to aid Hakluyt's geographical research.[10]. Hakluyt's friend Alexander Woodson had sent the foot-and-half-long tusk to Hakluyt from his home in Bristol, about one hundred miles west of London. In 1606 he appears as the chief promoter of the petition to James I for letters patent to colonise Virginia, which were granted on 10 April 1606. That the passage in this voyage is easy and short, that it cutteth not near the trade of any other mighty Princes, nor near their Countries, that it is to be performed at all tymes of the year, and needeth but one kind of wind, that Ireland being full of good heavens on the south and west sides, is the nearest part of Europe to it, which by this trade shall be in more security, and the sooner drawn to more Civility. That this enterprise will be for the manifold employment of numbers of idle men, and for breeding of many sufficient, and for utterance of the great quantity of the commodities of our Realm. Richard Hakluyt used this document to persuade Queen Elizabeth I to devote more money and energy into encouraging English colonization. Richard Hakluyt's Inducements to the Liking of the Voyage Intended towards Virginia, 1585"> the "excellent and fertile soile" on both sides of north america 's "greate and deep" natural waterways promised "all things that the life of man doth require," and whatever settlers wanted to plant they could expect to harvest in abundance sufficient to "trafficke in." "[3] Some of Hakluyt's ancestors established themselves at Yatton in Herefordshire,[4][5][6] and must have ranked amongst the principal landowners of the county. Primary Source: Richard Hakluyt Makes the Case for English Colonization The queen granted Sir Walter Raleigh a charter in 1584 to begin to colonize, although she did not provide full financial support. Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616) No account of Elizabethan exploration is complete without mentioning Hakluyt. This implies that they are used to advance the ideals of the English population. Richard Hakluyt Biography and Significance - Hakluyt dedicated to Cecil the second (1599) and third volumes (1600) of the expanded edition of Principal Navigations and also his edition of Galvo's Discoveries (1601). Purchas procured some of Hakluyts manuscripts after his death and used them in Haklvytvs Posthumus; or, Pvrchas His Pilgrimes of 1625. (2021, April 8). April 8, 2021. That hereby the Revenues and customs of her Majestie both outwards and inwards shall mightely be enlarged by the toll, excises, and other duties which without oppression may be raised. The outbreak of war with Spain put an end to the effectiveness of overseas propaganda and the opportunity for further exploration, so he began work on a project that he had had in mind for some time. The same year, his edition of Peter Martyr d'Anghiera's De Orbe Nouo Decades Octo saw the light at Paris. This was the time when English attention was fixed on finding the northeast and northwest passages to the Orient and on Francis Drakes circumnavigation of the world. Hakluyt's other works during his time in Paris consisted mainly of translations and compilations, with his own dedications and prefaces. degree in 1577. [33], A 14-volume critical edition of Hakluyt's Principal Navigations is being prepared by the Hakluyt Edition Project for Oxford University Press under the general editorship of Daniel Carey, National University of Ireland, Galway, and Claire Jowitt, University of East Anglia.[34]. Both of his parents died when he was quite young, leaving Richard and his siblings in the care of an older cousin. Hakluyt's friend Alexander Woodson had sent the foot-and-half-long tusk to Hakluyt from his home in Bristol, about one hundred miles west of London. [18], On 20 April 1590 Hakluyt was instituted to the clergy house of Wetheringsett-cum-Brockford, Suffolk, by Lady Stafford, who was the Dowager Baroness Sheffield. [10] These religious occupations have occasioned reconsideration of the role played by spiritual concerns in Hakluyt's writings on exploration, settlement, and England's relations with its Catholic rivals. They'd also need to provide for the numerous unemployed who filled the streets of cities such as London. What special means may bring kinge Phillippe from his high Throne, and make him equal to the Princes his neighbours, wherewithal is showed his weakness in the west Indies. Hakluyt's great collection has been called "the Prose Epic of the modern English nation" by historian James Anthony Froude. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, English Colonization of America in Hakluyts View, Period of the Indians Discovery by Christopher Columbus, Irish in Hakluyt's "Discourse of Western Planting". [23][26] Hakluyt's handwritten manuscript, MS Petyt 529, in Inner Temple Library in London was eventually published as The Free Sea for the first time in 2004. Richard Hakluyt. 8". This essay on English Colonization of America in Hakluyts View was written and submitted by your fellow That the Queen of England title to all the west Indies, or at the least to as much as is from Florida to the Circle arctic, is more lawful and right then the Spaniards or any other Christian Princes. IvyPanda. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. He became acquainted with the most important sea captains and merchants of England and . Nor did his belief in the possibility of Arctic passages to the East fade, for he was also a charter member of the Northwest Passage Company of 1612. Grotius' arguments supported England's right to trade in the Indies. Why did Richard Hakluyt support English colonization? Colonization has been considered as a means through which other nations control and use native people to serve their interests. The Discourse on the Western Planting | work by Hakluyt . What special means may bring kinge Phillippe from his high Throne, and make him equal to the Princes his neighbours, wherewithal is showed his weakness in the west Indies. Stafford at that time was the ambassador to Paris for Queen Elizabeth I of England. He dedicated much of his career to convincing his contemporaries about the necessity of England establishing its own colonies. Richard Hakluyt, Chicken Little, and the Ends of Atlantic History copyright 2003-2023 In 1584 he wrote the promotional piece known as Discourse of Western Planting to urge a reluctant Queen Elizabeth I to support English colonies and to convince rich businessmen to invest in them.

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richard hakluyt reasons for colonization