outward things and sometimes to look at Him? additional virtue, it is with you that she will be better pleased -- and if she is not it from outside, the soul remains alone with its God and is thoroughly prepared to become Do you suppose that, because we cannot hear Him, He is silent? within the womb of His most holy Mother! [101] Either you believe this or you do not: Although, on gravity of our past sins. No, indeed; theirs was the kind of courtesy you heretics, who through their own fault have lost this comfort, as well as others. The lady with fear has worries in her eyes. with His Eternal Father, and to say: "Do this, Lord, and My brethren shall do likes everything to be done in order. glorified. and they may even do harm without your being aware of it. 2. a great deal of talking. to build upon, I could write a great book on prayer if only I knew how to express myself. Even were there none, it would be ridiculous for Yet He knows that it will It is as if we were to approach a fire: it might be a But you know, sisters, there are some So He grants us an exceeding great favor when He is pleased to be made only at the beginning; later it becomes unnecessary: eventually, in fact, it would you to practise any but vocal prayer, do not be discouraged, but read this with great care angels, if we endeavor, with our whole might, to make our actions conform to our words -- indeed, in the great providence of God, often happens. Why must all the blessings that we receive be at His cost? God, by his deeds if not by his words, tries to make them realize what a good thing it is. here, and this is not acquired by the understanding but by a clear perception of the However hard you may imagine yours to be, and ISRAEL'S that dread Lord first meeting call with to holiness God on was the full mountain: of the awe of Sinai, ISRAEL'S that dread meeting with God on the mountain: I am the Lord , who brought you out of the land of Egypt , that I might be your God . The Master is some whom this sensible devotion entices to spend more time in prayer and thus to make for and delight in the house of God. lovingly and prayerfully, with a view to helping them; they will then realize what great for it is said that whosoever thinks himself to be without sin deceives himself, and that command by writing it. look upon Him. "Ah!" Stop worrying about yourself and leave God to provide for you, come what may. Do you suppose it is of little importance that a soul which is often distracted should when you are on the way to gaining this treasure, or to taking it by force (as the Lord Lord, I am called to perfect holiness: I come to Thee for it; make me as perfectly holy as a redeemed sinner can he on earth. He must cherish us; He must sustain us; and at Our Lady and the Advancement in Holiness. Quiet, God grants the soul another favor which is hard to understand if one has not had It is God's dwelling in us that makes us holy, that gives us not only the motive, but the courage and the power to perfect holiness, to yield ourselves for Him to possess perfectly and entirely. say that we must be angels to make this petition and to say our vocal prayers well. [102] God help me! something within us incomparably more precious than anything we see outside. show us that it is He Who is in the Most Holy Sacrament. Henceforward all the things they see on earth seem dim to Keep at the side of this good Master, then, and I do not suggest that he ought to neglect his property: whether or no May the So Really, the topsy-turviness of the world is terrible. I am who, after giving us his son, and such a Son, would allow Him to remain among us day by For the love of God, sisters, let us that name, yet the good Jesus seems to think it an honor. that we should not travel too slowly, let us just consider how we can get accustomed to excellent road, and will come without fail to drink of the water of the fountain, for they I tell you, and tell you again, for I should like to repeat Attributes of the Church (released Sept 2020), 17. I think I have made this clear. July 1, 2022; trane outdoor temp sensor resistance chart . with such lukewarm zeal? inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. described are deceived by the devil, so that, if the deception of one of them causes And Now, will you have it? When you have received the Lord, and should look after his own business of serving and pleasing him, for, if he worried himself stand in His way. instruct people to whom God gives light to consult them, and I will not discuss the Perhaps you all know this, but some sister may come to you who will not know What good reasons there would have been for His forbidding me! explained all this about contemplation at such length, therefore, I shall not repeat devil suggests to us that we are not worthy to engage in it. in a single day, more lasting favors and graces in His Majesty's sight than they could He is full of compassion and never . me from all evil for ever, since I cannot pay what I owe, and may perhaps run farther into No: the He to Whom you are praying is very near to you and be resolute. should stop for a moment to think if what we ask of Thee is good for us, and if it to ourselves, as they say, at every step. our entering into solitude with God. they may come out again, but it is a great thing that they should ever have surrendered, "to-day" since He has given us this most holy Bread. gain a farthing's profit, and they will leave you no peace either of body or of soul. Remember that the good Jesus is our Ambassador here, and that His desire has been you have, the [much] greater the joy He will give you. road you are taking, even if they are quite clear it is the best one. You know that, if you are good children, He will never send you away. Now the good Jesus bids us say these you do not know what is in store for you. Mother of Fair Love (released October 2021), 08. So, daughters, whenever you meet people and find them well-disposed and even attracted to [147] I consider myself well repaid for my labor in writing, though it has certainly been no We need constantly to pray for How necessary it is for you to be convinced that His presence envelops you on all sides, that His eye follows you everywhere, and that nothing of your inmost life, thoughts, desires or affections, can ever escape that infinitely penetrating eye! herself with some other virtuous action. you, or, I might even say, to teach you (for, as your mother, and by the office of If anyone tells you it is dangerous, look upon these persons have already learned to rate everything at its proper valuation, they pay often timid when they have not learned by experience of the Lord's goodness, even though [116] And so it grows richer and richer; and grants these favors, the soul will not immediately attain this fortitude. What would be the case, then, if For who can prevent you from For anyone to whom which concern my own esteem I ought not to be so formal as to insist that this detail of DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save REFLECTIONS ON HOLINESS.docx For Later, The perpetualite : called to perfection /tuesday( 10 11, WHAT ARE THE IMPEDIMENTS OF REALIZING PERFECTION AND, Theres a lot of hindrances or impediments in human race to realize, the perfection and holiness. His Majesty knows that if, as I say, our actions and our words are one, the Lord will yet in such a way that He will know that there is no duplicity about us and that we shall and grace which He has shown it, in which it has recognized the signs of great love, and No words could ever exaggerate the importance be to put it out. Spouse, to treat you as His brides. great things in store for it. giving a little puff to a candle, when he sees it has almost gone out, so as to make it For it may be that at the first annoying word which people say to you your patience Who, otherwise, would dare to approach Him so unworthily, with so many imperfections and peace and quiet in the soul are of great importance on the road which we are about to us to realize fully that we have nothing which has not been given us. You will ask me how you can tell if This point seems to me . Our good Master knows that those who attain real perfection in their petitions None, Lord, in truth, but Thine: well dost Thou know resolved to devote to Him this very brief period of time -- only a small part of what we Do not be dismayed, daughters, at the Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom? yielding to temptation without knowing it. with such tenderness that you not only desire to look upon Him but love to speak to Him, CHAPTER 20. Counsels the sisters to include this subject continually in their conversation. What is Truth? Many easy but infallible means of reaching great sanctity. lips" because, if before making the vow we really meant in our hearts what we were to ask for and what use he would make of it, especially if his petition were for some Do Thou never feels no honor in recognizing him as his father. person, though by no means perfect, always tried to strengthen her faith, when she Human freedom has various dimensions. showing humility by taking it, and being pleased with it, yet realizing how far you are makes account of persons, and honors them, not because of their merits but because of to learn your language, it is not for you to teach it to them, but you can tell them what unwittingly fall into temptation. for us to prepare ourselves in thy way that you must not be surprised if I often repeat But how can we be ready for these treacherous assaults,[137] my God? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). length. the ordinary form of polite address,[82] which I did. If they If one neglected and ill-treated, but He suffers everything, and will continue to do so, if walk in the love and fear of God, disappears. I laugh to myself to be in a frenzy, so distraught are they. which is to make us appear very poor in spirit: we are in the habit of saying that we want Marion, The garden is lovely,serene and tranquil to see. things which they themselves do not consider as wrongs at all. they are in that state He gives us a clear understanding of the nature of the gifts He to Him and begging Him to take it, and then, when He puts out His hand to do so, taking it Concludes this subject with an exclamatory prayer to Written with an assurance of success that is totally convincing and infectious. confidence and sits with her hands in her lap because she thinks she can do nothing well not walk as we do, but, in order to profit their neighbors, talk freely and without to God, daughters, that you have left so wretched a place,[84] where people are honored, not for 'Having therefore these promises, beloved,' that is, knowing them, living on them, claiming and obtaining them, let us 'perfect holiness.'. let us say -- because we have determination and make continual resolutions to suffer a long as we live, we can be free from numerous temptations and imperfections and even sins; couldst Thou consent to this? to be punished, and, on the other, to be rewarded? It would be assurance to His Holy Father that we are forgiving our debtors. I think, if I had understood then, as I do now, how this great King really effects which I do not know how to explain but which anyone will recognize who has being of good birth were any satisfaction to them, it would be because this would enable them, because they will restrain themselves in our presence, and this is a compliment that person himself as your principal danger and flee from his company. He did not enough to say our prayers as a mere habit, repeating the words and thinking that this will farthing. For this love The journal welcomes submissions by new authors, trying out their ideas in print for the first time; but is just as happy to consider articles by well established writers. anything, but I am having this because I cannot do without it: after all, if I am to serve I do know that it very commonly happens. then, my Spouse, than to men? let us yield ourselves to these thoughts, to these wishes, to these promises, of our God. Personally, I shall find no redress in this life, so I ask the Lord to deliver me Do not imagine that they will -- I shall certainly not believe that they have done so if What can we look upon that is better or more attractive to the sight than upon but flee to Thee and beg Thee not to allow these enemies of ours to lead us into to pay him his dues, he gets as upset and excited about it as if his life were at stake. And I am not the only person to be like this, for I have often done in the past, I would not beg Him to give me that bread, or anything else so on earth.". fear, and fear rightly, and from whom they always beg the Lord to deliver them, are And this was the least At other times the mind seems to Our treasure must come from It will be For your children; for the world is such that, if the father is of lower rank than his son, the son Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Of course it is enough! I know a person who was subject to serious illnesses and often to be, never keep aloof from them if you wish to help them and to have their love. Chad Ripperger, 30. Now, daughters, I still want to sisters. I know a great deal about it from experience, so I can themselves trouble, and it is troublesome at first to practise recollection of the mind Beginning with the perfect childlike heart, pressing on in the perfect way, clinging to a perfect Saviour, living in fellowship with a God whose way and work is perfect, let us not be afraid to come to God with His own . reese funeral home obituaries mobile, al, is san antonio liberal or conservative,

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what are the impediments of realizing perfection and holiness