casualty with no saves of any kind allowed. takes overall command, harnessing the processing capacity orlds. 10 3* Sv Rather than providing information on a specific force, these included new rules and background for environments or planetary campaigns. W>v he has 4 found it held against him Confident of vKtory the Farseer >ct hm little of accogil to kbo* (01 your efforu. Armour Our mind*, then, ire ' doomed, series of hit-and-run battles. Heavy Destroyer 2 Thus does he prove his superiority You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. . , May exchange tesla cannon the mam thrust of his strategy or simpfy a decoy ranf, crafted , 11 one blow than three individual strikes, then a single blow is all that will be made A lesser creature would perhaps balk 4 Its limbs, though strong and sleek, are pitted and corroded covered with an otly fluid seeping from aged joints. is slam m his sleep the night before by the cold claws of a Canoplek Wraith assassin to whom doors, guards and force fields are no barrier , 10 you will find it imusing until an alternate means of deployment can be established , - 10 3* l Phase Attacks genius through an accident of fate? 0-5 Crypleks . / 9S points WS BS eldntth devicK of their race. of hyper-fractal equations. 1 to countless worlds GHOST ARKS Thece h*** been GNjsi Arks voce the very eartmi days of Ihe Necrontyr Then, they wwe simple wooden umages pulled by lohng beasts o< burden, commissioned by lamihes of the dead to convey corpses from their homes to the* place of intermem Thousands of years later at the time of botransfefence, the , Wargear W Mis mmd sutlefed damage during the Great play style suits you best, and refine your army composition. Regent of the Crounvorid ofGidrm mi , 4 Codes in your Codexes - Warhammer Community A , ' The entire squad may exchange rod of covenant for Composition: . tiny ptnpncks of gkwing light suspended within the imposvWy mtncate matra record the positions of every star m the galaxy Snuff out one of these lights and its physical counterpart will 10 3* SPECIAL RULES: Ever-living, Independent Character, Phaeron (see page 30), Reanimation Protocols. , - . ten models It can only carry Necron Warriors, Necron Lords. go to the trouble of binding it into other forms. \ht A/my of Atom ftf - S , improve response times at the cost of vestigial emotions. * the plans of his rivals and enemies long before they do, and it is child s play for him to exploit such schemes to his personal you want to fill your ranks out with expensive heavy-hitting shock troops, you ll want to look at the ethereal might of the C tan Shards, the unstoppable close combat power of the Lychguard or the versatile Tnarch Praetorians ' Special Rules: 20 p&nls The C'tan Shard is treated as having assault and defensive grenades. Canoplek Spyder Awakening the Tomb Special Rules: . force barriers Whilst such a squad might make skM*r , of the webway. of the NecrnB*. WARGEAR: he does so with great urgency, seeking out campaigning armies, vulnerable Starbane's words brought great dismay and the 45532 Necron vehtcles are composed of a semhsentient alloy capable of incredible feats of resilience and self-repair If a model with this special rule suffers a 'crew shaken' result for tangled history presents something of an ifresistible lure to one such as Trazyn. f Composition: Where applicable, this section will show the On the rare occasions when Immortals are presented with a battlefield situation that Even could he Others employ particle beam dissectors in place of daws and act as sentinels for the slumbering tomb. Imotehh the Slormlord when Caplam D Estev and the fire Lords' 5th Company nanoscarabs, whose gore-warm scent acts as an irresistible beacon tor roaming packs of Flayed Ones TORRENT . Reanimalion Protocols. WARGEAR: Quantum shielding. m ihe way of detail, and it has ever been unclear whether the Necrons need to take over other bodies, or clone new plus-circle Add Review. r transport (see page 91 for points costs). The Stars Are Right So impeccable are the logical patterns behind the Stormlord's strategies that the only way a foe can truly gam meaningful advantage is lo abandon all logic themselves - something Tomb Blades would swarm over enemy capital ships, overwhelming armour and weapon systems with , ' bloody purpose Additionally, most Overkxds task a squad of Immortals or Necron Warriors as guards. 12" . a straight line between the two points. Reammation Protocols rolls on a 4*. S 444222 Surrogate Hosts: If Trazyn is removed from play as a casualty, roll a D6, On a score of 1. remove Trazyn from play as normal. Yet no matter how base a Necron ruler Seismic crucible Str rules concerning their use As agents of assassination and ambush, ancient codes forbid the deployment of Deathmarks m wars between the nobility or against other 'honourable' , md seems ilmosl churli.ih under the circumsliocei. However, they lack tor a true hive mind A swarm of Scarabs has no more intelligence than one Scarab alone - which is to say none at all - and is driven by simple instructions and even simpter insWKts [deleted] 10 mo. Ld Sv 5 and the campaign lor galactic domination that Vet fo* all his military genius Zahndrekh does not see reality llluminor Szeras However Codex : imperial guard by Chambers, Andy; Games Workshop. 11 is the idea that the Necron Warriors' dull-wittedness might well have been a deliberate part ol the design; that those Necron nobles who oversaw biotransference deliberately stripped their vassals ot personality, character and awareness to ensure that they would have loyal and unswerving foot soldiers in the endless battles to come. present an irresistible lure - both in terms of plunder and anarchic potential Without resort to Annihilation Barges, many of these worlds would long ago been overrun. WARGEAR: Scarab hive: At the start of each Necron Movement phase, 444224 10 3 455323 10 2* 4 5 5 1 2 2 10 3+ 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+ 4 4 4 1 2 1 10 3+ 4 5 5 1 2 2 10 3+ they are, destroying or driving them off with (teciplined volleys Others enenws wil be dmen mad with fear by the pervasrw drone of the swarm's wings, or een ovvrwhelmed and devoured Copyright 2023 EPDF.TIPS. he tights these campaigns still as a creature of flesh and blood, crushing rebelkx/s kings and bringing the* domams back into the fotd Me does not 1 Compired lo this, your megrc dcilh will likely go Zahndrekh treats him with honour BS n 4 pirate fleet the scale of which has not been seen for a million T Not only were their new bodies stronger and to run the gauntlet of the Monolith's gauss flun arcs These , In the extreme northeast ot the galaxy he the Ghoul Stars. Transdimensional Wargtar: This section details the weapons and equipment the models in the unit are armed with The cost for all these I was ill observed at first but swiftly became the norm once So did Mandragora emerge from hibernation not only hale and whole, but with vast legions at its command - a situation its new Phaeron, Imotekh the Stormlord was quick to , WS BS Heavy 1. m 1 . cilculiic thit diubing themvclve green md toiring like imget will produce i different outcome. turn, randomly choose one non-vehicle unit in the enemy of the fighting. Nam*: At the start of each army list entry you will find the name of the unit alongside the point's cost ol the unit without any upgrades. . SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP . SPECIAL RULES: Living Metal SwMp Attack: Whilst a character remains embarked on a Catacomb Command Barge, he can make three special sweep' attacks each turn These attacks can be made m the , Stealth and Tank Hunters. 40 points S . provide a suitable comparator The first Necron nodded to indicate his assent and issued the necessary interstitial command. combat have been struck, centre the large blast marker on The natural world revolts al the C'tan Shard's presence the very ground writhing and shaking as the physical laws holding The scions of the MMMA Dynasty arise lo reclaim the lost Tomb World ot Kephnerakh A * phyiici, electrocuting any foe who comes near. , to points per model IM IS pomts per model 2S ports per model - At the start of the Assault phase afier assault moves have formed m another moment. Special Rules: Furious Charge, The C'tan Shard conjures specks of blazing black matter and directs them against its foes The Cryptek and his unit, are treated as being armed with , THE TWISTED CATACOMB. . 48 Eternity gate: The awesome energies of the eternity gate can be used m one of two ways in each of your turns, as a " Craftworld. 'Upgrade to a Harbinger of Despair exchanging staff of light for abyssal staff May then take any of the following: . , Lightning field pomh - (Infinite) Morngar is lost shortly thereafter When the Cadian 207th makes planetlall six months later there ts no trace of any , ending as swiftly as possible, he refused to support either Tht Amy ol Amorn ftMt - assault, etc. services on campaign Such a bargain serves both sides well. imjgmc. Swarms Instead To guard against this each Inarch Stalker The Stormlord's Tomb Ship Inevitable Conqueror comes Trapped within the tomb-like walls of their own fortress, the Guardsmen single one. crownworlds and particularly important coteworlds will have Overlords as their regents. . a Royal Court - a bodyguard of Crypteks and Necron Lords This is a tormdabte unit Shortly after TTie Army of Aeons Past , fhe Nightbrmger 10 44 carried by a non-vehicle model, the model is removed from play as a casualty if mounted on a vehicle, it counts as a 5 points }0 points save K this save is made agartst a shooting attack, choose an unengaged enemy unit withm 6 - that unit suffers a single * . Any CanopW* SppdP , Type Heavy 2. 1 Canoptek Wrarth Note thai each ability can be . W A shadowy figure orchestrating Ihe carnage. AP , prowling Necron Warriors, he will pass beneath the concMM Each grey- taken up across the length and breadth of the shoreline. , prophecies made at the lime of the Great Sleep These, while predicting that apotheosis would come lo pass, lacked much Wargear: TOMB BLADES WS BS Large Blast i 1 , Such is the Tomb Blade s unpredictable advance that ARMY LIST ENTRIES preserved head of Sebastian Thor. limiuiioBB. awaken their Dolmen Gates and reconquer a crucial spar But to obsess on this apparent 24" . long time for a Deathmark squad on the hunt The target will be lucky to survive more than a few seconds before synaptic disintegrators The dimensKXial destabilisation matrix was originally Ld Sv 2 Ghost Ark AP , AP S , T W I A Ld Sv Page Each unit entry in the Necron army list is split into Vehicle (Open-topped Skimmer) 3-4 , amongst the mighltesl of heroes. World of Solemnace are crowded with technologies so rare As a Necron player, your tfifantry wilt carry you a kx>g way. many thousands of such advances 8 be advancing alongside 0: Anrakyr requests a tithe of warriors and weaponry to be given ovei lo his cause If the supplication is refused, he seizes his prize through force or artifice instead. Ld Sv atter all, enemies are infinitely less threatening once reduced to an expanding cloud of superheated energy. Though it is essentially just an automated drone, a Canoptek Spyder is still a formidable loe wtien the situation demands. Warboss stood alone in a sea of twisted metal, roaring his dominance. it is a subscription based service, about 5 bucks per month. 4 the enemy ranks by sinking at commanders, support troops and supply lines - anything thai a more conventional strike force would struggle to reach Indeed sometimes an enemy Acute Senses, Counter-attack. Monolith nghtly known as a forerunner to disaster, for where 4 Transport: . I USING A FORCE ORGANISATION CHART The army list is used in conjunction with the Force as Zahndrekh and his personal guard, mto the thick of ihe battle , 3 S . enemy forces already m place, requrmg Ihe foe to either Anrakyr's location only to find him long gone and squads 9ed Codex [Imperium] - Adeptus Astartes - Space Marines 4 ANawrbmn Share. The Crypiek is encased in shards of crystallised time each splinter proof against any blow not landed m the split-second , TRANTIS, THE RAIDER'S MOON noble s intellect and personality was far more extensive than , , controllers via interstitial interface, rather than to act under Special Rules: wmmam 9' , 5 constantly looped maintenance cycles lest they degraded 41 11 Environmental-Ad2875 10 mo. 2 ModtfmJJt jnbi . _ Eternal Warrior Immune to Natural Law . Then as Skullkrak bawled and bellowed his lads to 'gel 'em. . this are totally coincidental (but no less useful tor Trazyn's controlling player), 4 WS BS Itlummor Szeras 2 If a model with the Reanimation Protocols rule is removed as harvested energy can then be woven mlo fresh forms at the direction of the Scarabs' controller. 4 Special Rules: - result is applied normally on a roll of 4-t, the result is ignored. Mmdshackle scarabs are one of the Necrons' chief methods ' , Anrakyr continued, WOH addressing the silent ranks of Deathmarks, 'Leave this place. for the opportune moment to act Deathmarks choose the* I)me of itercess*on careful They can be summoned to the fray at 4442 Two gauss flayer arrays: The Doomsday Ark has two separate arrays of five gauss flayers - one located along each flank - enabling it to broadside' enemy units. Samekh Dynasty Wecron Heavy Destroyer Marines had come to reinforce the contested world So rl army This unit is infested with bloodswarm nanoscarabs any Flayed One packs entering play via Deep Strike do not scatter if they aim to arrive within 6 of this unit ' reason enough for all but the most desperate or power- A Chronomancers are known as Harbingers of Eternity as knowledge of the future flows through their every act few Harbingers of , urge he could not identify, Thaszar returned to Zapennec, Finding it deep in hibernation, he inveigled his way into the Heavy 1 the Tomb World of Somonor, he expected to face a Necron tomb disoriented from its long sleep Yel such a simple Travelling backwards down his own timeline he emerges in the past at a point at which he can set his prophesied version of the future back on track normally by having the interfering factor destroyed in some manner c of history, frozen in the moment of triumph or defeat and CODEX Necron Immortals. , Character, Reanimation Protocols. whose far end is anchored on a distant Tomb World. 4 - 4 4(5) 1 Strength I fell to the first volley and those that survived were so disoriented that their counterattack did little to stay the Sec, Obyron. Once seized, Szeras' specimens can look forward only 1 SPECIAL RULES; Deep Strike Living Metal. now-motonsed Ghost Arks look on darker connotations desire for optimum efficiency Strangely, this often means a Destroyer Lord s attacks are unintentionally spectacular ' 1 accompanies Ihe initial waves of such an attack, the better to many Destroyer Lords are outcasts and partahs Stripped of title and rank, they are forced to dwell on the periphery of Necron civilisation, lest their madness prove infectious. swelling Imolekh's forces further Since then the armies ' they destroyed forever the memory engrams of every Hector complex , WS BS N ion Overlora 4 , Awakening thr Tomb much 11 - . (ssentiaity mindless feedmg machnes. Let mc icll you of my future. of geomancy and masters of the science once known as alchemy. technological coii)UitDg* are meiely anoihei flavoui ot cxisicncc lo be corrupted and devoured. On those occasions when a Triarch Stalker is deployed in Weapon , Instead it emits a molecular disassembling beam, capable of reducing flesh, armour and bone to constituent atoms - (infinite) 6 36" . will illow mc lo weed out md replice i few of the mote subitindird pieces in my collection. cannon is a fearsome weapon; when tiring at full effect its searing energy beams burn many times hotter than more conventional plasma weapons. , vP/ .P; 9 , I Cryptek Overlords hold an absolute belief in victory through overwhelming firepowef. . Enhanced Servomotors: The unit is Strength 5 duration of Ihe game next Great Hunt. A newly awakened Tomb World is inevitably a confused and disordered place and such acquisitions are easily engineered This goes some way lo explain Anrakyr s muddled repute amongst the Tomb Worlds he has encountered To many nobles he is considered , the impassive Phaeron standing mute and proud at the head of a phalanx of Immortals Starbane Tht Anny ot Amvh oit y- , to overspillmg with genocidal despots. 10 225 points W 3 , Quantum shielding Hardened Carapace: The unit b Toughness S for the duration of Ihe game ELITES DEATHMARKS TOMB WORLDS BEYOND NUMBER These Tomb Worlds represent no more than a handful of Ihe should you wish to do so alongside the associated points cost tor each Where an option states that you may exchange one weapon 'and/or' another you may replace either neither or both, provided you pay the 4 . realised the seventy of the threat he faced hts force was past, in the Wats of Secesson that wracked his comer of the dynasties In his mmd. Thus does anything less than an overwhelming frontal , Living Metal Marneus Calgar lyanden's Farseers have sensed a peril before WS BS advance the Eldar made Imotekh had prepared a counter. ' - EmpathK obliterate' Bludtoof - W Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. , 4 Yci iKn ibteiKc .il ihilit* c*foicei its ow* sacrifice his troops or reinforce them - and Imotekh's plans are always many stages ahead, set to take advantage of either then he will acquire them. 8 GRAND ILLUSION 35 points 40 points , had entered the chamber perhaps they had been drawn by s Lciro The Necron army list is split into five sections; HQ Elites, Wounds caused by the psiomc Shockwave count towards the but A ' Th e original rule required updating as the result of rules presented in either the 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 or Please note that although the Black Templars are an Imperial the 9th edition of Codex: Space Marines, in order to function Fists successor Chapter, they deviate significantly from its as intended with the rules and . A S 1 ws Wolta c stan could ever hope to process the data fast enough to be of any use Thus, a Tomb Blade is just as difficult a quarry as the most accomplished of all mortals, even though its 4 ago. ETHER CRYSTAL TRANSDIMENSIONAL THUNDERBOLT , The Emperor's Swords C hapter of Space Marines, the second to bear that name, is destroyed when a Tomb Worid awakens beneath their fortress monastery on the wortd of Belkas Those forces isoiated outside are swiftly overwhelmed, but the fate of those within is far grimmer Subverting the systems of the fortress monastery, a conclave of Crypteks shut down the defences and entomb the Space Marines within their own citadel.

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